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July 08, 2010


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livability gains for years to come


This is great, with the added benefit of being politically expedient, as the bulk of the big job-creating grants (like streetcar construction) went to swing states.

Excellent news! Lots of great, deserving projects in there. Keep it coming.

more transport is a good thing, but im shocked at just how much this is costing. I understand the money has to come from somewhere, and think god for grants like that!

That is great news , and I love that you show a picture of our beloved Portland Streetcar , which I ride regularly. I invite one and all to read an article that I wrote for yesterday's Portland Tribune on the Green / Cost Benefits of a Park - Roof for the proposed Columbia River Crossing Multi - Modal Bridge between Oregon and Washington. Hope you like it Mr. Secretary , and if you get a chance , show it to your boss. {-:


Improving public transportation is another major benefit of the Recovery Act. And street cars are an important means of connecting different parts of a transit system together. Here in Orange County, there is planning for street car line. One would include the cities of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, and Dana Point. While another street car line would include the cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove. We need buses that don't need petrolium products for their fuel and that are accessible, like the SMART Bus, witha low floor that is even to the curb at the bus stop so you can walk on or ride on in your wheelchair without having to climb steps or waiting for a wheelchair ramp to deploy. It would be great for the safety of all fixed route buses if there were funding to implement Recommendation H-10-07 of the NTSB for transit buses as well as tour and charter coaches. H-10-07 was one of 7 recommendations issued yesterday and says "Require that all buses (above 10,000 lbs) gross vehicle weight rating be equipped with on board recording systems that: (1) record vehicle parameters, including, at minimum, lateral acceleration, longitudinal acceleration, vertical acceleration, heading,vehicle speed, engine speed, driver's seatbelt status, braking input, steering input, gear selection, turn signal status (left/right), brake light status (on/off), headtail light status (on/off), passenger door status (open/closed), emergency door status (open/closed), hazard light status (on/off), brake system status (normal/warning); (2) record status of any additional seatbelts, airbag deployment criteria, airbag deployment time, and airbag deployment energy; (3) record data at a sampling rate sufficient to define vehicle dynamics and be capable of preserving data in the event of a vehicle crash or an electrical power loss; and (4) are mounted to the bus body, not the chassis, to ensure recording of the necessary data to define bus body motion." Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

New transit funding is great. It will create a lot of jobs. I'm pretty worried about tax liability in the future though. Lets hope Obama can double our GDP in the next few years like he talked about on the news. If that happens we will be in a LOT better shape. Everybody pray it happens cuz man do we need it!

This is very good news, new opportunity for the community and it helps people at the same time. Two thumps up for this!

That would be a great solution in the state of florida exept our governor opose a 2 billion dollar grant for the federal goverment for a highg speed raild road, now the money and the jobs are going some where else.

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