Consumer Conferences and Events


Latest and Upcoming

November 14, 2012

necag conferenceThe Student Debt Dilemma: History, Implications, and Potential Solutions
The 8th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Conference


April 25, 2012

2012 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
The 22nd annual symposium for consumer professionals.


Prior Events

  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2009
  • 2008
  • 2007
  • 2006 to 2003

2011 Events

November 15, 2011 gears The 7th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Forum
Dodd-Frank Brings New Laws and a New Agency:
Can Financial Institutions Meet the Challenges and Will Consumers Benefit?
May 23-25, 2011 life cycle savingThe Future of Life-Cycle Saving & Investing offsite
In this conference the focus is on financial education and consumer financial protection. By facilitating the dialog among this diverse group of experts about how to improve consumers' financial capability, we hope to encourage the adoption of best practices in the development of new educational programs, financial products, and future public policies.
April 11, 2011

New England Consumer Advisory Group
Consumer Protection Conference Brown Bag Lunch Series

University of Maine at Augusta


March 22, 2011

national concumer protection week2011 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
What, Why, and How We Pay
The 21st annual symposium for consumer professionals


2010 Events

November 9, 2010 image of compass on dollarsThe New Consumer Financial Protection Law: Revolutionary Changes; Revolutionary Challenges
The 6th Annual New England Consumer Advisory Group Forum

March 30, 2010 20th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Conference

2009 Events

March 31, 2009 19th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Conference
What Every Consumer Should Know in 2009

2008 Events

March 25, 2008 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
What Every Consumer Should Know in 2008

2007 Events

March 27, 2007 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
Topics included fraud prevention, dealing with difficult consumers and businesses, and consumer scams.



2003 - 2006 Events


July 25-27, 2006 Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice
Second Annual Research Conference
March 29, 2006 National Consumer Protection Week Conference
The program focuses on the influence of marketing on financial decisions, the influence of marketing on children, alternative vs. conventional mortgages, and ensuring informed decisions.


October 27-28, 2005 Consumer Behavior and Payment Choice: How and Why Do Consumers Choose Their Payment Methods?
This conference will bring together economic researchers and payments system participants to explore what we know and don’t know about how consumers choose among payment methods and about the implications of their decisions for saving, consumption, and portfolio allocation.
April 26, 2005 15th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Conference
Topics included Check 21 vs. electronic check conversion, stored value cards, and phishing and fraud.
April 7-8, 2005 Promises & Pitfalls: As Consumer Finances Multiply, Who Is Being Served and at What Cost? offsite
A conference presented current research on trends and innovations in consumer financial markets, with particular emphasis on low- and moderate-income consumers and on underserved populations. Held in Washington, DC.


February 24, 2004 National Consumer Protection Week 2004 Conference
January 15, 2004 Rhode Island Financial Literacy Conference
Financial literacy can help low income families avoid high cost predatory business practices, prepare for emergencies, and save for major assets including housing, education, a car, or starting a business. Many organizations in Rhode Island and elsewhere are expanding programs and trying new approaches.


February 2003 National Consumer Protection Week 2003 Conference
Topics include The Debit vs Credit Controversy, Check Truncation: New Check Processing Systems, and Innovative & Future Payment Systems.