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Rep. Barletta supports the efforts of our brave men and women overseas. He honors their dedication and sacrifice in defending our country’s freedom and liberty.

In 2011, Rep. Barletta stated he would forego his salary in the event of a government shutdown in support of our troops, who would continue to defend our country without pay.

Rep. Barletta adamantly opposes the sequestration of the Department of Defense. Our nation needs a strong and prepared military. Sequestration would damage our nation’s defense because it would cut defense spending by about $1 trillion between now and 2021 – a 20-percent reduction in Department of Defense funding. These cuts would greatly impact troop levels, troop readiness, equipment procurement, research and development, military construction, and basic military infrastructure, including communications and intelligence.

Cuts like these would also:

  • Reduce our ground forces to the same levels as we had in 1940 – before American involvement in World War II
  • Give the United States its smallest fleet of ships since 1915 – before American involvement in World War I
  • Reduce the air force to the smallest force in its entire history
  • Create the smallest civilian workforce since the Department of Defense was created

Basically, such a move would irreparably harm the national security of the United States of America.

National defense must remain a top priority, and Rep. Barletta is working to make sure our troops and their support systems are funded.

Rep. Barletta voted in support of Department of Defense and Further Continuing Appropriations Act for FY 2011, H.R. 1363, which included a full Defense appropriations bill, providing $515.8 billion for the Department of Defense, including $157.8 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Department of Defense and Further Continuing Appropriations Act for FY 2011 would:

  • Ensure that paychecks continue to go to our military even in the event of a government shutdown through the end of September 2011.
  • Fund operations at military facilities around the country, including Tobyhanna Army Depot, the largest employer in the 11th Congressional District.
  • Ensure that defense contractors, including those in Scranton and other locations in Northeastern Pennsylvania, continue to be paid according to their contracts.

If you would like more information about this issue, please contact our Washington, D.C., office.