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Policies & Reports
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Organizational Chart
(PDF, 1 page)

Federal and Non-Federal Budget Sources
(PDF, 1 page)

10-Year Appropriation History
(PDF, 1 page)
Budget Requests to Congress
Here are the Budget Requests to Congress:
FY 2010     FY 2009     FY 2008     FY 2007     FY 2006     FY 2005     FY 2004

Please direct questions or comments to Kenneth Johnson, email:
A Smithsonian for the Future: Smithsonian Institution Strategic Plan
Fiscal Years 2006 to 2011
This strategic plan will guide the Institution in its efforts to transform itself into a 21st-century organization that lives up to the highest standards of management excellence.

PDF, 24 pages. Click here.
Annual Performance Plan: Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010
Short-term goals and performance objectives focus the Smithsonian’s resources on priorities for major construction projects; securing the funding necessary to address maintenance and revitalization of building; opening new exhibitions and updating others that will have tremendous public impact; improving visitor services; and strengthening stewardship of the national collections.

PDF, 23 pages. Click here.
Management's Discussion and Analysis: Fiscal Year 2008
The Smithsonian Institution’s management and financial controls systems provide reasonable assurance that the Institution’s programs and resources are protected from fraud, waste, and misuse.

PDF, 27 pages. Click here.
Detailed Performance Data Report for Fiscal Year 2008

PDF, 24 pages. Click here.
Financial Statements, with Independent Auditor's Report
FY 2007 PDF, 21 pages. FY 2008 PDF, 22 pages
The President's Management Agenda
President's Management Agenda
Executive Branch Management Scorecard
Office of the Inspector General
A. Sprightley Ryan, Inspector General
The Office of the Inspector General is an independent, objective office within the Smithsonian Institution. The Inspector General reports directly to the Smithsonian Board of Regents and to Congress. Click here.
Office of the Inspector General Response to Congressional Requests,
W. Richard West, Travel and Expense
For the full report, click here. (PDF)

For Secretary Clough’s statement regarding this report, click here. (popup)
Smithsonian Enterprises (formerly Smithsonian Business Ventures) Task Force Report
The Task Force report was issued in January 2008 with recommendations for the revenue-generating activities of the Smithsonian Institution.

PDF, 64 pages. Click here.
Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act
The Smithsonian Institution is committed to the spirit of the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act, and to ensuring that federal funds are used efficiently to carry out our work, whether by employees or contractors. The Office of Management and Budget has requested that we post on our Web site our annual reports to Congress in relation to the Act.

Here are some of the FAIR Act Reports: FY 2005 (PDF, 2 pages)  FY 2004 (PDF, 1 page)
Information Technology
SITP Strategic Overview, PDF, 34 pages. Click here.
Smithsonian Information Technology Plan (SITP), PDF, 385 pages. Click here.

Exhibit 300 Business Cases, PDFs, 12-51 pages each:
- ArtCIS
- Enterprise Resource Planning System
- Enterprise Digital Asset Network
- Facility Management System
- Identity Management System
- Managed IT Infrastructure
- SAO Scientific Computing
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