Thursday, February 4, 2010

TSA Haiti Evacuation Effort: A Federal Security Director's Perspective

TSA has been lending a helpful hand in the evacuation efforts in Haiti. Our Office of Global Strategies (OGS) deployed a go team to Haiti to help support DHS with the evacuation. OGS also sent a go team to Santo Domingo to assist with departing U.S. evacuees. Also, TSA Team Sanford (SFB) transitioned to a 24 hour operation to accommodate the incoming evacuees.

John Daly is the Federal Security Director (FSD) for the Sanford International Airport (SFB). SFB is a hub for the Haiti evacuation efforts and we asked if he’d like to be a guest blogger and tell us a little about the operation. ~ Blogger Bob

The month of January is normally a time for TSA employees at Orlando/Sanford International Airport (SFB) to get caught up on training and to take some needed time off. The first month of 2010 has proven to be a very different experience. SFB has served as a hub of the Haiti evacuation efforts in Central Florida, turning an airport that normally shuts down security operations at around 8 p.m. into an airport that has been running 24/7 operations since January 16th. In fact, more than 50% of the Haiti evacuees have entered the U.S. in Sanford, FL. The most challenging part has been the nature of the flight arrivals. At times, multiple flights would arrive nearly simultaneously at SFB and then there were long periods of waiting for the next flights. Spikes of activity followed by periods of calm…

Initially augmented by employees from Orlando International Airport (MCO), SFB and MCO TSA employees provided additional layers of security throughout the airport in support of the humanitarian relief efforts. Transportation Security Officers provided security around the C-17 military aircraft as Haiti evacuees deplaned and walked the 150 yards to the CBP Federal Inspection Station (FIS), often stepping in on their own initiative to assist persons with disability, help families with small children or to lend a hand to weary people who just needed a caring arm to hold onto as they walked. Six TSA Creole speakers from MCO helped CBP efficiently process the evacuees through customs and immigration procedures.

All of the evacuees were processed by CBP at the Federal Inspection Station, followed by the American Red Cross and FL Dept of Children and Families (DCF) in part of the “sterile area“ of the airport that was sectioned off specifically for this mission. TSOs secured the perimeter of that area for security purposes. After processing, most evacuees were bused from Sanford to Orlando International Airport to catch connecting flights to other parts of the country where they would be met by friends or family. Our folks demonstrated innovation in helping the airport authority develop and build a wooden baggage chute to expedite the moving of personal bags from the airport terminal down to the buses. TSA employees screened the buses for any security issues on the tarmac and helped the evacuees board the buses with the few belongings they could carry. You could see the relief in the faces of the evacuees as they began to feel comfortable knowing that they would be with friends or family soon.

Watching the operation unfold from the beginning, I was impressed with the tremendous coordination and support provided by all of the players involved at the local, state and Federal level. Sanford Airport Authority, Seminole County first responders /emergency managers, TSA, CBP, USAF, FL Dept of Children and Families, American Red Cross and many other agencies quickly pulled together to create one of the most effective Emergency Operations Centers I’ve ever observed in my 24+ year career in public service and incident management. The quick sharing of information, tremendous teamwork and seamless interoperability was great to see and has clearly been critical to the success of the entire operation.

As the operation grew, TSA personnel from Tampa International Airport (TPA) deployed to MCO/SFB to provide much needed support by augmenting our MCO/SFB teams. Their weeklong commitment to assist proved critical to our success. Keep in mind that normal operations at SFB continued each day, with inbound and outbound commercial flights, in addition to the humanitarian relief efforts. Upon arrival of a 40-person team from the TSA National Deployment Force (NDF), the TPA folks headed back to their home airport. The NDF has helped us keep the operation running without skipping a beat. As the flow of evacuees begins to dwindle at Sanford, we will begin releasing the NDF resources.

Other locations in Florida and other states have begun receiving evacuees. We will start scaling back to normal operations at MCO/SFB soon. As I reflect back on the last 2-3 weeks, I swell with pride knowing that our TSA workforce had such a positive impact in this humanitarian effort. Our folks have demonstrated tremendous professionalism in maintaining security while at the same time showing heartfelt compassion for those in need. The stamina of our team was impressive. It has truly been an honor and privilege for those of us at TSA Team Orlando to be part of such a significant event. I’m proud to say that our TSA team and all of those involved in the Haiti relief efforts at Sanford clearly demonstrated tremendous leadership and upheld our TSA core values of Integrity, Innovation and Team Spirit.

John Daly, Federal Security Director (SFB)

Guest TSA Blogger


Chris Boyce said...

How about justiying why relief flights flew back to the CONUS empty because you couldn't screen refugees?

TSOWilliamReed said...

Good job guys keep up the good work.

Ayn R. Key said...

The scandals and embarrassments are coming much too quickly these days for you to bury them with a puppy post.

Mike E said...

Credit where credit is due. Good job on this one.

That said, the rest of your domestic program is nothing but security theater prompted by politicians terrified of being labeled "soft on terrorism" and fueled by hysterical soccer moms convinced that brown people are more of a threat than lightning or their own inability to drive a car and talk on the cell phone at the same time.

Ayn R. Key said...

U.S. Marshal Imposter Allegedly Deports I.E. Woman

How did he get his gun past the TSA check point? Didn't the check his credentials?

Anonymous said...

Finally! About time you found something positive to post. I'm tired of reading gossip.

GSOLTSO said...

To those helping out in the Haitian Relief efforts, thank you. To those that have been there and helped, thank you for placing yourself at risk to assist others in getting to safety. Great job gang, you deserve a hand!

TSA Blog Team

HappyToHelp said...

A big thanks to all who have helped with the Haiti relief effort. You honor us all.

TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

The scandals and embarrassments are coming much too quickly these days for you to bury them with a puppy post.


We need to know that TSA will actually do something to fix it's problems, not cover over the story with people helping with flights from Haiti.

Anonymous said...

Were any of the TSOs involved with this convicted felons like the guy in Richmond?

Anonymous said...

Bravo on this one! Anyone that can and is lending a helping hand to the people of Haiti is a hero.

Anyone that bashes you on this one is blinded by their dislike of TSA to see that this one is all good.

Sandra said...

Bob, let's get back to the real issues:

Perverts and felons

and not deflect.

Chris Boyce said...

To clarify my post of Feb 4, 2010, at 5:25 pm, here is source material from USA Today, dated Jan 19, 2010. The title of the article is: "Despite demand, U.S. carriers flying empty planes out of Haiti"

Despite the demand from stranded travelers scrambling to leave Haiti, most planes operated by American, Spirit and other U.S. carriers are flying out of the country with no passengers on board. Even though airlines are flying supply-laden relief flights into the country, The Miami Herald reports they're not able to accept most passengers departing Haiti because of rules imposed by U.S. authorities.

The Herald writes the U.S. has "banned commercial air travel from the Port-au-Prince airport, citing the airport's inability to clear passengers for flights. That screening includes putting passengers through metal detectors and checking them against federal terrorist-watch lists."

Does this also make you "swell with pride," Mr. Daly???

Trollkiller said...

I will get the snark out of the way early. Is it Friday already?

Scraping off the PR crud of "providing security blah blah blah" the real story her is there were some TSOs that gave of themselves in an attempt to help people. Good on them.

For every TSO that helped with the proper heart motive, may God bless you for blessing others.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the refugees are getting shaken down by these TSA employees?

Anonymous said...

Dear Bob,

why not focus on where the TSA's mandate is? To keep us all safe? Remember?

And how is 'keeping us safe' that the very screeners you want to see pictures of our children naked are the ones who get arrested for the posession of child porn?

I thought that the TSO arrested for forcing a teenager to be his 'sex sclave' is a horrible but one-off TSA catastrophe. Now only a few days after there is the next case.

What does the TSA do to keep us and our children safe from these kinds of predators? How can you justify to introduce expensive and ineffective WBIs to watch all of us naked if your work force is the way it is right now?

NoClu said...

Thanks for helping

Gunner said...

How many of the people you sent to Haiti were once convicted felons?

Did you advise the government of Haiti that you were sending convicted felons?

Anonymous said...

"Terrorists Evolve. Threats Evolve. Security Must Stay Ahead. You Play A Part."

That's at the top of your blog.

This puppy post has nothing to do with the topic of this blog and this should have been in the press releases area or somewhere else.

In the meanwhile, you can go to the post before this one and answer some of our actual questions.

If, by your admission, background checks don't predict the future, and there is documentation that felons are working for the TSA, why are TSOs not screened when they arrive to work? Why aren't they subjected to the same rules as pax? Shoes, liquids, nude-o-scope.

FriendlySkies said...

Another puppy post, Bob? How about you talk about the screener at LAX accused of processing Child Porn!

Anonymous said...

What about the flights that returned to the USA empty because DHS/TSA demanded that evacuees be screened?

Were evacuees subject to the shoe carnival, war on water, BDOs, drug searches, cash searches, and other pointless TSA screening, or were they given expedited screening just for weapons, explosives, and incendiaries (which is all TSA should be doing anyway)?

DHS/TSA needs to wake up and realize that there are times and situations where TSA's screening should just be skipped. (And yes, I mean skipped.) The chances of a terrorist with US citizenship or residency documents counting on an earthquake in Haiti to trigger a mass evacuation that would allow him to carry out his plot is smaller then the chance that 4 oz of toothpaste is a threat to an aircraft. I'm not saying unscreened pax should be released into the sterile area of MIA when they get back to the states, but some common sense should have been applied to make it easier for Americans and US residents to get out of Haiti and avoid the absurdity of sending passsenger planes back to the US empty.

Anonymous said...

There were stories in the press that commercial airplanes came back empty from Haiti in the early days because there was no way to screen passengers. Do you really think leaving them there made them safer??

Lets be realistic and admit that confiscating water bottles of people leaving the country is no help at all, and particularly inadequate under such dire circumstances.

mikeef said...

Wow, couldn't bump that MCO officer down fast enough, could you? Don't break an arm patting yourselves on the back.

All in all, great post by the OP!

Rosemary Blair said...

TSOWilliamReed said..
Good Job guys keep up the good work.
I agree :)
They are doing their Job as I do.
Being in the EMS field and helping police and fire members Is not easy.
If your not in the field of Emergency services you have no clue.
Anything can go right but somethings go wrong.
"We are the link for those who need help"
Our Link is of many agencies from A to Z.
Your part of this link.
We care for you guys very much so.

Anonymous said...

Ayn R. Key said...
U.S. Marshal Imposter Allegedly Deports I.E. Woman

How did he get his gun past the TSA check point? Didn't the check his credentials?

On January 15, Hemet Police said Gregory R. Denny, 37, allegedly went to a home on the 1200 block of Stepstone Court and took a woman into custody.
Denny was reported to be wearing clothes with a federal logo on it and a badge around his neck and apparent handgun at the time of the incident.
This article does not say anything about him taking a gun into the airport. It says that while he went to the womens home and took her into custody he had a gun. So I am asuming, he did not have it at the airport. Now if he is not carrying and he has a boarding pass he would go through security just like everyone else. Even if he has this "prisoner" in custody, she would have just gotten a pat down to get through since her hand cuffs would have alarmed. And if he was not armed he would have just walked through the metal detector and been on his way like any other traveler.
Blame blame blame. It's all you people do.

Anonymous said...

What does the TSA do to keep us and our children safe from these kinds of predators? How can you justify to introduce expensive and ineffective WBIs to watch all of us naked if your work force is the way it is right now?

What does this even mean?! One guy got in trouble. The whole work force is not a bunch of predators. Get a life people! Seriously. None of you realize how stupid you sound even after reading each others posts???

Anonymous said...

How many of the people you sent to Haiti were once convicted felons?

Did you advise the government of Haiti that you were sending convicted felons?


who WENT to Haiti? This post was about Haitians coming to the USA....

Anonymous said...

Good for those that contribute. Perhaps you can have a post about all of us travelers that do good stuff, too, despite the hassles that the TSA throws up.

What I really want to know is *if* you were so willing to help, why couldn't you work out a system so that passenger planes didn't have to return to the states empty. Seems that WOULD have been a bigger story, and one very much worth crowing about.

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job"

Randy said...

The cynic in me wonders just how much overtime pay (including at the home airports of those deployed) and per diem was spent on this mission. It was for a good and necessary reason, but...

TSO-Joe said...

I posted this elsewhere, but here it is again:

I'm part of the TSA's National Deployment Force. Currnetly, 40 Officers are deployed to SFB to assist with the incoming C17 flights from Haiti, bring US Citizens and Hatia forgein nationals with passports to the US.

When the huge C17 lands, it's backdoor opens. Personel from US Cutoms, Ice, and CBP go in and assess the flight. Then the people who were evacted from Haiti walk out on the tarmack and head for the doors to Customs. We, the TSO's, assist these people, sometimes with wheelchairs, sometimes by holding their kids hands, sometimes with their luggage, into the Customs area. If any need medical attention, EMT's are standing by. Once processed, they will head to the Red Cross relief center where they can get food, water, blankets, and other items. The Red Cross will get arrange to get these people home (by bus, cab, air). When they are ready, the TSO's help them onto buses which will bring them to MCO for their final rides.

When we arrived, we replaced TSO's from MCO. We started with 12 hour, overnight shifts, but have since started 8 hour shifts. Some of us even had shots for various stuff in anticipation of going to Haiti, but those plans were halted with only a few sore arms to show for it.

When there people come off the huge C17, they are tired and weary. What stikes me is that 90% of them have NOTHING with them! The hardest flights are the orphan flights. These kids are cold, scared, and tired. One child, though, came off the flight with a wide smile for everyone. I will not forget him. Another TSO told me that when she assisted a family onto the bus the young daughter said thank you. The mother came back and told her that her daughter had not spoken since the earthquake until she had been helped by the TSO.

This effort is 24/7, as we're never sure when the flights will arrive. we have orders to stay until 2/9.

Stephanie said...

Good Job TSA.... I am amazed at how ignorant some poeople really are! If you board a plane, you should be subject to be screeened. If TSA employees are not boarding a plane... why would anyone in their right mind suggest they be screened just like us. it's too bad... we need a tragedy to happen before we remember why they are there in the first place.

Ayn R. Key said...

So, let's round up the current top stories:

TSA screnner plants drugs to find as part of a "training exercise" practical joke.

TSA staffer in Orlando has a criminal record of "lewd and lascivious conduct".

TSA screnner at LAX is arrested on child porn charges.

TSA at LAX allow an armed man through the checkpoint because he claimed to be an Federal Marshall and had a fake uniform and fake badge, while escorting a "prisoner".

Which of these do you want to talk about, Bob?

Ava White said...

Keep up the good work and it is lovely to get to see behind the scenes of the rescue effort. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Care to comment on this, Bob (from TS/S):

"I have had TSA people tell me a nude scope is a "puffer" and try to manipulate me on the issue."

or this:

"Because TSA wants to know why people don't want to go through them. Voice your opinion. I've had lots of funny comments as to why people don't want to go through and a lot of just confused people who just don't understand what it is."

These statements indicate that, contrary to the propaganda the TSA has been spreading, people are objecting to WBI, don't know what it is, are lied to about what it is and the acceptance rate if far, far from what you are loudly proclaiming it is.

Ernie said...

How about the fact that the scanners quite obviously can save, print and store the images:

Anonymous said...

"If TSA employees are not boarding a plane... why would anyone in their right mind suggest they be screened just like us."

If unscreened TSA baggage handlers can enter the sterile area, they can bring dangerous items through and give them to terrorists. But if you took naked pictures of TSA employees as they entered the sterile area, they couldn't do that!

Anonymous said...

Ernie said...
How about the fact that the scanners quite obviously can save, print and store the images:


I have to point out 2 things here.

1) The incident was in the UK. I think they use different machines than the TSA.
2) The photos could have been screen captures from someone's cell phone vice actual prints from the scanner.

That said, its still a bad situation. Circulating photos of people in the scanners is wrong and should'nt be tolerated.

How long until a TSA worker brings his cell phone into the booth and takes pictures?

RB said...

Stephanie said...
Good Job TSA.... I am amazed at how ignorant some poeople really are! If you board a plane, you should be subject to be screeened. If TSA employees are not boarding a plane... why would anyone in their right mind suggest they be screened just like us. it's too bad... we need a tragedy to happen before we remember why they are there in the first place.

February 6, 2010 8:53 AM
Because TSA employees have access to the sterile area and can introduce contraband at will.

Once an item of contraband is in the secure area it can be handed off to a person boarding a plane.

And it's not just TSA employees not being screened it's the hundreds of airport workers that can enter without screening.

In simple terms it's like locking the front door to your house but leaving the rear door standing open.

Anonymous said...

If the claims were true about Kahn's image being leaked, would it not be on the internet? I just looked and found not one thing. Something smells here and it is not the technolgy.

Anonymous said...

If the claims were true about Kahn's image being leaked, would it not be on the internet? I just looked and found not one thing. Something smells here and it is not the technolgy.


I agree, something doesn't quite make sense here.

But we all know it is just a matter of time before one of these pictures leaks out anyway. WHEN and not IF. It WILL happen sooner or later.

Robert Johnson said...

Quote from Anonymous: "What does this even mean?! One guy got in trouble. The whole work force is not a bunch of predators. Get a life people! Seriously. None of you realize how stupid you sound even after reading each others posts???"

Yeah, Anon, and one person only ever tried to bomb a plane with shoes, while just about everyone getting on a plane isn't. By TSA's logic, since one person is a sex offender, all of TSA should be treated as such. Don't like it? Like TSA says, too bad.

TSA implements "security" based on one incident and uses that as justification. Considering that there have been multiple sex offenders busted by TSA over the years, we can see there are more sex offenders than terrorist out there, some of which work for TSA.

You can't tell me with a straight face that we should ignore a sex offender because it's a one off yet justify the entire shoe carnival because of one person. To do so is intellectually dishonest and bankrupt.

So before you go calling people stupid, please check your argument to make sure yours isn't stupid.


AMH in Missouri said...

Those who are working in Haiti must be commended for offering their time and energy. We are still the most philanthropic nation in the world.

Anonymous said...

Why are you publishing a stupid fluff piece instead of addressing the Orlando gay and minority bashing by your Federal Law Enforcement Officers?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: Regarding Shahrukh Kahn, see

But TSA won't take any responsibility for other country's officers acting under their direction, so don't expect a response.

Anonymous said...

TSA told airport to issue badge to convicted robber

Some details on this incident would be welcome.

Anonymous said...

Wake up, America -- the TSA isn't getting any 'friendlier' and these screeners keep feeling the power trip coming day after day...

TSA - care to explain away more continued abuse from your screeners? Why was the tape destroyed despite the requests to keep it? Why did the TSA screener bristle at the suggestion he/she wear gloves?

Anonymous said...

Before you break an arm patting yourself on the back, a strip club is helping fund the recovery as well.

Anonymous said...

So body scan images can't be saved or printed huh?

TSA has a hell of a lot of nerve. Over and over again we've seen that TSA's communications to the public get exposed as lies, and nary an apology to be found.

What else are you lying to us about?

TSM, Been... said...

Why does the site post a link to a site banned by TSA computers?:

" Ernie said...
How about the fact that the scanners quite obviously can save, print and store the images:

February 9, 2010 11:43 AM"

flyer1 said...

RB tsa does not run the security for the airport, the airport authority is responsible for the security for the actualy airport,they hire a police department,also they conduct the background checks for workers(who are then granted a security badge) this badge enables them to use security access doors into the steril area,TSA does not grant access to these people it is the airport. TSA does conduct random inspections of workers coming through the security doors, but obvisouly it is not enough, but the blame is with the airport authroity, tsa has absolutly no say on who is allowed through a security door

Anonymous said...

From a screener at TS/S:

"WTMD will be removed. I've said it on here before, but there really is no battle/fight going on as to whether or not we should deploy wbi's at our nations airport; that has already been decided, and the fight, if there ever was one, is over. Sure, there are a few on congress who do not want them, and they speak out, but oh well. Dec 25th sort of sealed the deal. Expect wbi's to be at all cat X airports by the end of 2011, and most if not all cat 1, - and scattered through out the smaller airports too - and they will be the primary screening method. And from what I've heard, no choice - you either do it or don't fly."

This in spite of what your leader told Congress a year or so ago, that WBI is optional and that passengers can choose WTMD instead. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Bob, TSA has been lying to the public about the deployment of WBI for years. Why won't you just admit it?

RB said...

flyer1 said...
RB tsa does not run the security for the airport, the airport authority is responsible for the security for the actualy airport,they hire a police department,also they conduct the background checks for workers(who are then granted a security badge) this badge enables them to use security access doors into the steril area,TSA does not grant access to these people it is the airport. TSA does conduct random inspections of workers coming through the security doors, but obvisouly it is not enough, but the blame is with the airport authroity, tsa has absolutly no say on who is allowed through a security door

February 10, 2010 12:01 PM

TSA is charged by the United States Congress to control access to the sterile area of airports.

If TSA is not requiring airport workers or government employees to submit to 100% screening then TSA is the one to hold accountable.

And as reported in another story TSA strong armed an airport into giving a known felon and TSA employee a SIDA badge so that person has access to the sterile area.

Colyn TSO said...

I would just like to add that TSO's from Tampa International Airport (TPA) have been sending relief teams to MCO to boost the workforce in that region. This whole thing has been a great group effort and more TSO's have been volunteering. Whenever issues like these arrise, TSO's are always at the ready and willing to assist.

Ranger11 said...

Accountability is a two way street. The Regulations put the accountability on the airport, not on TSA when it comes to access to the secured area.

49 CFR 1540.201

a)Each airport operator must establish at least one secured area.
b)Each airport operator required to establish a secured area must prevent and detect the unauthorized entry, presence, and movement of individuals and ground vehicles into and within the secured area by doing the following:
1)Establish and carry out measures for controlling entry to the secured areas of the airport in accordance with 1542.207
2)Provide for detection of, and response to, each unauthorized presence or movement in, or attempted entry to, the secured area by an individual whose access is not authorized in accordance with the security program

The ASC (Airport security Coordinator) who is employed by the airport, is the direct contact for any violations as they pertain to the unauthorized access to the secured area on the airport property by means of an unmanned access door, a vehicle gate, an automated access door, or a manned access door.

Ultimately, the airport is responsible for the airport security and all persons who have access to the secured area to include TSA personnel.

When there is an unauthorized access to an area, unless there is an exclusive area agreement with the tennant of that area, the airport is resposible for that unauthorized access.

Hope that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said.....

From a screener at TS/S:

"WTMD will be removed. I've said it on here before, but there really is no battle/fight going on as to whether or not we should deploy wbi's at our nations airport; that has already been decided, and the fight, if there ever was one, is over. Sure, there are a few on congress who do not want them, and they speak out, but oh well. Dec 25th sort of sealed the deal. Expect wbi's to be at all cat X airports by the end of 2011, and most if not all cat 1, - and scattered through out the smaller airports too - and they will be the primary screening method. And from what I've heard, no choice - you either do it or don't fly."

This in spite of what your leader told Congress a year or so ago, that WBI is optional and that passengers can choose WTMD instead. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Bob, TSA has been lying to the public about the deployment of WBI for years. Why won't you just admit it?

February 10, 2010 2:51 PM


Nice how you twist what was written. Didn't you notice the part that Dec. 25th changed things?

And then you commen on what was said over a year ago., and make the claim this proves TSA lied. You really should read again.

It is always easy to argue when you twist words.

Anonymous said...

"Didn't you notice the part that Dec. 25th changed things?"

So now it's 12/25 changed everything; here I thought it was 9/11. Make up your mind.

Massive deployment of WBI was planned long before 12/15. Care to try again?

RB said...

RE: Ranger11 said...
Accountability is a two way street. The Regulations put the accountability on the airport, not on TSA when it comes to access to the secured area.

49 CFR 1540.201

a)Each airport operator must establish at least one secured area.
Let me draw your attention to this section of the reg you posted. And don't miss the part (5) where TSA approves the plan.

That makes TSA responsible mate!

§ 1542.101 General requirements.
(a) No person may operate an airport subject to §1542.103 unless it adopts and carries out a security program that—

(1) Provides for the safety and security of persons and property on an aircraft operating in air transportation or intrastate air transportation against an act of criminal violence, aircraft piracy, and the introduction of an unauthorized weapon, explosive, or incendiary onto an aircraft;

(2) Is in writing and is signed by the airport operator;

(3) Includes the applicable items listed in §1542.103;

(4) Includes an index organized in the same subject area sequence as §1542.103; and

(5) Has been approved by TSA.

Randy said...

Colyn TSO said...
I would just like to add that TSO's from Tampa International Airport (TPA) have been sending relief teams to MCO to boost the workforce in that region. This whole thing has been a great group effort and more TSO's have been volunteering. Whenever issues like these arrise, TSO's are always at the ready and willing to assist.

Please define "volunteering."

On or off the clock? Being paid mileage for the trip from TPA to MCO?

Anonymous said...

Bob, if you are going to delete my posts, please update the delete-o-meter. It's already happened several times and that number hasn't moved.

Anonymous said...

To Whom it may concern,Since most of you were not there I guess I can be the expert.The Haiti refugees were a very gracious and thankful people.Anything we did for them was met with a smile and a thankyou.A girl of around 10 years old exclaimed that she loved it here.Not because we helped her with her flight or carried her luggage but because she explained that she was looking for food for 5 days and found none.After arriving here the first thing she was given was a sandwich and a small bag of food.She explained how she could not believe her eyes to see that we gave them more than she needed so she could take it with her on the next part of her trip.Sometimes all it takes is for someone like this to put life in perspective.To make you think about all you have.So to all the people who think they know, they dont.Instead of knocking people down try using that same effort to raise someone up.Its amazing what this can do for the person your helping and for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting to say the least how when such a positive act that the TSA organization has done in helping with the relief efforts of the Haitian citizens could be short sided by comments that aren't pertaining to this topic. GREAT JOB Guys.

And yes there are negative things within this organization as I am sure there are in any organization this large. If we were to scrutinize a company on the misgivings of a few we all would be found guilty. Let's focus on the positive please.

I am not a TSA employee so I don't know all the ins and outs . But I do know that when you continue to do positive things as a group it has a trickle down effect. So keep up the great work.

Greg said...

“1542.101 General requirements.a.5. Has been approved by TSA”

-Has been approved by TSA- is NOT the same as –is controlled by TSA-
Nice try but the airports are responsible for controlling their access doors. TSA just tells them how they should do it.

RB said...

Greg said...
“1542.101 General requirements.a.5. Has been approved by TSA”

-Has been approved by TSA- is NOT the same as –is controlled by TSA-
Nice try but the airports are responsible for controlling their access doors. TSA just tells them how they should do it.

February 16, 2010 5:12 PM

Yes, TSA tells the airports how they should do it.

If security was the goal then TSA would insist that everyone entering the sterile area was screened.

TSA does not insist, the sterile area is anything but sterile.

You have proved my point!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

""Didn't you notice the part that Dec. 25th changed things?"

So now it's 12/25 changed everything; here I thought it was 9/11. Make up your mind.

Massive deployment of WBI was planned long before 12/15. Care to try again?"


Sure I will try again - I have never said 9/11 changed everything.

Please don't resort to putting words into someones mouth, its basically the same thing as lying. But if thats the only way you can discuss things....

Anonymous said...

You people are really amazing. I've never seen as much ignorance and hate before like I have seen on this blog. For people to sit up and say the types of rude things that you all are saying about the employees of TSA is disgusting. None of you have any idea what it is like to perform the job of a screener. Spend a day in the shoes of a TSA screener and see what they have to go through with people like you and I guarantee you would be singing a new song. It's so easy to point out the problems, but I don't see anyone trying to suggest any logical solutions. Any issues that you have with the screening process should not be blamed on the screeners because they are just doing what they were told to do. You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves and wonder how would you feel if you were treated the way these screeners are treated everyday. Yes they make mistakes but they are human and they do the best they can to make sure that EVERY SINGLE PERSON that boards a flight is safe. And as far as the thing with the screeners that have been found out to be child predators it is sad but you cannot blame the agency for that and to try to do so is STUPID. Sometimes people slip through the cracks and this can be said for police officers, teachers, priests, etc. TSA keep doing what you're doing and know that even though most of the feedback you recieve is negative that you are appreciated for the work that you do.

Al Ames said...


Productive suggestions have been made on this board. Many times. Just because you don't see them in a particular thread doesn't mean they're not being made. If there's a way to search the blog, please do so. You'll see. Largely, TSA has ignored valid suggestions.

Trollkiller suggested a strapping machine that once a bag was checked, it would be strapped to "seal" the bag. This was intended to prevent theft, and also to prevent the introduction of contraband or IEDs into a bag. It was even shown that it was low cost. TSA ignored it - didn't even acknowledge it. That's just one example.

As to how we treat the TSA, as TSA folks say, if they don't like it, don't work for them! The public is abused by TSA every day. Many screeners power trip on passengers, are often rude, confiscate permitted items, give retaliatory secondaries, say "Do you want to fly today" when questioned on a bad call, and so forth. I think the public is well within its right to be upset. Generally, if screeners are polite, people will be nice or at the very least, indifferent. If you treat the public badly, expect to be treated badly.

A lot of valid questions are asked on here and ignored. Or given nonanswer answers so TSA can claim that they're answered but in fact aren't. A lot of the frustration here is that TSA is NOT fostering the dialog it claims to want to promote on this blog. Rather, it's become a propaganda organ.

I think it's absolutely within the public's right to demand accountability and results from TSA. We're giving them billions of dollars every year and we have security that is no better than the private contractors they replaced. We just have a lot more cost and a lot more hassle. We're not getting what we paid for.

Show me that this stuff actually makes me safer. Show me that every invasion that they're making isn't just for show and is even legal.

TSA can't paint itself as infallible and at the same time expect us to excuse mistakes. You can't have it both ways.

If we're ignorant, please enlighten us. I didn't see any suggestions for improvement or anything but a rant on your part. If you're going to rant about people ranting, say something productive.


Jim Huggins said...

Anonymous writes:

It's so easy to point out the problems, but I don't see anyone trying to suggest any logical solutions.

Many posters here, including myself, have posted numerous logical solutions. Most of the suggestions are either ignored or dismissed out-of-hand as "ignorant".

We've tried to be a "partner in the screening process", as TSA tells us we should be. Except that most of the time, TSA wants us to be a silent partner.

GSOLTSO said...

To the Anon that thanked us -

Thank you for your kind words, they are certainly nice to hear and we hope we can help you the next time you fly!

TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

" I've never seen as much ignorance and hate before like I have seen on this blog."

Don't get out much on the internetz then. Do you?

Mike Greenborough said...

I think these men and women did a tremendous job, certainly deserving of a medal, in my opnion.

jmb said...

I am so proud of the TSA and our country for all the humanitarian work they do all around the world. I just wish they and this country would more global recognition for our efforts.

Emo Boy said...

so many mixed feelings about the TSA posted in comments here. good article still tho!

hipster girl said...

glad to see the gossip is going away. great post :)