
The Consumer Payment Research Center (CPRC) seeks to contribute to the development of sound and effective public policy in the area of payment systems that helps maximize the overall welfare of all members of the economy.

Latest News

Montgomery Testifies Before Senate Committee
First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ken Montgomery testified before the Senate Banking Committee on the regulatory framework surrounding mobile payments. In his testimony, he cited joint work between Reserve Banks of Boston and Atlanta, which included Marianne Crowe, Vice President, Payment Strategies Group and CPRC Payments Liaison.

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Latest Research

Measuring Household Spending and Payment Habits: The Role of "Typical" and "Specific" Time Frames in Survey Questions
by Marco Angrisani, Arie Kapteyn, and Scott Schuh
We designed and fielded an experimental module in the American Life Panel (ALP) where we ask individuals to report the number of their purchases and the amount paid by debit cards, cash, credit cards, and personal checks. We show that the type—specific or typical—and length of recall periods greatly influence household reporting behavior.
Working Paper 12-7

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Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC) Updates

2009: The 2009 SCPC data files have been released. Click here to learn more and download the data. The full results of the 2009 SCPC are also available, which have been released as Public Policy Discussion Paper No. 11-1. The results are shown in 32 tables that compare and contrast consumers’ adoption and use of nine instruments encompassing paper, card, and online payment methods.

2011: The 2011 SCPC is currently being administered to respondents across the country. This year a pilot of a consumer payment diary designed by the CPRC was conducted. Details will be released soon. Sign up for the CPRC newsletter to receive the latest updates.

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Latest Presentations

Consumer Payment Choice: A Central Bank Perspective pdf
Presented by Scott Schuh, Director and Economist, Consumer Payments Research Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, at the 2012 Litle Client Conference, Boston, MA, June 6, 2012

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