LSC Announces Three Additions To Senior Management Team

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

May 4, 2005


President Barnett announces hiring of VP for Programs and Compliance, Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Governmental Relations & Public Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C.--The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is today announcing three new appointments which complete the Corporation's senior management team.

Karen Sarjeant will become Vice President for Programs and Compliance. Sarjeant held the position of Vice President for Programs at LSC in 1998 and 1999 under President John McKay. For the last several years, she has been a consultant conducting program evaluations of LSC funded and non-LSC funded programs, management reviews, and regional integration assessments at the request of IOLTA funders, state bars, and other consultants involved in peer reviews. Sarjeant has 30 years combined experience at LSC and with programs that directly deliver legal assistance to the poor. She will officially join the Corporation on June 6, 2005.

Charles Jeffress has been named Chief Administrative Officer. Jeffress' career spans 30 years in the public and private sectors, including service as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health and Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board. In each of these organizations, he has overseen human resources, financial functions, information technology, and administrative services. Jeffress will officially join the LSC staff on May 9, 2005.

Tom Polgar has been named Director for Government Relations and Public Affairs. Polgar spent twelve years working in the Senate for Senator Warren Rudman (R-NH), nine as his Legislative Director. He has also worked as a senior government relations executive for two private corporations. Polgar has filled the position on a temporary basis since January 18 and has demonstrated that he has the experience and professional skills necessary to manage government relations and public affairs for LSC.

LSC President Helaine M. Barnett says, "Karen Sarjeant, Charles Jeffress, and Tom Polgar are individuals with exceptional credentials, significant management experience, demonstrated professionalism and integrity, and unquestioned commitment to LSC and the cause of equal access to justice. All three will, in my opinion, bring good judgment, a wealth of relevant experience, and a unique perspective to the issues we deal with as the senior management of LSC."

Pursuant to the LSC Act and the Corporation's Bylaws, Sarjeant and Jeffress were, as officers of the Corporation, appointed by the Board of Directors. Polgar was appointed by Barnett after consultation with the Board.