Financial Industry Studies


  • Bio
  • Curriculum Vitae

Kenneth J. Robinson

Assistant Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Ken RobinsonKen Robinson joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in August 1986 as an economist in the Research Department, specializing in macroeconomics as well as money and banking. He joined the Financial Industry Studies Department in February 1989. He was promoted to senior economist in March 1990, senior economist and policy advisor in March 1993, research officer in January 2008 and assistant vice president in April 2012

Robinson holds a BS degree from the University of New Orleans, an MS degree from Louisiana State University and a PhD from Ohio State University. His current research focuses on how financial structure, monetary policy and economic activity affect U. S. financial markets. Robinson is a member of the American Economic Association. He has published articles in several academic journals, including the Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Financial Services Research, and Journal of Macroeconomics, as well as in Dallas Fed publications.

Kenneth J. Robinson

Assistant Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


  • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
    • Assistant Vice President, Financial Industry Studies Department, 2012–present
    • Research Officer, Financial Industry Studies Department, 2008–2012
    • Senior Economist and Policy Advisor, Financial Industry Studies Department, March 1993–2007
    • Senior Economist, Financial Industry Studies Department, March 1990–March 1993
    • Economist, Financial Industry Studies Department, February 1989–March 1990
    • Economist, Research Department, August 1986–February 1989
  • Ohio State University
    • Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Economics, September 1982–June 1986
  • Louisiana State University
    • Instructor, Department of Economics, June 1979–May 1981


  • BS in economics, University of New Orleans, May 1977
  • MS in economics, Louisiana State University, May 1979
  • PhD in economics, Ohio State University, August 1986

Articles in Academic Journals

  • “Financial Sector Weakness and the M2 Velocity Puzzle,” with Cara Lown and Stavros Peristiani, Economic Inquiry, October 2006.
  • “The Impact of Banks’ Expanded Securities Powers on Small-Business Lending,” with David P. Ely, Review of Financial Economics, Special Issue 2004.
  • “The Wealth Effects of a Subordinated Debt Policy: Evidence from Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,” with Andrew H. Chen and Thomas F. Siems, Review of Financial Economics, Special Issue 2004.
  • “Is the Community Reinvestment Act in Need of Further Reform? Evidence from Equity Markets During the 1995 Reform Process,” with David P. Ely, Journal of Financial Services Research, February 2003.
  • “Increasing Market Discipline on Banks: Subordinated Debt and Bank Loan Sales,” with Andrew H. Chen and Thomas F. Siems, Research in Finance, 2003.
  • “Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard: Evidence from Texas Banking in the 1920s,” with Linda M. Hooks, Journal of Economic History, September 2002.
  • “Adverse Selection and Competing Deposit Insurance Systems in Pre-Depression Texas,” with Jeffery W. Gunther and Linda M. Hooks, Journal of Financial Services Research, September 2000.
  • “Are Stocks a Hedge Against Inflation? International Evidence Using a Long-Run Approach,” with David P. Ely, Journal of International Money and Finance, February 1997.
  • “Bank Credit and Economic Activity: Evidence from the Texas Banking Decline,” with Cara S. Lown and Jeffery W. Gunther, Journal of Financial Services Research, March 1995.
  • ”Stock Returns and Inflation: Further Tests of the Role of the Central Bank,” with David P. Ely, Journal of Macroeconomics, Summer 1992.

Articles in Books

  • “Capital Regulation and Depository Institutions,” with Cara S. Lown and Stavros Peristiani, in Restructuring Regulation and Financial Instituitions, James R. Barth, R. Dan Brumbaugh Jr., and Glenn Yago editors, Santa Monica, Ca: Milken Institute Press, 41-70, 2000.
  • “Bank Deposit Guarantees: Why Not Trust the market?” with Genie D. Short, in Money and the Nation State, Kevin Dowd and Richard H. Timberlake, editors, Oakland, Ca: The Independent Institute, 213-45, 1998.
  • “The Stock Market and Inflation: A Synthesis of the Theory and Evidence,” with David P. Ely, in Financial Institutions and Markets: A Reader, Robert W. Kolb, editor, Miami: Kolb Publishing Co., 29-41, 1991.
  • “The Stock Market and Inflation: A Synthesis of the Theory and Evidence,” with David P. Ely, in The Investments Reader, Robert W. Kolb, editor, Miami: Kolb Publishing Co., 63-75, 1991.

Federal Reserve Publications

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