Financial Industry Studies


  • Bio
  • Curriculum Vitae

Robert R. Moore

Assistant Vice President
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Robert MooreRobert Moore is an assistant vice president in the Financial Industry Studies Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, where he has worked since 1991. From 1987 to 1991, he was an assistant professor of economics at Tulane University. He has written numerous articles on banking and financial markets.

Moore received a BA in economics from the University of Missouri at Columbia, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He also holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Robert R. Moore

Research Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


  • PhD, (Economics) University of Wisconsin–Madison, December 1987
  • MS, (Economics) University of Wisconsin–Madison, May 1986
  • BA, (Economics) University of Missouri–Columbia, August 1982

Honors Received

  • Phi Beta Kappa, University of Missouri–Columbia


  • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Financial Industry Studies Department
    • Assistant Vice President, April 2012–present
    • Research Officer, January 2008–April 2012
    • Senior Economist and Policy Advisor, January 1996–December 2007
    • Senior Economist, July 1991–December 1995
  • Tulane University, Department of Economics
    • Assistant Professor, Fall 1988–Summer 1991
    • Visiting Assistant Professor, Fall 1987–Spring 1988

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Publications

Professional Journal Publications

  • “Early Warning Models in Real Time,” with Jeffery W. Gunther, Journal of Banking and Finance, October 2003.
  • “Loss Underreporting and the Auditing Role of Bank Exams,” with Jeffery W. Gunther, Journal of Financial Intermediation, April 2003.
  • “Mexican Banks and the 1994 Peso Crisis: The Importance of Initial Conditions,” with Jeffery W. Gunther and Genie D. Short, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Fall 1996.
  • “Crédito y Actividad Económica en México,” with Jeffery W. Gunther, Economía Mexicana, December 1993.
  • “Asymmetric Information, Repeated Lending, and Capital Structure,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, August 1993.

Book Chapter

  • “When Does Financial Liberalization Make Banks Risky? An Empirical Examination of Argentina, Canada, and Mexico,” with William C. Gruben and Jahyeong Koo, Research in Financial Services: Private and Public Policy vol. 14, JAI/Elsevier Science, 2002.

Trade Journal Publications

  • “Small Banks Far From Thriving, Partly Because of Credit Unions,” with Jeffery W. Gunther, American Banker, August 20, 2004.
  • “Have Small Banks Been Caught Off-Balance?” with Karen Couch, The Zenshinren Report, April 1995.
  • “Banking North of the Border: A Profile of the U.S. Banking Industry,” with Santos Flores and Genie D. Short, Capital, October 1994.
  • “Actividad Macroeconómica y Condiciones del Crédito en México,” with Jeffery W. Gunther, Revista Bimestral de la Comisión Nacional Bancaria, November/December 1993.
  • “Deficit Reduction and Financial Liberalization: A Mexican Triumph,” with Genie D. Short and Jeffery W. Gunther, Mexican Business Review, October 1993.

Contact Robert Moore

  • Email
  • Phone: 214-922-5355



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