Palestinian “Diamonds” of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Posted by Joshua W. Walker / October 17, 2012

Members of the U.S. delegation to the Partners for a New Beginning Celebration of Innovation Conference pose for a photograph with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah, October 7, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

The image of the Palestinian Territories, for most outsiders who have never had the chance to visit the ruggedly beautiful terrain, typically only involves the political stalemate that overshadows the incredible creativity and inventiveness of the Palestinian people. In many ways Palestinians seem to have entrepreneurship in their DNA. I had the opportunity to witness this first hand on a recent visit to the region, where I accompanied U.S. Special Representative for Global Partnerships Kris Balderston. He was leading a delegation of American entrepreneurs and investors seeking to harness this entrepreneurial spirit and celebrate the culture of innovation in the West Bank.

Palestine for a New Beginning, the Palestinian chapter of… more »

Behind the Scenes at UNGA: Focus on the Near East

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 30, 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and officials from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies are attending meetings at the 67th meeting of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York from September 23 to October 1, 2012. Through a series of "Inside the State Department" videos, senior officials are providing perspectives on the events of the week.

On Friday, September 28, while in New York, Secretary Clinton hosted a G8 Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition Foreign Ministers Meeting and the Ad Hoc Friends of the Syrian People Ministerial. In the video above, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer, State Department Director of Policy Planning Jake Sullivan, and State Department Spokesperson… more »

Honoring Those Lost in Attacks in Libya

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 14, 2012

President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton honor those lost in attacks in Benghazi, Libya at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony held at Andrews Air Force Base, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, September 14, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

On September 14, 2012, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered remarks at the Transfer of Remains Ceremony to honor those lost in attacks in Benghazi, Libya. Secretary Clinton began her remarks by saying, "...Today we bring home four Americans who gave their lives for our country and our values. To the families of our fallen colleagues, I offer our most heartfelt condolences and deepest gratitude."

President Obama remembered the four men, and said:

"Glen Doherty never shied from adventure. He believed that, in his life, he could make a difference -- a calling he fulfilled as a Navy SEAL. He served with distinction in Iraq and worked in Afghanistan. And there, in Benghazi, as he tended to others, he laid down his life, loyal as always,… more »

Secretary Clinton Condemns Violence in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 13, 2012

Today, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Moroccan Foreign Minister Saad-Eddine Al-Othmani launched the U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. Before addressing the first session of this Strategic Dialogue, Secretary Clinton commented on events unfolding in the world. The Secretary said:

"We are closely watching what is happening in Yemen and elsewhere, and we certainly hope and expect that there will be steps taken to avoid violence and prevent the escalation of protests into violence.

"I also want to take a moment to address the video circulating on the internet that has led to these protests in a number of countries. Let me state very clearly -- and I hope it is obvious -- that the United States Government had… more »

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks on the Deaths of U.S. Personnel in Benghazi, Libya

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / September 12, 2012

More: Remarks by President Obama on the Deaths of U.S. Embassy Staff in Libya | Presidential Proclamation -- Honoring the Victims of the Attack in Benghazi, Libya

On September 12, 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered remarks on the deaths of American personnel in Benghazi, Libya. Secretary Clinton said:

"Yesterday, our U.S. diplomatic… more »

State Department Welcomes 2012 TechWomen to San Francisco

Posted by Lee Satterfield / September 06, 2012

Sanae Baatti, a Moroccan mentee, and Taghrid Samak, an American mentor, participate in TechWomen 2012, an international exchange that leverages technology as a means to empower women and girls, in San Francisco, California, September 5, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Yesterday, the 2012 class of TechWomen arrived in San Francisco to participate in an international exchange that leverages technology as a means to empower women and girls from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia and Yemen. Forty-one female emerging leaders in the technology field from the Middle East and North Africa will be paired with American counterparts for a five-week mentoring program. Click here to learn more.

Launched by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2011, TechWomen builds on her vision of "smart power." It embraces the full range of diplomatic tools, in this case technology, to bring people together for greater understanding and to empower women and… more »

An Update on U.S. Humanitarian Assistance for Those Affected by the Violence in Syria

Posted by David Robinson / August 22, 2012

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration David Robinson participates in a Facebook Chat on U.S. humanitarian assistance for those affected by violence in Syria, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., August 21, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Yesterday, I participated in two events, using new tools -- specifically social media -- to explain the ways that the United States is providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the violence in Syria. I started off the morning with Mark Bartolini, the Director of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance at USAID in a "Live At State" forum. This format is a virtual press conference; journalists log-in, submit questions in real time, and watch the discussion online from wherever they are around the world. Over 15 international media outlets participated, and we were able to reinforce the message that… more »

Tunisian Swimmers Make a Splash in the United States

Posted by Kelli Davis / July 28, 2012

Tunisian swimmers race American peers in a friendly pool competition during a SportsUnited clinic in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, July 5, 2012. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Imagine visiting the United States for the first time and having the extraordinary opportunity to watch some of the world's top American swimmers compete for a spot in the 2012 London Olympics. While many people had to gather around television sets to watch the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials in Omaha, Nebraska, a special group of swimmers from Tunisia had the chance to watch it live! Partnering with USA Swimming, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)'s SportsUnited division brought 13 athletes -- 12 youths and 1 coach -- to the United States for a sports exchange program from June 26 to July 9.

Today marks the start of the swimming events for the 2012 London Olympics, and U.S.A. Swimming National… more »

An Address to the Syrian People

Posted by Robert S. Ford / July 27, 2012

Smoke rises over the skyline in the Qaboun neighborhood of Damascus, Syria, on July 19, 2012. [AP Photo]

I want to address the Syrian people, regardless of ethnicity, culture, community, or background. The crisis that you are facing has seized the attention of the entire world. We are profoundly aware of the sacrifices you are making in your revolution and your courageous acts to speak out in the face of lethal repression.

There are some who are uncertain of the future and fear retaliation because of the community to which they belong. All Syrians must recognize that accountability and transitional justice go hand in hand with reconciliation. Neither a community nor an ethnicity must be blamed for the actions of individuals in the regime. It must be clear that only individuals who committed crimes against humanity will be identified and held accountable for their abhorrent actions.

For that reason, the international community is enhancing the capacity of Syrian… more »

TechGirls Agree: “Geek is Chic!”

Posted by Ann Stock / July 18, 2012

TechGirls and Berkman collaborate on this picture to show how geek and chic go hand-in-hand during a TechGirls program in July 2012. [The Youth and Media Project at Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society photo]

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the word "geek?" For 25 teenage girls from the Middle East and North Africa, the answer is "chic!"

As participants in TechGirls, one of the newest programs sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, these computer-savvy "geeks” recently wrapped up a three-week visit to the United States, where they connected with their American peers and learned new technology skills.

A highlight of their program was connecting with interns from Harvard University's Berkman Center… more »

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