
Research Publications

The publications of the Richmond Fed's Research Department provide information and analysis that promote the public's understanding of the Bank and the Federal Reserve System, the economy of the Fifth Federal Reserve District, and economic policy issues and research.


Region Focus

Region Focus is the economics magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. It covers economic issues affecting the Fifth Federal Reserve District and the nation and is published on a quarterly basis by the Bank's Research Department.

Economic Quarterly

This journal contains articles on monetary theory and policy, banking and finance, and the payment system. Its predecessor, Economic Review, was published from 1974 to 1992.

Working Papers

The following papers were written by Richmond Fed economists, in some cases in collaboration with outside economists. They represent work prepared for later publication or presentation to professional meetings. They are circulated in this series for purposes of discussion and comment only.

Economic Brief

These web-exclusive essays on current economic issues and trends are based on staff economists' ongoing research and published work.

Annual Report

This publication features an essay on a current economic issue. In addition, it reviews the Bank's operations, highlights the Bank's activities during the year, and presents financial statements.

Richmond Fed Research Digest

This mid-year annual brings the externally published work of Research Department economists together in one place. It includes brief summaries, full citations, and links to the original work.

Economic Review

This bi-monthly journal is no longer published and has been replaced by Economic Quarterly. Back issues from Jan./Feb. 1974 to Nov./Dec. 1992 are available online.

The 50th Anniversary of the Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord

This web-exclusive supplement to the Winter 2001 special issue of Economic Quarterly includes background information on the Accord, biographies of significant people involved with the dispute, related economic data, and references for further research.

Macroeconomic Data: A User's Guide

Selected chapters from this popular 1995 reference: "Labor Market Data," "Macroeconomic Prices and Indexes," and "National Income and Product Accounts."

Instruments of the Money Market

This 1993 publication describes the major money market instruments and the institutional arrangements of the markets in which these instruments are traded.

The Economics of Crime

Written by University of Chicago economist Gary S. Becker, this 1995 article outlines Becker's premise that people decide whether to commit a crime by a comparison of the benefits and costs.

The Relevance of Adam Smith

Written in celebration of America's bicentennial in 1976, this article uses quotations from Adam Smith's monumental treatise, The Wealth of Nations, to illustrate how his major ideas are still widely used.

Additional Resources

Fed in Print
A comprehensive index to Federal Reserve economic research

Contact Us


Aaron Steelman
Publications Director
(804) 697-2658