Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Opt Out Turns Into Opt In

What some protesters threatened as an opt out day has turned into a TSA appreciation day.

As reports continue to come with normal or below-normal wait times, this will be our final update of this post today.

Though volume was around expected levels, our preparations for today kept wait times at such a minimum that some airports are closing screening lanes due to a lack of passenger throughput.

In addition to our operational updates from the field, we’ve rounded up news coverage from across the country about today’s airport travel experience:

Philadelphia Inquirer: Smooth traveling at airport

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: No crowds, protests at Hartsfield

Additional Recent Clips, Op-Eds and Editorials

The Daily Beast: The Media's Pat-Down Frenzy

Operational Updates as of 5 p.m. EST:

Dallas/Fort Worth: One Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) opt-out today, and wait times consistently under 12 minutes.

Dallas Love Field: Wait times under 3 minutes.

Salt Lake City: Wait times no more than 5 minutes at both checkpoints one and two; when open, checkpoint 3 has a 2-minute wait time. Across the airport, we have all lanes open and 6 AITs in operation.

Atlanta: 39 total AIT opt outs today (again, out of 47,000 fliers). All were screened and continued to their flights.

Newark: Average wait times today by terminal were 6 minutes for A and C, 11 minutes for B.

New Orleans: The longest reported wait time was approximately 13 minutes. Six passengers opted out of AIT screening. All were screened and continued to their flights.

Iowa and Kansas: No disruptions, no wait times greater than 10 minutes. According to federal security director, lots of passenger compliments.

Denver: Current wait times are 3-4 minutes per checkpoint.

Colorado Springs: 5-minute average wait time, and no AIT opt-outs.

Minneapolis: Wait times are currently 5-10 mins. No incidents.

Detroit: No wait time over 20 minutes all day.

Green Bay: Wait time is 3 minutes.

Indianapolis: 24-minute peak this morning at 6 a.m. Nothing near since.

Louisville: 5-10 minute wait times.

Los Angeles: Los Angeles: 113 AIT opt outs across LAX’s 8 terminals, which is less than 1 percent of the approximately 50,000 travelers screened at LAX today. All AIT opt-outs were screened and continued to their flights.

Charlotte: 18,000 passengers screened so far today, and estimated 24,000 will be screened by end of day. 1 AIT opt out today.

Cincinnati: The peak wait time was 10 minutes, and average is 5 minutes.

Chicago O’Hare: The longest wait was 15 minutes at one checkpoint, and has been under 10 minutes airport-wide for the most part.

Cleveland: Under 20 minutes for wait times all day, with a 10-minute average. Current wait times are less than 5 minutes. 0.66 percent opt out rate today.

Boston: Approximately 56,000 passengers screened with 300 AIT opt outs, which is less than 1 percent of all travelers and less than a normal day at the airport’s 17 AITs. All were screened and continued to their flights. The longest wait time all day was 12 minutes in terminal A in very early morning, and it was very short lived given all lanes were open.

Detroit: 25,000 passengers screened today, and 57 AIT opt-outs. All were screened and continued to their flights.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Anonymous said...

Well there you have it. A handful of terrorists have forced America to transform into a scared, quivering mass. Congratulations Osama!

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! Huzzah for the Stakhonovites of the state security apparatus! Lubyanska security checkpoint exceeds all production quotas!

My guess: people aren't opting out because they don't want to be inconvenienced by the TSA anymore than they already are, and they don't want to inconvenience others. I doubt very much that this is a broad vote of approval for a child-groping, granny-scanning counterterrorist agency that has never caught a single terrorist.

Anonymous said...

Your boss asked us not to cause a disruption. We listened.

Will the TSA?

Anonymous said...

The relative lack of opt outs is not a glowing commendation on the TSA, in fact, the media coverage that ensued is more proof that the distaste is still fresh on everybody's minds. This will an ill-timed effort, in that many fliers no doubt were concerned with retaliatory detainments, and the wrath of their family if they dared to miss Thanksgiving. Just because nobody is staging a mass protest on the eve of Thanksgiving doesn't mean you can assume your love by travelers. We still despise what you have done to cancer patients, people with steel implants in their hips, people with colostomy bags, children without shirts, children with mental issues who didn't want to be touched, people sensitive to radiation, and people who frankly don't want their junk touched. Where did you get the part that most Americans are thankful for you today? I'll have a shot of that drink, it sure sounds potent.

Anonymous said...

Bob, how many strip-search machines were turned off or not in use? People can't opt out of something that's not being used.

Anonymous said...

Well Bob, you're lying. There were three opt outs in one group during the time I was going through at one of the airports you identify as "no opt outs".

That aside, I don't think for a moment that there will be many (making the need to lie just silly, but that's another matter. After all, the gov't also told us Agent Orange was harmless: lying is in your DNA. But I digress.) There will be few because among other reasons FAR FAR more people who rarely fly are in the air this week. Those of us who do it all the time are just a bt less happy about your Kabuki theater.

Anonymous said...

If opt-out is so terrible, why is it an option?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is well established that the average person will make the correct economic tradeoff that it is less costly to sacrifice civil rights than be a martyr. That doesn't legitimize your actions or even suggest people agree with them. However, I do think that when the passenger volumes are counted for this holiday season, you will see a material and visible negative effect.

Anonymous said...

I think I commented last week that it is a typical bureaucratic response to protect one's job by putting every ounce of resources into making today go smoothly. Don't worry, John, you will still be fired. And you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

TSA's primary mission isn't to keep passengers safe. It's to keep passengers scared of threats that aren't nearly as big as they would have us believe.

Anonymous said...

How does TSA respond to:

61% of Americans oppose new security measures. Where's the link to this poll on the TSA homepage?

Anonymous said...

Gizmodo says that TSA turned off the machines at most airports, and wasn't doing the full body searches. They ask if "no opt-outs" means "no AIT machines".

No waits. No lines. That's great, but this should be ringing alarms: For the first time in the history of Thanksgiving travel, there are no lines at airport security.

I want to know how much over-time TSA blew on this PR stunt.

Mike said...

Either the TSA has become the most efficient arm of the US Government, or the number of holiday travelers is likely far below normal.

My money's on the latter.

Anonymous said...

Great work today, Blogger Bob! We were thinking about your work at such a pivotal, possibly problematic time. Looks like you did a good job getting out the lack of delay and a positive story for TSA and USG!!

Doug at NASA

Anonymous said...

None of this post makes your procedures and less a violation of the 4th amendment. The majority of the people would let a police officer search their car if they were stopped for speeding but this does not give the cop a right to perform an unreasonable search.

My personal "opt-out" was not flying today and at the very least limiting my flying to times of absolute necessity.

Following the developments today I have noticed a few new reports of people being harassed for photography withing the screening area; and activity your own regulations allow. Perhaps you can brief your agents tomorrow morning on the fact that photography is indeed allowed, with very limited restrictions.

Ayn R. Key said...

How much did you pay those actors to pretend to like the TSA?

Anonymous said...

how do you explain this?

Anonymous said...

Guess what, the frequent travelers still know what a travesty all this is. It violates the 4th amendment AND the scanners have not been proven safe.

The TSA needs to be transparent and accountable like ever other government agency.

Anonymous said...

When will the Fourth Estate do its job properly for once?

D said...

Where do you get the idea that today became some kind of TSA appreciation day? Certainly not from any of the sources mentioned in the content of this post.

Jim DeLaHunt said...

It's evident from this blog post that the Opt Out Day movement at the very least forced the TSA to pay attention to the backlash they generate. In that sense, Opt Out Day has already been a success.

There are reports that the TSA stopped using many of the AIT/Virtual Strip Search machines on Nov 24. Is this correct? What proportion of travellers were directed to magentometers and what proportion to Virtual Strip Search machines that day, and what are the comparable proportions for the preceding two weeks?

Fewer people directed to the Virtual Strip Search machines means fewer opting out of them. Rather than opt outs as percentage of passengers screened, the interesting statistic is what percentage of passengers confronted with a Virtual Strip Search opted out. TSA, for the above airports could you please report number of passengers who submitted to the Virtual Strip Search machines?

The other form of "opt out" is to not fly at all. Some people probably decided not to travel at all, or to travel by other means (e.g. drive). TSA, what are comparable numbers for total passengers screened from previous years? How do they compare to numbers screened this year?

Next Opt Out Day is November 26th. After that, November 27th is also Opt Out Day. And so on, until the TSA stops the insanity.

Anonymous said...

The operative phrase being, "our preparations for today"...

Don't kid yourself, BB. We know EXACTLY what liars and sheisters the TSA is comprised of.

Pull back on the screenings.

Put on more staff.

Proclaim from the highest hill, "Alls well!"

It's not gonna work.

The public is outraged over the conduct of the TSA and this outrage is not going to go away.

Anonymous said...

0 comments... Yeah, I bet.

If there's a lack of comments it's because they're being censored or because people are scared of no-fly list retribution. Chilling effects in action.

Astroturf! Astroturf Everywhere!

TSA is an unamerican disgrace to the founding principles of this nation.

John Pistole is giving 2012 to the Republicans, and yet Obama still stands by him.

I'll feel safer in airports when the TSA has been replaced by private security companies which are more competent and responsive to the desires of the American People.

kdt said...

Sooo, what you're saying is "We told you so! The American public is perfectly willing to trade its privacy and dignity for the illusion of security!"

[Cut to: Bob doing stock evil laugh: "Muahahahahahaha!!!"]

Well-played, TSA, well-played. Let's see how things go when your naked radiation shower/opt out gropefest is deployed and actually activated at something more than 10 percent of the country's security lines.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to mention all the porno-scanners that were turned off for the day.

Anonymous said...


C Cooke said...

I decided to drive; not flying seemed sensible.

American said...

How is this a commentary on passengers' attitudes or a "failure" of opt out day? it just as readily could be a reflection of a change in TSA behavior, which I find more likely. Scanners weren't in operation in many places, fewer people were selected for scanners, and perhaps - just speculating here - screeners were advised to not be as invasive during patdowns.

You're wrong Bob, and now I'm convinced you are a liar. You've already been caught lying about how many opt outs occurred in Denver - and you're lying about what is behind this easy travel day too. We're not backing down.

shawn.w.roy said...

Isnt it obvious that there are no wait times because people are choosing not to fly??!!

Anonymous said...

Nice sign. I'll show up with an anti-tsa sign instead of the pro-tsa one. I'm sure it'll be fine.

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

Sounds like the number of travelers was diminished so the airlines lost some money today from those people who decided to stay home or drive.

Oh well, such is the stuff life is made of.

PS: that picture did not tug my heartstrings.

Anonymous said...

I opt out of the AITs.

Instead of the promised enhanced patdown, ORD sent some AIT opt outs through the plain old WTMD.

I see you are somehow able to post the wait times today. How come has been under construction, seemingly ineptly, for years?

Anonymous said...

Boy, aren't you gloating, TSA. How disgusting.

I personally know 20 people who cancelled airline reservations completely due to your new policy. They refuse to allow themselves or their teenage children to be subjected to the new policy.

I had calls from 5 people who were terrified going through your scanners at Boston Logan today - the intimidation was in full force, and no one dared opt out because they put the biggest, scariest looking guy there to glare at everyone.

Anonymous said...

All of my family members decided to stay at home this year. I know I won't fly until the policies change. Good luck with propaganda, Bob.

Anonymous said...

Delays, protests, etc. are not the issue here. The bottom line is this: Many Americans, myself included, DO NOT TRUST WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT CHOOSES TO TELL US. I am old enough to know of specific, verified instances in which "my" government has lied, concealed and otherwised obstructed or obscured for no reason other than to protect a bureaucrat's backside or avoid losing a well-funded project. You're a nice enough fellow I'm sure, and I would be happy to share a beverage with you at any time, but I cannot trust what you tell me in your official capacity because what you are told as a TSA employee has a fair chance of being inaccurate or incomplete based on the government's past record.

Our government has often decided that it is better to conceal than to reveal even when the consequences of not providing the truth are horrific, and as a result its credibility has been severely damaged. People might get upset by the facts, but not nearly as upset when facts are withheld and the truth (along with avoidable damage) only becomes known later. Facts, presented by disinterested third parties who have a modicum of credibility, are a great tool in building trust; that does NOT include the manufacturers of AIT devices or the TSA. I'm an adult and I can make (hopefully) good decisions when I have enough information to do so. Denigrating reasonable requests (peer-reviewed information, for example), simply confirms people's suspicions. What would be so bad about allowing such material to be published? I'm sure some would object because the terrorists might better know how to circumvent the machines, but dosing tables do not reveal things like beam modulation patterns. The TSA has also shown a cavalier attitude about safety, which doesn't help. For example, why are there apparently no dosimeters used by TSA agents -- including those operating the pulse X-ray systems that scan bags? You may be satisifed with the claims that the machines are safe and only produce low doses and can't hurt the operators or the public, but there are recorded incidents where supposedly safe machines (with interlocks and failsafes built-in) went horribly awry and no one knew because no one was measuring anything. If the TSA can't figure this out or worse, isn't worried about basic precautions, how can I trust it?

As much as you may dislike it, the burden of proof rests on the TSA to show that it is indeed doing the right things, and that it has in fact taken all of these things into account. Digging heels in, abusing or mocking concerned citizens, completely ignoring reasonable requests, or using a complaint system as a stress-reliever rather than a feedback mechanism is not the way to gain the public's trust or to make your job easier.

You may find what people are saying to be laughable, but remember that they are making conclusions based on a lack of information. Rather than jeer them, it's more constructive to provide the information they lack. Some of us are just genuinely concerned, and until our concerns are allayed by actual data, we will choose not to fly or subject ourselves to what we find to be objectionable security procedures. At the same time, we recognize that there has to be a balance given the security mandates, and unfortunately, the TSA has demonstrated very little of that. If someone would simply recognize that there is an issue and try to at least resolve it, that would go a long way towards making everyone a little less uptight; defensive, obtuse responses are not a good policy.

Sorry to go on so long, but I'm trying to be civil here, as quaint as that might seem these days.

Anonymous said...

Wow, isn't it amazing how if you turn off all your AIT machines, no one opts out of the AIT scan? Gee, TSA, sounds like you don't think they're needed for security at all, and only use them to humiliate innocent people.

chris bray said...

How many terrorists did the TSA catch at your airport security checkpoints on Wednesday? And with Wednesday's numbers taken into account, what's the running tally of terrorists caught in airports by the TSA since the inception of the agency eight years ago?

Anonymous said...

In response to the claims that most AIT machines were off - not even an option to opt-out of - TSA should post the total number of passengers who were selected at each airport, not just the number who opted out. As a government agency under an administration who claims "openness," this would be the appropriate thing to do.

Earl Pitts said...

So Bob, did these preparations include shutting down most of the NudeOScopes, telling people to be extra nice, and actually having adequate staff for once?

If you changed your methods because of possible backlash, then the protesters won, despite what you claim.

Lines were shown as short at BWI for once. Given that on any given day when I've flown out of BWI, the lines at the D concourse are almost to the E, that tells me something changed. TSA doesn't magically become that efficient overnight doing what they normally do.

Also interesting to note that with the enhanced patdown being lessened (from many reports), and less NoS use, no planes fell out of the sky. What does that tell us about how essential these things are?

Also, if you watched the news, you'd see Amtrak and the highways are packed today. If you actually watched the interviews, many of the people cited TSA as the reason they didn't fly today. I think Wired was right when it said people opted out of opting out, but not for the reason they said. They just opted out of flying altogether.

TSA claims that it screens on average 2 million people a day - you've even made that claim. Yet reports were showing that an estimated 1.6 people were traveling on the busiest day of the year? That's 20% less than your average, Bob. Travel was light last year too, and even if it was up slighly this year, that's still not much.

So, this is a big propaganda yawn, Bob. I find it interesting that you can spend so much time on propaganda and spin today to address the needs of the public but you ignore those on your blog. It tells a lot about where TSA's priorities are: propaganda.


Anonymous said...

If you truly care about our safety, you need to look at the real science behind the body scanners. The Terahertz waves rip apart DNA. Do you know what that means? It means DEATH and DEPOPULATION. Do not ignore the true dangers. You can't claim that you just didn't know the dangers 2 years down the road when there is a wave of cancer in this country and miscarriages. Again, if you truly CARE about the SAFETY of Americans, you will get rid of the body scanners. Just for your information, if the CIA was abolished like President Kennedy was planning to do before the CIA/Mossad killed him, you would not have to worry about terrorism. ~A Retired Military Member

William said...

In your attempt to influence public opinion, you missed a story...

61% of people don't like your current policy...which in Washington terms means that you're going to change the policy (whether you like it or not).

Moreover, the stunt that you pulled today hasn't gone unnoticed by the media. Between your Twitter feed and this blog, just how much time, effort, and money have you wasted?

I am already in touch with my Congressional Representative with this blog and Twitter feed. As this is an issue that gets him or her media coverage, I imagine that you'll be hearing about it.

BTW, many thanks for not printing my previous comment. Now in addition to violating habeas corpus, you've violated my right to petition the government.

Adrian said...

Isn't it a little misleading to give the total number of passengers screened, since not all passengers had to go through an AIT. Wouldn't more relevant numbers be number of passengers screened by the AIT's?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... you do say that opt-out day failed, but the airports were AWFULLY empty, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

For the busiest travel day of the year the lines and crowds were very small. Appearing less than normal Monday levels. Perhaps American just decided to not fly and thus avoid the entire issue?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Which TSA employee's kids were those? Probably didn't get groped either.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob or whoever's Tweeting for you awful people needs to be fired ASAP. Also, if you guys would stop being stupid and pervy as a personal favor to me, that would be great.

Brylnt said...

Yes, thank you TSA for taking away my Fourth Amendment rights. I'm so thankful for your services that I decided to cancel my holiday flight plans and will now be driving approximately 1400miles round trip to visit my family - whom I have not seen in a year.

I would rather risk the 11.01% per 100,000 people fatality rate on the roads than give up my Constitutional rights as a U.S. citizen.

Again, thank you for making me safer.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! The public has been completely cowed into ceding both their rights AND their dignity. Next budget year ask for more money, you'll need it for gloves when the body cavity searches commence.

Anonymous said...

"Approximately 56,000 passengers screened with 300 AIT opt outs, which is less than 1 percent of all travelers and less than a normal day at the airport’s 17 AITs."

How many of those 56,000 were screened with AIT? You can't say only 1% opted out if everyone didn't have the choice. If only 600 passengers were screened with AIT, and 300 opted out, well then there was a 50% opt out rate. Please clarify.

I've also come across a number of reports from travelers commenting on AIT not being used at their airports. If this is the case, then perhaps it explains the lack of interruptions.

AmericanSecurityTheater said...

Sweet so this posts means we can bring signs to show our disapproval of the screenings?


Thanks for letting us keep the 1st amendment at least, even if we must give up our 4th to be safe.

Anonymous said...

Given the dramatic change in TSA policy, I think it's pretty clear that what we had wasn't a TSA appreciation day but a public appreciation day. "Customer appreciation" days are often days you do something different, out of the ordinary, and nice for the public. Given that TSA actually sped the lines thru (you guys staffed properly for once) and kept harassment to a minimum, it sure looks like you put on a good show today.

Then again, this is to be expected from an organization that specializes in theatrics. It won't be long until you're back to your regularly scheduled abuse.

Anonymous said...

I for one know the body scanners at LAX work... I went through one of them today.

Anonymous said...

zero comments 7 hours later after posting means you guys don't approve anything. Hence this blog is nothing more than propaganda. The fact is, you a lot of your scanners, leaving no way to "opt-out" of anything, as well as air travel WAY down today, which wont come out until the gov is forced to show air travel numbers later next week. (lucky for you days after the common short sighted American will even remember this story). Also, its not even the busiest day of the year, by a long shot, in air travel history its well over 25th at BEST.

congrats on your PR scam however, luckily the American public won't buy it forever.

Robert Graham said...

These claims by the TSA are disingenuous: opt-outs wouldn't include wait times. People would still continue to flow through the normal metal detectors. It would just result in fewer people getting AIT scans.

The Twitterverse is full of people claiming that the AITs were shut down in the airports they went through.

I suggest the TSA post the number of people each day that they scan via the AITs nationwide, and see if the numbers dipped today.

James Ratchford said...

0 comments seems very suspect.

Still, it's a bit disingenuous for the TSA to claim a success on the new process on the basis of how few people opted out when in many or most airports, the TSA itself opted out of the invasive process.

Apparently the full body scanners were bypassed altogether in many airports to help speed along the high volume of traffic.

The lesson, of course, being that if you want to evade the high security measures, just travel on a high-volume day- in other words, if you want to be an effective terrorist, just follow the same old method that effective terrorists will always follow.

How do you expect to prevent another Christmas Day attack if you choose to ignore the heightened procedures on holiday travel days?

The answer is obvious. If the system isn't workable on a high-volume day, then it isn't workable period, and must be discarded.

Anonymous said...

Quit spewing propaganda. Stick to your job and leave the politics to the politicians. You have no place defending your practices in such an offensive manner.

Don't post photos of travelers on your site either, especially children. That's sick. What's next, posting their photos going through the backscatter machines too?

Eric said...

I went through Detroit today, and can confirm there was a minimal wait time in line, around 3pm. However, I can also say that the TSA at Detroit was NOT using the AIT machine at the checkpoint I went through. Though I saw the machine, I never saw any individual go through it, or be asked to go through it.

If TSA's response to opt-out day is to simply not use the machines, then perhaps opt-out day is a success for citizens, minus the $200,000 per machine cost that will remain (albeit as it should) unused.

Blogger Bob said...

Good morning. My dog woke me up at 3:00 AM, so I decided to moderate comments. As of 4:40 am, all of the comments have been moderated.

I'm sure comments will continue to roll in, so I'll try to moderate a little today, but as it's Thanksgiving, I have a full day ahead of me.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How sweet of you to moderate the comments for us.

I'm sure that you have only our best interests at heart, Bob.

Anonymous said...

While I realize this is a low-priority gig for whomever writes/maintains this blog (and I wouldn't expect moderation on the holiday), I don't see the comment I made earlier with all sorts of reports and news links to the fact the WBI machines were off in several airports. I did make a copy of my post and a copy of the "awaiting moderation" page. There was no foul language. Comment doesn't appear, though.

I don't get why only 57% of my comments to this blog appear, despite following the guidelines. I don't get why I bother to pay my taxes only to get censored by my own gov't officials while following the rules. First Amendment disappeared too, I guess.

I don't expect this comment to make it, as it isn't on topic, but it is being copied to submit, along with my other copies of my posts, to ask the proper entity as to why such a low rate of approval. This blog shouldn't even exist if it's just going to be censored willy-nilly. It's just a waste of resources and our tax dollars to be funding censorship.

Anonymous said...

Bob.. I am disappoint. That image is blatantly shopped. I can tell by the pixels.

Also, I found this
Anybody could make those poor children say anything with editing programs.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you're not taking all these insults and anti-TSA comments personally. Any DMV employee would sympathize. You're probably a nice guy. It's not you. [/optimist] It's your job as a PR agent and failure of an organization.
...But if you were to defect from the TSA and defend the Constitution instead, that would be awesome. Just saying.

Happy Thanksgiving

Anonymous said...

Don't the nude-o-scope blur the face and groin by default. Why is someone sent to secondary screening because something is blocking the view of their vulva?

Captcha for this post is "heleaked"

Anonymous said...

"What's next, posting their photos going through the backscatter machines too?"

That's already been covered in the same picture. You can see a woman on one knee with bare feet and man standing in the middle of a backscatter x-ray machine. Did you mean the photo the Whole Body Imaging machines produces?

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. My tax dollars not only pay for you to create the most insanely misguided 'security' apparatus possible, but I ALSO have to pay your salary while you spend your official time issuing propaganda? Some change I voted for.

You think this is slick but it's really transparent, reptilian and Orwellian. Too cute by about 100 times. I hope you are fired soon so I don't have to pay you to write this kind of crap.

Anonymous said...

4 am moderation?
What's the chances that Blogger Bob is actually outsourced to an Indian Call Center?

Oh by the way, when I went through the airport on Monday it was clear the agents were profiling more submissive people into the pornoscanners and sending anyone with a spine only through the magnonometers. This may be the scariest part of this sad tale at the end of the day. The TSA hasn't stopped 1 actual attack in 10 years. And now your screeners are more worried about avoiding the demeaning task of violating other citizens personal privacy.

Anonymous said...

I would love a response to this video of a woman being harrassed about alternate screening of breastmilk.

Anonymous said...

Did those kid's parents sign a release for you to publish that picture?

Anonymous said...

Myth- TSA claims Opt Out Day a failure
Fact - John Pistole has announced the current AIT and enhanced patdown policies are being reviewed, the White House has requested that the TSA review these policies with travelers needs in mind, and congress is asking the TSA why these extreme measures are needed.

In spite of Mr. Pistole's claims that everyone will be searched the TSa is making exceptions for pilots, airport workers, TSA employees, people who hold certain political offices, and soon flight attendants. So much for the no exceptions policy.

I'd say Opt Out Day was a success, for the first time in 9 years the TSA is being challenged on their policies at the Federal level. You're no longer getting a free pass to create procedures that are a reaction to something that has already happened and will not be tried again.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob, you may be allowing some posts to be posted online, but there is NO RESPONSE TO THE QUESTIONS THAT ARE BEING PRESENTED!!



Anonymous said...

Opt out turned into Turn Off

The majority of Newark’s full-body scanners were idle throughout much of the day,

Anonymous said...

Given the assualt on the public with this and other TSA posts, it's obvious to see who TSA sees as the enemy. It's not the terrorists. It's the American people.

Anonymous said...

i love how the bloggers talk about the spin on here from the tsa. looking these comments id say that there is some sour milk and the antitsa bloggers are in the spinzone now. thats so sad, why cant we work together?

Anonymous said...

Just because you're scanned doesn't mean anyone is on the other end, looking at you. Click here If another TSO is needed on the checkpoint, where do you think they'll get one? Theater, remember?

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you refuse to post an actual account of what happened because it doesn't show the TSA in a good light.

How do you look yourself in the mirror when you read something like that and then decide the public doesn't deserve to know about it?

Wayne said...

As I worked my shift yesterday, there was no noticeable downtrend in passenger traffic and every passenger I spoke with was upbeat, positive and appreciative of the job that all our officers do on a daily basis.

Our aiport had all but one of the AIT machines in operation and many passengers wanted to use the machine to "see how it worked".

Thanks to all the folks who don't believe the media hype and the scare tactics of so many on this blog.

We know that we protect America and will continue to do so despite the misinformed, ill-mannered hate-mongoring of those who really have no interest security.

Kudos TSA!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the TSA is full of upstanding and sensitive workers who ALWAYS follow their own regulations and are just looking out for our welfare, right?

Answer the questions on this video blogger bob! Note the corrections to the video text in the desrciption of the video.

Terry Carlson said...

Why do all you naysayers’ post "Anonymous" comments? Why won't you stand up for your convictions and say who you are? It's a lot easier to spew venom from behind a mask, I guess. You seem to hate just for the sake of hating. The TSA is only one line in the overall attempt to defend against possible terrorist strikes. That is why the DHS is comprised of twenty-two agencies, working together, to identify and thwart all attempts at killing Americans. If you have reasoned suggestions for a better way, please let us all know. Don't just rant negativity, that helps no one!

Carey Anthony said...

Anonymous said...

You have been brainwashed. While intelligent people are looking up HAARP, you increase your Cancer risk by 1% every security checkpoint.

Anonymous said...

Why did you put your hands into the pants of this woman?

Thats disgusting

Anonymous said...

Decided to add some propaganda to your violation of civil rights? Nice.

Anonymous said...

The timing of the protest was poor --
it should have been scheduled for passengers' return trips. The effect would have been just as noticeable, probably more so, on a possibly slow news day. And passengers could blame any delays on returning to work on the protest.

Anonymous said...

Explain that "Bob", you're a disgusting organisation of unprofessionals.

Anonymous said...

Thank you TSA for your vigilance against breastmilk and for the treatment of a mother who cited TSA guidelines for medical liquids but was ignored, harassed and made to wait for no reason that she missed her flight.

Heck of a job as Dubya would say!

Osama is laughing so hard his dialysis machine almost fell out.

Anonymous said...

Adam Savage of the TV show "MythBusters" got through the TSA security theater and they missed that he was carrying 12 inch razor blades!

For more see this

Anonymous said...

This doesn't mean we trust you, it just means we wanted to go home to see our families rather than spend the holidays in a holding cell. I will still opt out when I travel. Sorry, but I don't trust your scanners and I don't trust you any more than I trust Osama.

Anonymous said...

Weird how it says "My family" and not our family. All in italicized font with the kid wearing a green shirt saying Thank You or whatever on it.
It's propaganda and false claims by the TSA!

Anonymous said...

From what I'm reading, the nude-o-scopes were turned off in many locations, lowering the number of people who had to opt out. Would be great if you'd report what percentage of AITs were actually opened. Honestly, if you put as much energy into non-intrusive, non-harmful scanning methods as you do into public relations, maybe TSA would earn the country's admiration rather than its ridicule.

For the record, I opted out by driving instead of flying this year. That's $600 in revenue that the airlines lost, thanks in no small part to the TSA.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand, most of the TSA backscatter porno scanners were actually turned OFF and not used over the last two days. Congrats to the TSA on linking to all of these puff pieces designed to make them look better, but seriously, if the porno-scanners were disabled so people wouldn't opt out, who really won this round? Here's to forcing the TSA to keep turning them off all the time! Christmas is just around the corner, and I hope people protest even HARDER.

Anonymous said...

There may be fewer opt-outs over time because some of us aren't willing to either be photographed nude or have our junk touched. Some of us simply aren't going to fly anymore, so the ones left in the airport will be those who are willing to sacrifice their liberty and dignity.

And, whichever TSA folks man this blog, please don't think the public is impressed at the TSA boasting about how much it's loved. A self-serving blog by a government agency boasting about itself...yeah, that's real persuasive.

Anonymous said...

The "opt-out" people are certainly the loudest, but just because you're loud doesn't make you the majority.

Thank you TSA for keeping us safe.

RB said...

"This email isn't going to be as polished as I would normally send, but I'm upset and I don't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else (if I can stop it). I recently traveled via air, and was subjected to that new scanning device. "No problem," I thought. I was wearing jeans and a linen tanktop, bra, panties, and one camoflauge pantyliner. I'm a rule follower, so I never have any problems at the airport. Not this time. I was stopped, and then held for 15 mintues while they tried to find a female supervisor. I couldn't get to my bag, my shawl or my shoes; just standing there while the TSA agents kept me in one place. Now, I don't want this to be about bad TSA agents; they were doing their job, they were as delicate as they could be, etc., etc. But what ultimately happened is that I was subjected to search so invasive that I was left crying and dealing with memories that I thought had been dealt with years ago of prior sexual assualts. Why? Because of my flannel panty-liner. These new scans are so horrible that if you are wearing something unusual (like a piece of cloth on your panties) then you will be subjected to a search where a woman repeatedly has to check your "groin" while another woman watches on (two in my case - they were training in a new girl - awesome). So please, please, tell the ladies not to wear their liners at the airport (I didn't even have an insert in). I'm a strong, confident woman; I'm an Army vet (which is why those camo liners crack me up), I work full-time and go to graduate school full-time, I have a wonderful husband, and I don't take any nonsense from anyone. I don't dramatize, and I don't exaggerate. I'm trying to give you a sense of who I am so you won't think that this is a plea for attention, or a jumping on the bandwagon about the recent TSA proposed boycott. I just don't want another woman to have to go through the "patting down" because she didn't know that her glad-rag would be a matter of national security."


Thank you TSA for keeping America not Safe.

Anonymous said...

Can't blame the TSA for their adversarial relationship with the citizenry. We see the "us vs. them" mentality is a whole host of other government agencies. TSA just inherited the relationship. "Customers" are only a headache.

Anonymous said...

I WILL NOT FLY as long as the TSA subjects me to their over zealous security screening. I am not a criminal and I will not be treated like one. I simply will not fly. I will voice my decision with the airlines and the travel industry. As in everything else in the country, it is the economics that will force a change. If not, I still will simply not fly.

Anonymous said...

This Propaganda Blog is Sick. What is wrong with you? Just about everything

Harry said...

As taxpayers, we're paying for this propaganda, no? And I'm confused: Is it TSA policy that opting out is perfectly OK, or is it offensive?

Ayn R. Key said...

It is impossible to opt-out when you don't opt anybody in, when you turn off the machines to prevent an opt out.

By the way, where did you get that disgusting posed picture and how much did you pay the models to pretend to like the TSA?

Anonymous said...

So let's get this right... the organizers of the failed protest state their goal is to muck up the system... when that goal failed, they state their goal wasn't in fact to muck up the system, but to bring awareness to the TSA's policies? Which is it? I think people are well aware of the TSA policies, given they have been on the front page of every newspaper for more than a week. Nice try opt-outer people, sorry no one cared.

Anonymous said...

How to get through the TSA security theater production without x-ray nude photos or getting groped: Read how this guy just walked out!

Nicholas Bauer said...

You want suggestions? Here you go:

First, you have to admit that you will never, ever be able to make plane travel 100% terrorist/crazy-person-proof. Never. It's impossible. Unless you plan to give full-body transmission x-rays, CAT scans, or body cavity searches, you won't catch everything.

Second, the risk of a terror attack is really quite small and the cost is not worth the price we are paying (money and liberty).

Third, if you HAVE to keep some sort of scanner in place, get rid of the backscatter x-rays and use only the millimeter wave scanner, implement the stick-figure/anomaly software (eliminates both privacy and health concerns), and combine the body scanner with a puffer to detect explosive residue. If there is an anomaly of some kind, first question the person to determine how they react. Ask them what the object is, etc. in *non-accusatory* tones--remember that 99.999% of people are not terrorists. If they act suspicious, then you can do a non-invasive pat down.

Fourth, the security checkpoint itself is as likely to be a target of attack as a plane. Even if they help us stay safe in the sky, are we actually safer as a population?

Remember: Keep it Reasonable. It isn't reasonable to treat most people as potential terrorists.

Lastly: How the heck did Mr. Pistole think the TSA procedures would somehow stay secret from the terrorists given that the entire American public would be going through them?

Anonymous said...

these numbers are pathetic, the air ports are losing business and they TSA along with mainstream media had the nerve to boast about the lack of people using the air ways. No kidding the air travel was smooth, everybody hit the roads. LOL LOL LOL BTW, Cam and Company and healthnews reports the TSA on November 24th turned OFF THE BODY SCANNERS. lol lol lol

Jon said...

How many pornoscanners were in operation as a percentage of total?

Was this above or below average?

How many who were sent to pornoscanners opted out?

chris bray said...

I challenge the people here who are thanking the TSA for keeping us safe from terrorists to name a single terrorist who has ever been caught or otherwise kept off a plane by the actions of TSA personnel at an airport security checkpoint. One name, please.

Anonymous said...

Someone asked why 'Anonymous' is a frequent identifier on postings here. One reason, as is the case with me, is that this TSA Website doesn't work properly. It asks for Google ID, but in my case it doesn't recognize it, even though I just logged into Google with it.

This is just another indication of the state of affairs at TSA--it doesn't work.

As for all this glowing stuff about how smooth things went today, it does seem that air traffic is LOWER. Opt out DOES mean not flying at all, which is the case with us. We were going from San Francisco to San Diego--my wife wanted to fly, but I refused. I opted out of the TSA security nonsense and we drove down. So no money for some airline for us, and we didn't have to rent a car, so no money for some car rental agency. But I DID send more money to the Middle East to pay for the oil used to make the gasoline for the drive. This is how TSA policy can help the economy. The safest air travel is no air travel, and if the TSA ever begins to deal with the REAL threat--body packing--that will be the end of commercial passenger air travel. TSA knows it, certainly the airlines know it. Which is why nothing is being done. But all of this crap is for show--TSA ignores the real threat: body packing.

If you don't know what that is, just do a Google search on 'body packing'. You'll love it, and you'll understand why the TSA is lying through their teeth and engaged in this bit of public theater.

Anonymous said...

Bob, go ahead and print LIES like Opt out turns into Opt in. It just makes you look stupid.

kimm said...

Hmmm....I'm hearing today that a lot of the porn machines were turned off, leaving no options but the TSA groping session for passenger's enjoyment. Could this have been coincidental?

Also, Thanksgiving and NO LINES????? Really? Since this year I have yet to hear (approximate) numbers of how many are flying, as I have in years past from various airports, I can only believe that there are indeed LESS people flying this year. And yes, I'm sure it will be an "economic reason" spin, and have absolutely nothing to do with TSA and security theatre.

Dogs and Profiling....Dogs and Profiling......THAT means safety.
Untill then, I have stopped flying!

hankito said...

Ohhhh Yeah that sign the girls where holding up totally looks like their handwriting uh huh....I'm Finn refer to you as Papa Stalin from now on.

hankito said...

Hey I wonder if the tsa is gonna make the airlines say that travel was up for the Thanksgiving holiday

Anonymous said...

For the other side of the coin:

Anonymous said...

While I serious concerns regarding a government entity using propaganda such as this to promote its agenda, the issue is more concerning when the propaganda is misleading.

How many of the scanners were turned off to avoid National Opt Out Day and then enable you to crow about the lack of opt outs?

When you didn't use the machines to avoid the controversy, there was nothing to opt out of, and the protest was a success.

Anonymous said...

why is it that if people are on here supporting the tsa they get slammed? is this a negative only blog? you talk about the constitution all the time and our rights well its their right to praise the tsa. stop being so contradictive and making yourselves look really ugly!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone - this is Bob's/TSA's blog. He can spin this any way he wants. Free speech applies to everyone in this country, not just people who you agree with.

And, y'all might find this interesting:

No, that photo isn't faked.

Based on what I've seen personally, from video from airports across the country and from statistics from major airports (look at parking lot numbers that are posted if you want to get an idea of how many people flew this Thanksgiving), this opt-out day was far more successful than it's organizers could ever have hoped for. Instead of raising awareness of the scanners and rubdowns by being a nuisance and creating a scene (I'm assuming that's why the protest was called) they managed to raise awareness so much that people aren't flying. Administrator Pistole might be able to go to Congress and say "the people against AIT and patdowns are small in number" but not before the airlines will go to Congress and say "look - put a leash on your dog or you'll have to bail us out again". The true test will be Christmas; if numbers are down again, I'll bet we'll see some permanent changes. Hopefully, we'll see the kind of change people are reporting for Thanksgiving - metal detectors and a patdown vs a rubdown.

Anonymous said...

What about this, TSA? You ignore your own rules and edit out your footage. Let's have an official response.

Gunner said...

Freedom of Information request:

What percentage of full body scanner manchies were turned off for any reason between the hours of 6 a.m. (local) and 6 p.m. (local) on Wedneday 11/24/2010 at the 20 largest airports that use full body imaging technology?

Anonymous said...

Nice spin. If the body scanners were turned off, which they were, then of course people can't opt out. We opted out of *flying*. You know that.

You are just making Michael Chertoff rich.

Anonymous said...

PS: It's hard to get away with lying when people come together via social media. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure travelers weren't the only ones glad to see the AIT equipment shut down. The TSA screeners that are exposed to the radiation for their whole shift must be glad.

How many times have we seen the government tell its employees or citizens something was safe only to see injury and death years later? The game is played with government denials, followed years later by Congressional investigation, followed by some sort of care or payout after most victims are dead. Of course, the government perpetrators are long gone by then.

Anonymous said...

In summary:

Anonymous said...

Whatever. It just shows how passive we are about our freedoms. Makes me very sad.

I do, very much appreciate the efforts of the TSOs who are doing the job they have been assigned.

I am sickened, however, by the manipulation of the TSA. It's truly unacceptable for TSA to post only "praise" pieces. You are the government. You are not supposed to use propaganda to manipulate public opinion.

You owe the American people more than self-praise and shoving the non-explanation of your procedures down our throats.

This makes me doubly sad because the propaganda machine is even worse under the current administration than the previous admin--and I have been a strong critic of the security theatre of the prior administration.

Anonymous said...

Without exception, everyone I talked to who flew on Nov. 24th told me that the Porn-O-gammA scanners were not being used...

FFMom said...

How many people were aware that they could opt-out? Did you inform them of this before the process? In addition to this weren't the machines turned off on Wednesday? Hmmm.

K Smith said...

I wonder if America knows how you recruit workers to fill the jobs of viewing the images generated by the pornoscanners and feeling up passengers?

You use titillation as a recruitment tool. You promote the ability to see thru people's clothing as a job perk.

" 'A Career Where X-Ray Vision and Federal Benefits Come Standard,' reads a TSA ad appearing on pizza boxes across the Washington region."

I wonder how many porn addicts there are right now in airports all over the country leering at the images generated by the pornoscanners? I wonder how many porn addicts are feeling people up? I wonder how many new porn addicts you are created?

This is very revealing of the mentality of those we have put in charge of security of our airports, bus stations, train stations, and shipping facilities.

This is sick, sick, sick.

K Smith

Wimpie said...

Opt Out Day was a complete success !
We never wanted to slow up traffic, merely to educate the public and get the word out.

Millions of people now know about this airport travesty.
......"Opt-Out Day" went viral on the net and in mainstream media.
It made every news show and every newspaper in the Country.

The TSA buckled "out of an abundance of caution" and closed nearly all of the body scanners yesterday, so there was nothing to opt-out of.

Any unbelievably, no planes exploded. All good.

Anonymous said...

Better PR is needed here. How endearing to the public would it have been to be honest about turning off the AIT's, citing that although safety is of your utmost concern that you were also mindful of the publics sensitivity issues? Instead you gloat on the basis of non-facts, and use the result of your AIT shut down to down play the publics legitimate concern? It's inane, TSA. You're showing yourselves to be very inconsiderate. Don't become the one thing you're trying to protect us against .... terrorists.

Anonymous said...

No opt out required at MCO Friday. MCO Terminal B all AITs are roped off and out of service. Just like earlier in the week. It seems the opt out metric reflects the number of AITs taken out of service.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that the TSA can claim victory that there was "less" hassle, lines were short and lanes had to be closed because of "lack of passengers". Travel is way down again this year and has been for many years. If these rules had been implemented prior to 9/11 it is almost a certainty that masses of people would have missed their flights.

Shawn said...

Wow. I guess it's not a lie that there weren't any opt-outs when the TSA turned off the AIT scanners. No scanners = no opt outs.

Then you just refuse to admit you turned them off despite eye-witness accounts.

Statistics never lie. Unlike government contractors...

Blogger Bob said...

AIT operations are normal throughout the holiday travel period, including last Wednesday. Any suggestion otherwise is completely false.

In case you were wondering...

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

We don't believe you. There have been numerous reports from many sources that indicate that the scanners were seldom used, and in some places not used at all.

Your lies are getting very old.

Anonymous said...

I have been asking the same questions now several times. I will ask again.


Simple question, it deserves to be answered.

Anonymous said...

There is some serious denial going on here. And you guys say the TSA are the spinners.

Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up Bob. You're a trailblazer and the angry responses on this blog prove that you're hitting them where it hurts.

Anonymous said...

I really do not like TSA. But I think Blogger Bob does a spot on job for them. So get bent Bob, but keep up the good work.

TSM West said...

Anon said
We don't believe you. There have been numerous reports from many sources that indicate that the scanners were seldom used, and in some places not used at all.

Your lies are getting very old.

November 26, 2010 5:32 PM
This coming from the same people who watched the video about the lady claiming to be handcuffed and can still say she was. Time to get a real life people. Everything ran smooth at the airports. No one told any of our airports to change anything. Wednesday was business as usual. The only difference was that the people were able to experience first hand the screening process instead of the listening to the lies that the media put out. Lies which came from people like you on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Keep your chin up Bob. You're a trailblazer and the angry responses on this blog prove that you're hitting them where it hurts.

November 26, 2010 5:39 PM

That is HYSTERICAL!!!!! Blogger Bob's no trailblazer; these intimidation tactics and propaganda, along with attempts to suppress individual rights, have been modeled throughout history, the world over by despots, dictators and gestapos much better skilled than Bob.

The TSA and Blogger Bob wield technology like weapons of old. The funny thing about technology these days is that a lot of ordinary citizens possess a lot of technology at their own disposal, and are using it to refute the lies being told by Blogger Bob and the TSA.

***note*** taking a cue from other commenters; screen capture of comment stored.

MarkVII said...

I "opted out" of the TSA altogether this Thanksgiving -- I drove, so I wouldn't be counted in the TSA's wait time stats or WE HAVE A REFUSAL counts.

Nice trip -- no one yelling or barking orders as I got onto the freeway. No one pawing through my clothing bag, leaving a "love note", then not bothering to zip the bag, leaving my belongings to spill out. No issues with my contact lens supplies or shampoo.

On a different subject, I watched the YouTube video of the TSA personnel dragging their feet so that the Mom with the breast milk would miss her flight. Claims of "retaliatory screening is against SOP" aside, this is clearly retaliatory. I hope she writes her elected representatives.

The TSA needs to be reminded to who they serve, and held accountable -- both individually and collectively.

qui costodiet ipsos custodes

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said...
AIT operations are normal throughout the holiday travel period, including last Wednesday. Any suggestion otherwise is completely false.

In case you were wondering...

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


According to Bob's warped, Stalinist logic, this statement is probably true. As Bob has repeatedly reminded us, security procedures are designed to be inconsistent to foil the hordes of terrorists that constantly threaten our freedom. So even if the TSA just decided not to use the majority of their fancy new toys on a given day he can claim that there was no change in procedures.

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Anonymous said...

TSM West said...
The only difference was that the people were able to experience first hand the screening process instead of the listening to the lies that the media put out. Lies which came from people like you on this blog.

So was Mr Pistole lying when he stated the he felt the pat down was invasive and uncomfortable?

Anonymous said...

TSA gold star award!

Missing out on a set of 12 inch razor blades

Forcing a disabled 4-year old on his way to DisneyWorld to remove his leg braces and walk without them (even when the parents told the supervisor that he couldn't because he was born premature).

Yaay!! Your tax dollars hard at work creating the most elaborate and useless security theater production ever seen!

Sit back, bring pop-corn, wear a thong, and lube... and Enjoy America!

Rock said...

"AIT operations are normal throughout the holiday travel period, including last Wednesday. Any suggestion otherwise is completely false."

Please explain all the first hand and news reports of scanners shut down. I take it they were all lies? What about the photos published online? Could you address those lies?

When my child asks why these people touched him in a bad place what do I tell them? Can we have an official TSA document as to what to tell our children?

What about the woman with the breast milk you refused passage of. Can we get an answer on that? The video if freely available - well, not including what the TSA didn't send her.

Anonymous said...

TSM West said...
The only difference was that the people were able to experience first hand the screening process instead of the listening to the lies that the media put out. Lies which came from people like you on this blog.
If the AIT machines are safe to use and not invasive why did Secretary Napalitano opt out when they asked for volunteers to demonstrate how the machines worked at a press event? Was the press lying when they reported it?

Anonymous said...

Not "opting out" does not mean people "opt in" by default. I hope TSA doesn't seriously believe that. Is the TSA being run by Mark Zuckerberg? I think given the choice between making a scene and getting AIT screened, people choose to not make a scene (for the sake of their families and other passengers, not for TSA's sake). But it isn't much of a choice.

Anonymous said...

TSA Worker Accused Of Assault Had Prior Record

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

Way to play to the news cameras. Turn off the strip search scanners, don't do assaulting body searches and fully staff (for once) the security section.

Wonder how long til things get back to "normal," with rude minimal staff, punitive body searches, and irradiating everyone? Let's keep an eye on Sunday and Monday.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said:

AIT operations are normal throughout the holiday travel period, including last Wednesday. Any suggestion otherwise is completely false.

In case you were wondering...

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Sorry Bob. Of course we should believe you over our own lyin' eyes. What were we thinking? All those machines turned off/roped off were just an unrelated series of isolated incidents.

Anonymous said...

Um...if Opt Out Day were a success, wouldn't that mean that there were LESS people at the airports, which would mean that they would run more smoothly? Which they did? Which would make Opt Out Day a success?

By the way, those children will probably grow up thinking that "safety" is a valid justification for such gross violations of liberty. Sad, really.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,
Which is the real pic? or

Obviously, the "writing" is by an adult and added in Photoshop. Not a bad job, but we've all seen how photos can be faked. I guess people could take that clean pic and make that sign say whatever they want.

Anonymous said...

why can't or doesn't the TSA implement the same procedures that the Israelis use? they seem to have no problems. and they surely have a LOT more to worry about, daily!

Anonymous said...

If I wanted to make myself seem useful, it'd be really easy to write a little sign and have my kids stand there with it, as seen in this story's photograph. You guys are rank amateurs. Personally, I think that if the airlines don't get rid of you and hire their own security, they'll soon be needing another bailout from the government.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Thanksgiving Day travel went smoothly without long lines at the airport.........




Anonymous said...

Any politician who promises to work to get rid of the TSA = automatic win. 69% of the public are against TSA's new measures.

TSM West said...

Anon said
So was Mr Pistole lying when he stated the he felt the pat down was invasive and uncomfortable?

November 26, 2010 8:45 PM
First of all I didn't hear that comment by Mr. Pistole so I can only tell you what the approximately 90% of the passengers that I talked to told me. Their words " this is not as bad as the media makes it out"
Another Anon said
If the AIT machines are safe to use and not invasive why did Secretary Napalitano opt out when they asked for volunteers to demonstrate how the machines worked at a press event? Was the press lying when they reported it?

November 27, 2010 8:08 AM
Just like you she has the right to opt out of the AIT. You would have to ask her what her reason was. Contrary to popular belief, everyone in TSA is not on a personal basis with our bosses, so unless they chose to include us in on their personal life and beliefs I would only be guessing just like you. I perfer not to guess, we have enough people making up stories out there.

txrus said...

TSM West said...
Another Anon said
If the AIT machines are safe to use and not invasive why did Secretary Napalitano opt out when they asked for volunteers to demonstrate how the machines worked at a press event? Was the press lying when they reported it?

November 27, 2010 8:08 AM
Just like you she has the right to opt out of the AIT. You would have to ask her what her reason was. Contrary to popular belief, everyone in TSA is not on a personal basis with our bosses, so unless they chose to include us in on their personal life and beliefs I would only be guessing just like you. I perfer not to guess, we have enough people making up stories out there.
While she might 'legally' have the right to opt out, from a PR perspective, this was probably the stupidest thing she could have ever done & most likely where the TSA lost the PR war w/the traveling public over the use of these machines.

A true leader leads by example-she shouldn't expect others to do that which she is not willing to do herself.

Anonymous said...

TSM West said...
Anon said
So was Mr Pistole lying when he stated the he felt the pat down was invasive and uncomfortable?

November 26, 2010 8:45 PM
First of all I didn't hear that comment by Mr. Pistole so I can only tell you what the approximately 90% of the passengers that I talked to told me. Their words " this is not as bad as the media makes it out"
You didn't have to personally hear him make the statement, he said it before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Here's a link and if you don't want to read it the quote is ""It is thorough," Pistole said. "It was more invasive than what I was used to."
So was Mr. Pistole lying when he made the statement?

Anonymous said...

TSM West said...
Anon said
So was Mr Pistole lying when he stated the he felt the pat down was invasive and uncomfortable?

November 26, 2010 8:45 PM
First of all I didn't hear that comment by Mr. Pistole so I can only tell you what the approximately 90% of the passengers that I talked to told me. Their words " this is not as bad as the media makes it out"
90% of the passengers you talked to, got any statistics to back that up? I say that 70% of all statistics referred to by random TSO in this blog are made up 95% of the time.

Mr. Pistole spent 26 years with the FBI if he feels that the pat down procedure was invasive and made him uncomfortable you have a real problem.

Anonymous said...

Excellent list of airports with few or no "opt-outs" or delays during opt-out day.

Now the $64,000 question: are you willing to publicly confirm or deny that many of the machines were simply shut-down for all or portions of the day (perhaps to remove entirely the question of "opting-out")?

For instance, as numerous travelers have reported, at Dulles Airport?

Anonymous said...

The lengthy nature of the list of story links serves merely to prove how many newspapers the TSA can strong-arm into printing spoon-fed stories with little content or truth. Makes the situation even more scary.

Anonymous said...

No one believes you. This blog is nothing but government propaganda. If you were even remotely as good at security as you are lying to the public and spinning things, then maybe we would be safer.

Your nonsense makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

Um. I would have opted out had I been selected for secondary screening. Claiming triumph when the protest was dependent on TSA's behavior is hardly a claim for support of opt-in.

Anonymous said...

It looked to me like the TSA had completely backed down from the radiation machines and gropings in Atlanta and Denver. I didn't see a single instance of either in use.

I was there with big crowds, but they did move relatively quickly.

TSA does not provide security, much as a local gangster does not provide "protection" to those he demands payment from. This has mostly been tolerated because like the gangster, they have successfully frightened most of the public.

But the latest policies crossed a line. It's wildly expensive, unsafe, and offensive to many.

I don't think the push back will stop with those, you've awoken too many people to the realization that TSA does not contribute any value that justifies its cost. Even the boarding pass check, while not outrageous or especially expensive, is so obviously absolutely ineffective at anything related to TSA's claimed mission.

Anonymous said...

So Dulles normally does 60,000 passengers a day, but does only 35,000 passengers on the day before thanksgiving and has little to no lines for security.

Considering in 2000 there were 150,000 passengers flying out of dulles on the day before thanksgiving, perhaps a slow economy, or stories about long lines discouraged people from flying?

Anonymous said...

Dulles airport did not shutoff their AITs because of opt out day. They just got them installed and are in the process of traing so that they can all be used

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand "opt out day" in the sense that if you believe so strongly, "opt out day" should be each and every day that you fly. That is my position, I will never go through the porn-o-screen, nor will I subject myself to be touched on my genitals for "security".

Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death" and now are we Americans going to spit on the graves of our Founding Fathers and all the military who have died under the banner of voluntarily giving back that freedom?

SSSS for some reason. said...

No, Opt-Out day was a resounding success.

Just not for the TSA.

Most of the links at the top of the article are to 'visual media outlets' like TV. There were no great pictures to be had so of course they will say it was a bust. They sent a camera crew and talking head but had nothing to show.

More people decided simply not to fly. When the numbers about how many travelers this year compared to last year and adjusted for the still weak economy, then we'll have something to discuss as far as success.

Anonymous said...

it was not opt-in. tsa shut the machines down. oh but wait why the truth? its so much better to try and ignore the real problem.

Anonymous said...


You could at least make your lies more entertaining.

Anonymous said...

What is reported from NJ is exactly what I saw in Boston:

The lines ran smoothly because you weren't using the scanners. Maybe they were "on," but they weren't being used. I am a frequent traveler, and noticed the following things on Wednesday:

1) For once, all of the lines were open for travelers. Normally, they are not.

2) Staffing was at full volume. Normally it is not.

3) TSA agents were being polite. Normally they are not.

4) The body scanners were not being used. Normally they are.

This was one big exercise in the TSA blinking. I went through three airports on Wednesday and made a point to wander up near the security station as I waited for delayed flights due to the blizzard in the midwest. The "TSA is your friend, citizen!" show was so blatant that only the holiday-only travelers were falling for it.

Bob Hanssen said...

I just DROVE 450 miles from upstate NY to Virginia. An 8 hour trip took 9 1/2 hours because of all of the "opt outs" who drove rather than flew this weekend.

Hey, Pistole, do you believe you served the public?

TSM West said...

Txrus answered
While she might 'legally' have the right to opt out, from a PR perspective, this was probably the stupidest thing she could have ever done & most likely where the TSA lost the PR war w/the traveling public over the use of these machines.

A true leader leads by example-she shouldn't expect others to do that which she is not willing to do herself.

November 27, 2010 7:45 PM
You're absolutely right. Something we agree on. But when you say you don't want to go through the AIT I'm not going to ask you why. My first thought was the same as yours. She should have shown everyone that they are safe. But she has her reasons and only she knows them.
Anon answered
TSM West said...
Anon said
So was Mr Pistole lying when he stated the he felt the pat down was invasive and uncomfortable?

November 26, 2010 8:45 PM
First of all I didn't hear that comment by Mr. Pistole so I can only tell you what the approximately 90% of the passengers that I talked to told me. Their words " this is not as bad as the media makes it out"
You didn't have to personally hear him make the statement, he said it before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Here's a link and if you don't want to read it the quote is ""It is thorough," Pistole said. "It was more invasive than what I was used to."
So was Mr. Pistole lying when he made the statement?

November 27, 2010 8:41 PM
If you read the same link that I did he did not say the patdown was invasive and uncomfortable. He said it was thorough and more invasive than he was used to. I know I'm tired but I don't believe I saw the word uncomfortable anywhere. Saying it was more invasive than what he was used to doesn't mean a thing. It's more invasive than what everyone is used to compared to the old patdowns. So no Mr Pistole did not lie.

Anonymous said...

I have traveled all over the world, but I refuse to spend another dime flying under these conditions.

Anonymous said...

There was nothing to opt-out from. At most major airports the TSA turned off the AIT machines.

Let's see the media pick-up that story.

Anonymous said...

My family and I drove 15 hrs both ways to visit my parents and I will continue to drive whenever possible as a result of your policies.

One photo of kids holding a sign does not make for a full public support for your civil liberty violations. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Did you get permission from those two children and their parents to post their photo on this blog?

RefuseToBeAbused said...

Yes Bob, I will not be "opting-out" when it come to your checkpoints. In fact, I will not be flying at all until you and your cronies are purged from restraining freedom of travel in America's airports. I abhor the TSA's abuses much more that that of any "terrorist" you try to conjure. Expect shorter lines and less wait-time due to decreased airline revenues. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

The TSA's actions on Opt Out day speak volumes.

After trying to convince us that the scanners and the GROIN-SEARCHES ARE ESSENTIAL FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, during the day that the media is going to be FORCED to report on this issue, the TSA stops using nearly all of the ESSENTIAL scanners, and stops using the GROIN-CHECK. Then they say, "Look everyone, people MUST SUPPORT what we are doing, most people didn't Opt Out!"

This clearly shows that the TSA is ready, willing and able to LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO CONTINUE THEIR POLICIES.

Question: "What else is the TSA lying about?" Hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

I flew on Thanksgiving weekend (though not Wednesday) fully planning to opt out both ways and I did not need to because TSA had turned off the scanners so I was in metal detector lines both flying out and flying home. In one airport I went through, there was only 1 security line open (it was very early in the morning) and the scanner was roped off. In the other airport I went through on the way home, there were several lines open and all but 1 line were metal detectors only. Both airports had scanners present in every single line so it wasn't lack of scanners- they roped them off and weren't using them. So yeah I think opt out was because they weren't using scanners much.
I am posting anonymously and am not the same person as any of the previous anonymous comments on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The reason for no issues was that most airports were not using the scanners or pat downs. They were just using metal detectors. This happened in Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, etc. They pulled that move to try to deflect the situation. You have quite a spin room Bob!

Rape Survivor said...

TSA makes such a big deal out of the small percentage of people who "opt out," but I'm wondering...what's the percentage of people who are TOLD to go through additional screening who opt out?

My husband is a frequent flier, and he says the machines have not been used at all at the three airports he's been in over the past two weeks.

Anonymous said...

dear tsa

before traveling i had decided if selected, i would opt out. but when the time came, i was afraid to opt out as i didn't want to call attention to myself, be considered suspicious, and delay my family's thanksgiving travel plans. (the tsa officers are very intimidating)

standing there with my arms above my head, knowing that i was being seen undressed by an anonymous person and getting a dose of unwanted radiation to boot, brought out all my long-buried traumas of being sexually abused as a child - another time when i felt too small to stand up for myself.

thanks for the memories. i will opt out next time i fly and every time i fly in the future.

Anonymous said...

Your smugness and hostility towards your customers are illuminating.

Shannon said...

I flew through Logan and Fort Lauderdale and not only were we allowed to opt out of the backscatter machines because we did not want our baby son to pass through them, we went through a very fast security line and all the TSA agents were very nice.
Not all TSA agents are out to harass and hurt people - would wager most aren't.

Anonymous said...

Very few people opted out because there was nothing to opt out of! The scanners were in minimal use.

Example: You tried to scan at least 39 people in Atlanta. If we assume all of them opted out (as your blog indicates 39 people opted out), then 39 out of 47,000 people opted out (it's misleading to report this as such). This represents less than one-tenth of one percent of all flyers in Atlanta that day.

The word of the year is "spin". As in, "How much can you spin this story so we save face?"

Anonymous said...

And here I thought that the dumbing-down of our educational system wasn't working...

Anonymous said...

The greater threat is tyranny, not terrorism. How many have been killed or violated by terrorists? vs. how many have been killed and violated by tyrants?

Stalin did what, 60,000,000? Name one terrorist that matches...

To remove our rights and replace them with government issued "security" is tyranny. I want to feel safe when I travel, knowing that my rights will not be violated by the government sworn to protect them.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break, like anyone believes anything that comes out of the TSA, or DC for that matter, anymore.

Dear TSA - You do realize that you are now "The Bad Guys", right?

Anonymous said...

Who do you think I am going to believe? Bob or the TSO's at Seatac and O'Hare that told me "We're not supposed to use the full-body scanners today"?

Anonymous said...

See Why the TSA can't back down (Schneier t the Atlantic) for an explanation of how TSA is losing us the war on terrorism.

Daryl said...

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. -- William Pitt the Elder (1708-1778) (emphasis added)

Anonymous said...

So how much did you guys pay the kids to do that?

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, just the threat of a massive Opt-Out movement was enough to make the point those folks wanted to get across... actually inconveniencing themselves by dealing with TSA minions was not ever necessary.

Their point is already proven anyway; it's a fact that the TSA is not nearly as effective in it's insane policy of ignoring profiling and doing "random" searches as organizations like El Al. Where fewer but better trained security officers have successfully protected passengers on the most targeted airline in the world...

What the TSA is best at, in my observation is producing densely packed targets for our enemies to walk into and devastate at will.

ANYONE could carry in dangerous devices, join the queue and kill hundreds at any major airport...

The ONLY reason that terrorists haven't done so already... is their real world appreciation of all the confusion, resentment, and controversy already produced by TSA's official policies... AND by the petty abuses of it's less desirable line employees....

Those policies and petty abuses already cause more favorable conditions for the enemies of freedom than any huge body count could match.

Anonymous said...

If anyone DID love the TSA, they are clearly afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome

Aaron said...

There was no opt-out because the TSA suspended the screenings. There was nothing to opt out of.

The TSA chalking this up as a victory is comical.

Anonymous said...

Didn't something like this happen in North Korea recently?

"We were attacked by the evil capitalists and Americans! We repelled them swiftly! We will show them no mercy!"

... When what actually happened was rather pathetic.

This TSA thing is a silly example of turning a pathetic occurrence into a propaganda opportunity. Perhaps there were fewer opt-outs because a) fewer people flew and b) the TSA actually didn't make much use of the machines. My two siblings and I all flew home for Thanksgiving and none of us was asked to go through the cancer machine even once.

Miss America said...

I don't think it's the dog keeping you up at night -- it's your conscience. Frankly, it's disgusting that you spin illegal searches for the government. Also, I tried to post this comment last week, but it mysteriously never appeared. Really trustworthy, Blogger Bob.