Thursday, December 23, 2010

Check out Our Holiday Travel Tips…Again

Thanksgiving was only a few weeks ago, but If you’re getting ready to travel for the holidays, you’re probably coming here looking for some tips. So this post is basically the Thanksgiving travel post minus all the corny pilgrim and turkey jokes. If you need to brush up on airport security, you’re in the right place!

The MyTSA App: Our new MyTSA App (Available as an iPhone App or Mobile Web App) amongst other great features has a “Can I Bring My…” tool. You can type in the name of the item you’re curious about and it will tell you if the item is permitted or not. If it’s not included in the list, you have the option of submitting it to us for addition. We even added “tatting shuttle.” Yep, we had to Google it too, and they are permitted.

Wait Times: A crowd sourcing wait time feature is available in our MyTSA application. Check the app to see what wait times have been posted at your departing airport, and be sure to post your wait time to help others.  The more people who use this, the better, so spread the word!

Pat-downs: A very small percentage of passengers will need to receive a pat-down. To reduce the need for a pat-down, the most important thing you can do is take everything out of your pockets before you go through screening. You can put these items in your carry-on bag. Don't wear clothes with a high metal content, and put heavy jewelry on after you go through security. You will also receive a pat-down if you choose to opt out of our Advanced Imaging Technology. (Body Scanners) Check out this post to read some myths and facts about the pat-down. TSA does not squeeze, twist, or grab any body parts during a pat-down and other than inspecting the waistband and collar, our officers are not reaching inside clothing or touching any skin.

The 4-1-1 on 3-1-1 (Liquids, Gels & Aerosols): Let me start by saying this. If you’re checking a bag, make it easy on yourself and just put your liquids in your checked luggage. That way, you don’t have to worry about 3-1-1. I know that suggestion doesn’t work for everybody. Some liquids are essential and some of you understandably would not like to pay to check your luggage. If you’d rather take liquids in your carry-on, please continue reading…

3-1-1 is the name for our liquid policy. You can read
here for more details, but here is the gist of 3-1-1… Each passenger is allowed to take one clear quart-sized sealable bag and fill it with as many liquids in 3.4 oz or less sized containers that will fit, while still being able to seal the bag. Basically, don’t stuff it to the point where it won’t close.

Make sure you take the bag out of your carry-on prior to sending it through the X-ray, or our officers may have to search your bag.
Annoying Family Members: We’ve had many requests, but we cannot add annoying family members to the No Fly List.

If you have liquids, aerosols, or gels that are used for medical purposes, they do not need to adhere to our 3-1-1 policies and do not have to be placed in a bag. You may be asked to go through a TSA Family Lane (see below) so we can expedite the screening process. The liquids, gels and aerosols will need to be removed from your bags.

Answers to common questions: Stick deodorant is not limited to 3.4 oz or less, but gel or spray deodorant is. Also, any liquid makeup such as eyeliner should be placed in the baggie. That goes for perfume as well. Powder makeup is fine.

Family Lanes: Frequent flyers hate it when they’re in line behind a family, and guess what… families hate it when the frequent flyer is behind them tapping their foot and sighing. That’s why we created Family Lanes. They’re designed to let families take their time and ask questions without feeling rushed by the experienced frequent flyers who can zip through a checkpoint in no time. Also, as stated earlier, anybody carrying medically necessary liquids, aerosols and gels in excess of 3.4 oz may be directed to a Family Lane.

Travel Advice for Frosty the Snowman: You are not frozen solid and are larger than 3.4 ounces, so you may not board the plane.

Foods: Pies are permitted, but they are subject to additional screening if our officers see any anomalies. (Additional screening of pies does not include our officers tasting the pie, no matter what they tell you…) Cakes, (to include yummy fruitcakes that nobody else seems to enjoy but me) bread, donuts, turkeys, etc. are all permitted. If it’s a live turkey, you might want to have a word with the airline. Here is a list of items that should be placed in your checked bags or shipped: cranberry sauce, creamy dips and spreads (cheeses, peanut butter, etc.), gift baskets with food items (salsa, jams and salad dressings), gravy (mmm gravy), jams, jellies, maple syrup, oils and vinegars, sauces, soups, wine, liquor and beer.
Christmas Sweaters: While some Christmas sweaters can have a nauseating effect on passengers, they are currently permitted through TSA checkpoints.

Wrapped gifts may need to be unwrapped. If there’s something in the gift that needs to be inspected, we have to open it. Our officers try their best not to mangle the gift wrap, but it’s not a guarantee and it also slows down the line for everybody else when we have to do this. It is suggested that you wrap the presents when you arrive at your destination. You also have the option of shipping the items as well.

Snow Globes: We are not in cahoots with the
Heat Miser, but snow globes are not permitted in your carry-on luggage. They are sealed containers full of liquid that would have to be opened and destroyed to test. We’re not in the business of busting snow globes, so we suggest you place them in your checked baggage or mail them ahead of time.
Mistletoe: Although the name may sound a bit nefarious, mistletoe (not missile-toe) is permitted. Just don’t expect the person sitting in the middle seat to kiss you.

ID & Boarding Pass Checking & Secure Flight: As you approach a TSA checkpoint, you will see an officer checking IDs and boarding passes. Please have your acceptable ID and boarding pass out and ready to present to our officer. If your ID is in a plastic sheath or other type of holder, it will need to be removed so our officers can properly inspect them. By having your ID and boarding pass out and ready, you’ll help move the line along faster. The several seconds it takes to get your ID and boarding pass out might not seem like much time, but it really adds up when you’ve got people in line behind you.

Also, folks have had questions about the
Secure Flight program and whether the name on your ticket has to match the name on your ID. The Secure Flight watch-list matching process occurs before a passenger even gets to the airport so if you get a boarding pass, the Secure Flight watch-list matching process is done. In other words, you are clear once you get that pass.

If you have lost or forgotten your ID, you will still be permitted to fly as long as you help us verify you are who you say you are by answering a few questions for us.
Fruitcakes: Contrary to popular belief, fruitcake is a delicious edible and festive cake, not a WMD.

Inconsistencies: You may notice your screening experience at one airport doesn’t match the experience of another airport. We realize this happens, and some of it is intentional. While it can be a little confusing for our passengers, it also makes things unpredictable for those who might wish to do us harm. Our officers also can use their discretion in different scenarios that allows them to use common sense and not abide by a checklist mentality that can be studied and defeated by those who wish to do us harm.

Shoes on Belt: We recommend you place your shoes on the X-ray belt as opposed to placing them in a bin. Why? It keeps the bins from getting too cluttered and allows our officers to get a better look at items to ensure prohibited items do not get on the plane. It also speeds things up when they get a better view and don't have to stop the X-ray belt for searches.

Print out this handy dandy checklist (PDF) so you don’t forget anything and don’t forget to check out for a wealth of information on traveling through TSA checkpoints.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Gunner said...

>>It keeps the bins from getting too cluttered and allows our officers to get a better look at items to ensure prohibited items do not get on the plane.<<

So explain this in the context that I put my shoes in an empty bin with no other content?

Anonymous said...

Not touching skin or reaching under clothing?

Well then my pat-down in Chicago was at least illegal and at-most inappropriate because the TSO did reach down my pants, did touch my skin and basically molested me.

When I asked why they were going down my pants and touching my skin, I was told that I should have gone through the scanner.

Hey folks: I'm female. I'm a cancer survivor. My oncologist told me not to subject myself to the scanners at the airport.

I do not need to be molested, embarrased, talked down to or treated poorly because I put my health concerns above your convenience.

Nice job, TSA. I'm doing everything within my legal powers as a citizen of the USA to make certain you people are replaced by a competent, well-trained and respectful organization.

Fill out a complaint? Name names? Trust the TSA will actually handle the situation?

Right. I fly out of Chicago all the time. The last thing I need is to be harassed or put in a glass box. I'd rather just work to make sure you people lose your jobs.

Jerome Howard said...

Bummer -- you wrote this so fast that you left a few minor details about the strip search machines --

1. About how one of them emits harmful radiation administered by someone who may have graduated high school;

2. About how the TSA has never allowed the active radiation emitter has never been tested in the operational environment;

3. About how the active radiation emitter concentrates most of its energy on the skin area, thereby creating an acutely high risk of developing skin cancers;

4. About how the machines can, in fact, store images in the field in the test, training, and maintenance modes;

5. About how the sheep lining up for these things are shown grossly inaccurate depictions of what the images actually look like, both in raw form and magnified;

6. About how passengers, especially women, are forced into private friskings so the rest of the flying public won't see what is happening to them;

Hope this helps you finish your post.

I'm "Happy to Help."

Jim Huggins said...

Bob, since you brought it up ... please post evidence that completely frozen liquids in excess of 3.4 ounces are permitted through the checkpoint.

And please don't point again to the Travelers With Disabilities page. That only covers passengers with a medical need for such items. Are passengers without a medical need allowed to bring solid ice through the checkpoint (a la Britney Spears)?

Anonymous said...

You really should be careful with how you write... making a joke about fruitcakes not being a WMD is a bad example to set, and just points out the hypocrisy that is the TSA. The TSA's reputation is becoming more and more of a joke. If someone made a joke about a security threat in line or in the presence of a TSA official, they'd be questioned, arrested, and fined, yet you make jokes about WMDs and security in general on here and on your twitter board. You can't expect anyone to respect TSA if you're a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

"Our officers also can use their discretion in different scenarios that allows them to use common sense"


It is very obvious that common sense is something that is not so common for your "officers."

TSM, been here.... said...

Any bets on whether the very first comment is something negative?
Just in case it's this one -
Happy Holidays Everyone!

Anonymous said...

If I use the "Can I Bring Tool" and print the results, will I be allowed to show it to the TSO who insists that my items are forbidden, or will it be slapped out of my hands before I'm locked in the "Penalty Box" until after my flight leaves?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's right- another Loooooooo000000000oong post, to shove all the topics that you're being proved wrong on way, way down the page, where hopefully no one will see them.

And,of course, no posts on:
An airline pilot is being disciplined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for posting video on YouTube pointing out what he believes are serious flaws in airport security."

I was about to delete an offensive comment on this blog – one of the very few we get – and thought, hmm, I wonder where this guy is posting from? Because, really, it is quite unusual for us to get nasty comments. Lo and behold, the troll posted to our website from an IP address controlled by the federal government’s Department of Homeland Security!"

"McCoy has been a screener for the TSA for nearly nine years. ..."The work life here is horrible," said McCoy, ...Turnover is like a "revolving door" and health benefits are "atrocious," he said. Morale is low and so is the pay...Airline security blogger Steven Frischling has been posting anonymous complaints from officers on his blog,, including this one:
"It is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man's private parts, their butt, their inner thigh."
Frischling said that screeners tell him they're "demeaned" by the pat-down procedure, which they describe as "ineffective.""

Bob, when EVEN YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES describe your procedures as "ineffective" and hate their jobs....

TSO Tom said...

Bob: Fruitcakes IS a WMD....weapon of weight destruction. Merry Christmas....Happy Chanuka....and Happy Holidays to all!

Anonymous said...


Great job love your sense of humor, good secuirty information, love the advice for all passengers , on behalf of the TSO's and passengers keep up the good work!
TSM from CA

Anonymous said...

"TSA does not squeeze, twist, or grab any body parts during a pat-down and other than inspecting the waistband and collar, our officers are not reaching inside clothing or touching any skin."

Did you go on a course to learn to lie or does it come naturally?

"We’ve had many requests, but we cannot add annoying family members to the No Fly List."

Can you add TSA to the no fly list?

Turning off your porn machines again these holidays?

Anonymous said...

"... our officers are not reaching inside clothing or touching any skin."

That wasn't my experience at Boston Logan on October 31, 2010. The TSA screener performing my pat-down lifted my shirt, pulled the waistband of my pants from my body, and then put her hands -- not a finger, not her finger tips, her hands -- into my pants and felt all around the waist. It was invasive and humiliating, and the official TSA blogger saying that sort of thing doesn't happen is just offensive.

Anonymous said...

So, was there a change, Bob? Does this truly mean TSA will stop touching my face, neck, and bare arms (especially if I am wearing a spaghetti strap tank top)? Or is this just a change for the holidays? Seriously, I'd like an official answer from YOU as is is you and your agency's actions and lies that has caused my cancellation of 3 out of 4 airline trips.

Anonymous said...

You KNOW you've made things ridiculous when passengers need to bring instructions with them to fly.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good. Another comical posting for us, just in time for the holidays. This is about what we expect from the TSA, Bob. You spent the whole year lying, spinning and spreading propaganda and now it's time for another big travel day. Wonder what kind of games the TSA will play this round? Turn of the AIT machines like at Thanksgiving, saying "look how smooth it all goes"? What a farce.

Maybe once you're done with the lame attempts at comedy here, you could address some more pressing issues, like:

* the airline pilot who is being harassed for showing weaknesses in the security at SFO. The feds confiscated his handgun, revoked his conceal carry permit (?), and searched his house. Wow, you guys sure are after the right people.

* you disinformation campaign. Your own TSA page on "Traveling with Children?" STILL (weeks after the AIT's were rolled out) says ZERO about them or the groping. So, parents who read this and get to the airport to be shocked by what is going on cannot opt out or they are threatened with $11,000 fines.

Merry Christmas, Bob. I hope you sleep well.

Incompetent Homeowner said...

Good tips, and I apologize for going slightly off topic, but I've never gotten an answer to this question:

How can the TSA claim public support for its policies if it intentionally makes those policies "unpredictable" and encourages its officers to use discretion rather than a "checklist mentality"? Consent is only consent if it's informed.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget to opt out of your radiation exposure! And don't have a cardiac condition either, unless you want to be thrown onto the floor and dragged off.

Phanatic said...

How come the official story on what happens if you refuse screening changes? First we were told that you can opt out and choose not to fly instead of being screened. Then we were told that you can opt out and choose not to fly, but that you'll be subject to a $11,000 fine if you leave the checkpoint without permission. And now in this story:

a rape victim with a pacemaker gets *arrested* when she refuses to submit to a pat-down search after setting off the magnetometer.

How can you people live with yourselves?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you though writing jokes about this stuff was a good idea.

What will you joke about next - auto accidents?

You have to know that many people find your procedures to be extremely objectionable. Why would you think this is funny?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say Merry Christmas! It's thanks to these policies that we are driving today.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the list. I understand that there may be changes made from time to time and from airport to airport to enhance security.

The negative commentary on this practice only reminds me of President Bush's warning that: ""Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." The criticism of TSA is by people that are not with "us".

Anonymous said...

Now the airlines are maybe a tiny bit safer, but the determined terrorists will move on to "softer" targets, like Times Square, Xmas tree lighting ceremonies and cargo bombs.

Next attack - shopping centers, schools, cruise ships, sports events, subways, tunnels, buses, airport security lines to name but a few.

We cannot possibly catch every attempt by screening, but we can humiliate millions of people, violate their rights and their privacy, possibly cause cancers, and help bankrupt already hurting commercial aviation companies.

My family and I won't fly until this travesty is lifted.

Incompetent Homeowner said...

"You are also reminded that any inappropriate comments or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest."

Anonymous said...

Can somebody call the supervisor to have a little talk with Bob? The things you TSA guys did are not funny at all.

And Bob, thanks to your words, it really sucks all the people's holiday spirits away, nice try.

Jerome Howard said...

Hey, Bob, it's Jerome Howard again. I'd like you to explain why you didn't see fit to publish my summary of facts about the whole-body-imaging devices that you must have overlooked in your post? I'll give you a chance to respond before I send a copy of my post to the DHS Inspector General Hotline.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
"Right. I fly out of Chicago all the time. The last thing I need is to be harassed or put in a glass box. I'd rather just work to make sure you people lose your jobs."

Good plan. Write your Representatives and demand that the TSA be brought under control. No use playin around with the non-high school graduates that might be manning the checkpoints.

Cut off the TSA where it matters: Have the House deny funding until it observes the Constitution.

First step: Insist that your Rep support an independent, third party to moderate this blog.

Anonymous said...

"You may have read about TSA implementing enhanced pat downs as part of our layered approach to security. Using the latest intelligence, TSA constantly updates our screening procedures to stay ahead of those who wish to do us harm and keep the skies safe for the flying public."

It seems comical that the TSA would cite "intelligence" when the TSOs don't even have to be high school graduates. Who exactly is the TSA protectng us against? A lactating mother? A rape survivor?

This is hilarious except for the whole denying Americans the rights that are provided by God.

"When developing our security procedures, we use input from across the agency, including our Offices of Intelligence, Privacy, and Civil Rights and Liberties. "

Input that, while valuable, is then ignored.

Amazing that a taxpayer supported blog would dare suggest these things when they are so demonstrably false.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, I get on a plane for the 5th time in the last 5 months. Not an enormous amount by road warrior standards, but enough to have developed a deep-seated loathing of the TSA.

And although I had a lovely Christmas, but I did not get the one thing I was truly hoping for: John Pistole's resignation.

The TSA remains a stain on the American law enforcement system, and I pray the courts eviscerate you for abuses like this

There is simply no need for this, and your tactics are designed specifically to intimidate the public into submission.

In 2011, I hope everyone in the TSA grows a conscience.

Anonymous said...

I think next time I fly if I have a complaint I will not only fill out the tsa forms.. I would also write my congressmen.

Its pretty obvious the TSA Is not really taking complaints seriously.
Its Also obvious that there seems to be several sets of rules and procedures. The Official tsa rule, The rules for "important" people, and what the TSO's are actually doing in the field. [possibly though no fault of their own]

It all stems from bad leadership and training.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you for the list. I understand that there may be changes made from time to time and from airport to airport to enhance security. "

As in, it is frequently necessary to violate the rules so that they can be enforced?

Anonymous said...

This is an extraordinarily insensitive, crass and hypocritical post. Blogger Bob makes jokes about passengers carrying missiles and bombs onto planes. If the general public did this they would arrested and prevented from flying. Your comments were clearly meant in a light-hearted manner, but The TSA knows how sensitive many passengers are about enhanced security measures and the impact they now have on many people, so perhaps Blogger Bob you would like to comment on why you think it is appropriate to make highly inappropriate jokes on such a serious issue?
I would be very surprised if you bother to respond.

Anonymous said...

WMDs. Hmmm. Itsn't that what we went to Iraq for and there were none. You guy make me laugh. You don't get intel, the CIA and DIA do. Increased Chatter? Thats not intel at all and you know it. Kind of like the intel they had for Iraq. At least Bush has the decency to show us the cherry picked and false intel.

You are just trying to scare the public into accepting your scanners, patdowns, police "intel" centers and to send on our money on technology the lobbist push so your hand picked companies can make millions.

I feel sorry for all the employees that think they are protecting the country when, in fact, they are suppressing citizens rights.

Anonymous said...

Shoes on Belt:

Does this mean you're going to take down the signs that say to put them in the bins? Every time I go through security, it seems I guess wrong. If I put them on the belt, someone puts them in a bin. If I put it in a bin, someone puts them on the belt. While I know I ask the impossible, a little consistency would be nice.

kimm said...

As someone who has been pulled out only because I have a brace and no other reason, I did not find this humerous either.

I miss flying, but I guess I'll miss more family holidays untill TSA starts treating us all like human beings again instead of criminals.

Anonymous said...

When are you going to quit wasting our tax dollars with these silly posts (that address the same information time and time again) and start to address real concerns for those of us who have to travel every week?

1. How are TSA officers held accountable after a complaint is filed? What's the process? Tell us, the taxpayers, who pay your salaries.
2. Who is responsible for watching taxpayer private property when the taxpayer is undergoing a pat down?
3. Where's the independent studies on the body scanning machines? What are the long term health issues?

While on vacation this holiday I heard at least 4 to 5 TSA jokes. Until you start to address real concerns from real taxpayers, your organization will continue to suffer a loss of credibility. I am hoping someone at the TSA stops the false media campaign in 2011 and starts to address real issues.

Anonymous said...

If the RapidScan Make-Cherthoff-Richer scanners are not meant to be mandatory, somebody better tell San Diego International Airport Terminal #1, December 23, roughly 1PM TSA crew that. They were forcing everyone to go through the nude-o-scope, including children under the age of 12, with the WTMD completely roped off.

TSA new mission: Irradiating TSO's Nationwide.

Anonymous said...

"other than inspecting the waistband and collar, our officers are not reaching inside clothing or touching any skin."

But they are reaching inside clothing and touching skin when "inspecting waistbands", right?

We are not stupid. This is disgusting.

SSSS for some reason said...

Thank you for the attempted Humor Blogger Bob.

It is, however, extremely out of place and in poor taste in this particular setting.

I appreciate your attempts to humanize the T.S.A., to show your not just a machine that is interceding between us and our travel plans. But, if *we* were to attempt this kind of humor while in the TSA Zone at the airport we could be subjected to any manner of ill treatment up to and including being jailed.

Treat us with some respect and you may get some in return.

Anonymous said...

How should I protect my 4th amen dmant rights @ the point of offense?
If I were a founding father I would be rebelious against the controlong powers.

Anonymous said...

This Christmas I spent hundreds of extra dollars to fly through airports that do not yet have the unconstitutional screening methods. Unfortunately plane delays caused me to miss my connecting flight and I had to spend the night in a hotel. I was worried that I would be stranded in the city, as I would not be subjected to the AIT machines or to "pat downs" and may not be let back into the airport.

Luckily, the next morning (Christmas Eve) all of the AIT machines were turned off and the old screening measures were in place.

If the TSA can turn the machines off during the busiest travel times of the year, why can't they keep them off?

After all, this country was founded upon freedom, and the fact that there are God given rights that need to be protected. The TSA needs to honor those freedoms for which many have fought and died. If you can't do that, then go find a country that doesn't have those rights, you'll be happier there.

There are plenty to chose from.

Anonymous said...

I personally smiled at the humerous context of some of your recent blog post.

Anonymous said...

So, Bob, perhaps you can explain something for us:

"Snow Globes: We are not in cahoots with the Heat Miser, but snow globes are not permitted in your carry-on luggage. They are sealed containers full of liquid that would have to be opened and destroyed to test. We’re not in the business of busting snow globes, so we suggest you place them in your checked baggage or mail them ahead of time."

If they are sealed and you would have to break them to test them, exactly how did terrorists get liquid explosives inside?

Anonymous said...

my comment about the sexual harassment during the patdown by TSA agents at SJC on 12/26 has not appeared although i posted it yesterday. Might i ask the moderator of this blog why it hasn't been posted?

Anonymous said...

This post is idiotic.

Anonymous said...

Why is TSA going after the pilot that revealed the inexcusable difference in the way various employees are screened? BTW its not a giant secret it is common knowledge. How embarrassing for your agency. I will be writing my congressmen with the suggestion that TSA be stood down until there can be an agency wide review of practices and malpractices. You're not making us safer and your agency should be dismantled.

Anonymous said...


I received a patdown Christmas morning. I specifically asked a three-stripe supervisor if they would be touching my testicles. Direct response was "no he will not".

Well, guess what. The TSO doing the patdown did in fact touch my testicles.

Not only are you people disgusting, you are liars as well. I hope someone files a class action against the TSA as I will be glad to join.

John at BWI Parking said...

I am very glad that you provided the family lane. I mean, it's just annoying when a member of 10 family with noisy kids are in front of you.

I just hope there are also cabins for kids, to avoid destruction whenever they cry out loud (well,if the travel is an hour or two, it would be okay).

Karl said...

Are Nike+ sensors in shoes permitted? They're not dangerous in any way but they might confuse TSOs who aren't aware that these sensors exist.

Anonymous said...

Now that peer-reviewed evidence has come out that the porno scanners are junk, can you PLEASE stop irradiating people?

The scanners do not work. Yet the TSA, in their most intelligent response in a while, has said "NUH UHH!!!"

Why expose men, women, and children to dangerous radiation when there is absolutely no benefit?

Ariock said...

Funny, A friend flying through Houston was told that she could NOT opt out of the backscatter. and then she got a patdown anyway.

Do you folks have things like training? Or do you just like pushing people around and lying? Also, what sort of accountability is there when you folks brazenly lie?

Speaking of training (or rather the complete lack thereof), lying, and a complete lack of accountability (but otherwise unrelated to my previous questions), I was wondering what the official TSA stance is on bathing suits since you apparently let some people wear them through screening, but don't let other people through wearing them (And then call the airline reps and lie about the passenger being uncooperative and getting them banned from the airline)?

I mean, not that you saying anything here means anything anyway. (refer to the previous lies, lack of training, etc. for examples of why)

Anonymous said...

Not touching skin or reaching under clothing?

Well then my pat-down in Chicago was at least illegal and at-most inappropriate because the TSO did reach down my pants, did touch my skin and basically molested me.

When I asked why they were going down my pants and touching my skin, I was told that I should have gone through the scanner.

Hey folks: I'm female. I'm a cancer survivor. My oncologist told me not to subject myself to the scanners at the airport.

I do not need to be molested, embarrased, talked down to or treated poorly because I put my health concerns above your convenience.

Nice job, TSA. I'm doing everything within my legal powers as a citizen of the USA to make certain you people are replaced by a competent, well-trained and respectful organization.

Fill out a complaint? Name names? Trust the TSA will actually handle the situation?

Right. I fly out of Chicago all the time. The last thing I need is to be harassed or put in a glass box. I'd rather just work to make sure you people lose your jobs.
Wow you sound like a joy! First of all there is nothing about the pat-down that can remotely be compared to molestation. And did you people know that if TSA was replaced by private security that security would have to follow by the regulations of the Dept of Homeland Security. Which would put you right back where you started. GET OVER IT!

Anonymous said...

a rape victim with a pacemaker gets *arrested* when she refuses to submit to a pat-down search after setting off the magnetometer.
First of all PHANATIC, do your homework. A person with a pacemaker does not walk through a magnometer. They simply step aside for further assistance. And if they did walk through the magnetometer more than likely they would be fine. And they definatelly would not be setting off the alarm with a pacemaker because there is not enough metal for that to happen.

Anonymous said...
So funny! This lady is so full of it. First of all there is not cops called if someone wants a pat down. And although they do not say that that is how they are making it sound. Pacemakers do not go through the metal detector. Therefor this lady opts out of the metal detector. Ok, no big deal. People do it all the time. So she comes in for her pat down. First of all TSA does not use hand held metal detectors anymore. But if they did she still would not get the hand held metal detector. Why you might ask? Well why would a pacemaker not be allowed through the walk through metal detector, but it would be ok to pass a hand held metal detector over the area. Obviously the lady was not thinking. And I highly doubt, unless she was fighting and being unruley that she was handcuffed and thrown to the ground. From what I get out of the story she probably through herself on the ground and made a scene.

Anonymous said...

I canceled my flight and got a refund on Friday after calling the TSA and asking if they could guarantee that "I wouldn't be irradiated or sexually assaulted" as a requirement to fly.

I will not be flying until Napolitano is replaced and these disgusting, criminal TSA procedures are terminated.

TSM, Been here.... said...

" Anonymous said...
So, Bob, perhaps you can explain something for us:

"Snow Globes: We are not in cahoots with the Heat Miser, but snow globes are not permitted in your carry-on luggage. They are sealed containers full of liquid that would have to be opened and destroyed to test. We’re not in the business of busting snow globes, so we suggest you place them in your checked baggage or mail them ahead of time."

If they are sealed and you would have to break them to test them, exactly how did terrorists get liquid explosives inside?

December 27, 2010 7:39 PM"
Uh, ever hear of "Silicone Seal"?

Also, some snow globes normally contain toxic chemicals like antifreeze or other things which thicken the liquid to make the snow have greater "hang time". Without knowing exactly what is in the globe, would you really want someone exposing themselves (and others) to potentially dangerous chemicals? Let alone the fact that just opening them to test them would also damage them beyond use.

Anonymous said...

Gunner, I suspect that the better reason to place your shoes on the belt and not in the bin is to keep the slop that finds its way to the soles of shoes from winging up on you coat, jacket, etc.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob,

It does appear Austin, TX police are not the overreactive jerks as portrayed in the KVUE article. The story, as upsetting as it was, did seem to have some problems or holes, so I was hoping for some independent clarification, which I did get - but I'm still keeping my ears open for more info.

Unfortunately, there has been so much double-speak and misleading statements by the TSA that anything you say (or obviously edited video clips you post online) won't answer all of the questions about how the Austin woman in the story was treated by TSA agents.

Anonymous said...

I hate the TSA. I'm taking as few flights as possible (job may force me in very specific cases) until the airlines feel the pressure and exert their influence in Washington DC to be able to regain control of security themselves.
When that happens, we will once again have a professional security force.

Anonymous said...

"Few government or third-party reports have been produced in the past eight years that compare the performance of private companies with that of the government in airport security. The lone outside study, commissioned by the TSA and written by an Arlington County information technology firm, compared a dozen airports and looked at data from 2004 through 2007. It found that private screeners perform at a level "equal to or better" than their government counterparts."

The hardest part of airports getting out of having the TSA running their security (and running their business into the ground) is that they have to submit the request through the TSA.

We shouldn't have too much longer that we have to put up with the TSA though, I believe.

Brenda said...

Random checks of luggage. I believe in the security checks and have no problem. However, when my luggage after being checked was chosen for random check. When I opened my suitcast I thought someone had torn through it like a hurricane. I had wet clothes because bottle tops were not replaced on hair lotions and contact solution. I had a broken compact because my makeup bag was not closed and powder had stained my sweaters. Clothes had not been folded back and were wrinkled, my camera was on top and could have easily been broken if another heavy suitcase was thrown on top of it.

The TSA should respect people's belongings and handle with care. I am a senior citizen and have never witness such disrespect for one property. What is this nation coming to?

GSOLTSO said...

Karl sez "Are Nike+ sensors in shoes permitted? They're not dangerous in any way but they might confuse TSOs who aren't aware that these sensors exist."

The Nike and several other shoes with similar systems in them come through everyday. They are allowed to come through.

TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

Anonymous TSM, Been here.... said...

" Anonymous said...
So, Bob, perhaps you can explain something for us:

"Snow Globes: We are not in cahoots with the Heat Miser, but snow globes are not permitted in your carry-on luggage. They are sealed containers full of liquid that would have to be opened and destroyed to test. We’re not in the business of busting snow globes, so we suggest you place them in your checked baggage or mail them ahead of time."

If they are sealed and you would have to break them to test them, exactly how did terrorists get liquid explosives inside?

December 27, 2010 7:39 PM"
Uh, ever hear of "Silicone Seal"?

Also, some snow globes normally contain toxic chemicals like antifreeze or other things which thicken the liquid to make the snow have greater "hang time". Without knowing exactly what is in the globe, would you really want someone exposing themselves (and others) to potentially dangerous chemicals? Let alone the fact that just opening them to test them would also damage them beyond use.


OK, so the TSO looks at the snowglobe, sees no "silicone seal" and passes it thru. If he does see any he doesn't pass it thru. How hard is that?

As for possibly containing hazardous liquids or materials, thats not a problem. TSA's magical trashcans at the checkpoints are well known as hazardous material safe zones.

Lastly, if the x-ray machines can't detect liquid explosives and snow globes are sooooooo dangerous, how are the ones for sale after the checkpoint inspected?

Anonymous said...

TSM said:

"Also, some snow globes normally contain toxic chemicals like antifreeze or other things which thicken the liquid to make the snow have greater "hang time". Without knowing exactly what is in the globe, would you really want someone exposing themselves (and others) to potentially dangerous chemicals? Let alone the fact that just opening them to test them would also damage them beyond use."

Yes, I think the TSA should be at the forefront to prevent the thousands of useless injuries that occur every year due to snowglobes.

Seriously, as long as the TSA is recruiting off pizza boxes, this is the kind of "intelligent" discussion we can expect.

Anonymous said...

@GSOLTOS: The Nike and several other shoes with similar systems in them come through everyday. They are allowed to come through.

Unless of course, our TSO lords decide they're not, in which case you fine us $11,000 and send us to prison.

It's patently offensive that you appeal to our common sense when you change the rules every five minutes and punish us for disobeying them.

Anonymous said...

I see no mention of having one's credit cards ready to be photocopied. Am I allowed to travel if I don't have credit cards?

Trishia said...

Molested as a child, I can't and won't put myself in the position to have a complete stranger touch me all over. My airport doesn't have scanners, so I risk being randomly singled out for a custody search. My life has been RUINED because of you and you make jokes? I'm a law-abiding American citizen and you people have RUINED my dreams of travel in my retirement. You 'play' law officer confiscating snow globes, dope and guns, but you've never caught a single terrorist. You are bankrupting America, not to mention trampling on the Constitution. And that's no joke, but a very sad truth.

Anonymous said...

After sending email requests to TSA, about lack of CLEAN gloves, and being pat downed because of several metal implants--TSA email response says they are too busy to respond. I just want to know WHY no clean (and NON-latex gloves) are available. I became ill with hives on my legs where the TSA this is not just a minor complaint.
Also the return email from TSA commented that on the AIT scanners, John Hopkins, affirmed the SAFETY of the AIT radiation. I JUST READ THE REPORTS! And that comment is not true. Since I go to Johns Hopkins for care, this week I will hand carry the email, and reports to the JH Applied Physics Lab and ASK them to respond on the safety issue.
Additionally the JHU report indicated concern on the shielding around areas of the scanner where higher radiation would cause problems. Has TSA made and tested changes that would FIX the problems, or done the modifications suggested for safety?
Then reading the NIST report, it shows the radiation levels seen in internal organs--like testes, ovarys, uterus, lungs, liver, intestines..all showing some level of radiation. So THIS AIT system must also irradiate more than just the skin.
NO report says the AIT is safe..they just reference that further research must be done. Even the FDA did NOT say it was safe..they reference a 1992 study for scanners, and say the Rapidscan 1000, used as the AIT scanning device is not the same as the one they certified in 1992, and its not "necessary" to include. What gives?

And finally, on safety, no where in the reports does it take into considertion the TOTAL radiation a person has during a year. Since I have lots of radiographic tests and scans, and its additive, each passenger going thru the scanner should be notified of the exact radiation dose EACH individual scanner is providing. Of course this should be the installation survey test number,and the yearly or monthly test dosage. Each machine is different.
So, TSA, go read the online reports.

kimm said...

"..Anonymous said...
After sending email requests to TSA, about lack of CLEAN gloves, and being pat downed because of several metal implants--TSA email response says they are too busy to respond. I just want to know WHY no clean (and NON-latex gloves) are available. I became ill with hives on my legs where the TSA this is not just a minor complaint...."

That's ok. After multiple inquieries and complaints, I have still had no reply as to the burns I received on my leg after their "safe swab". The one I needed because I could not remove a brace on my ankle. A brace that very obviously could NOT hide anything without it being able to be detected with the naked eye.

And please...I don't want to hear that plain gauze is used and I just had a "reaction". I'm not allergic to "plain gauze" and I have never...EVER had a burn from a piece of gauze touching my skin.

The burn was on my leg around the entire top of my brace...exactly where they dragged the "safe swab".

The burn lasted for 4 days (out of a 7 day vacation...oh what fun). It did not blister and it hurt but I was not in pain, so I never went to a doctor...which I probably should have, and did not scar. But now, I may unfortunatly have to fly again, and what if it happens this time around? Since I received no answers the first time, if it does happen again, I will take it further this time.

But in my mind right now, is the possibility of even having to deal with a burn yet again, not to mention the indignities of TSA at the airport, period.

Anonymous said...

anon said:
" hate the TSA. I'm taking as few flights as possible (job may force me in very specific cases) until the airlines feel the pressure and exert their influence in Washington DC to be able to regain control of security themselves.
When that happens, we will once again have a professional security force."
tsa will be overseeing things and if the screeners are let go then guess who will be hired by the private section? the ones with the experience and training, aka the let go tsa people. you do realize that the govt bailed most airlines out a couple of years ago and see how much money the govt is saving the airlines by having them do it right? please look at the big picture of things.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not touching skin or reaching under clothing?

Well then my pat-down in Chicago was at least illegal and at-most inappropriate because the TSO did reach down my pants, did touch my skin and basically molested me.

Come on, reached down your pants? what is your definintion of reaching down your pants, id like to know,because i have been through the TSA Patdown literally dozens of times and never have I had a Tsa officer do anything but examine the waistband,wouldnt exactly call that reaching down my pants, touching my skin, and its definantly a stretch to call that molestation. Your a Cancer survivor,let me be the first to congratulate you, I am a cancer survivor too, I survived colon cancer. But lets not be ignorant, if a Terrorist opted out of AIT hey, they could easily use the same excuse,or any other medical excuse and if no other screening followed them opting out,then they could walk right through security with a number of different prohibited items that could be used to harm us. Just because you and I are American Cancer survivors we shoudnt be exempt from the same screening everyone else is subject to. And in concern to the comment about the Tsa being replaced by a Competent and well trained organization, I would like to inform you that At my Airport alone The Tsa Screening workforce finds every week, dozens of guns knives clubs, disabling chemicals and other items that could be used to harm air travel, as well as arrest and charges dozens of people on traveling with fradulent documents. if thats an imcompentant work force then, I would like you to tell me what you would change, because not only are these results due to the technology and patdowns but they are a result of a Competant and engaged workforce and one of which you should personally be thankful. I want to take the Time to thank The Hard working TSA Workforce. Thank you for keeping us Safe

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said....."Come on, reached down your pants? what is your definintion of reaching down your pants, id like to know,because i have been through the TSA Patdown literally dozens of times and never have I had a Tsa officer do anything but examine the waistband,wouldnt exactly call that reaching down my pants, touching my skin, and its definantly a stretch to call that molestation. Your a Cancer survivor,let me be the first to congratulate you, I am a cancer survivor too, I survived colon cancer. But lets not be ignorant, if a Terrorist opted out of AIT hey, they could easily use the same excuse,or any other medical excuse and if no other screening followed them opting out,then they could walk right through security with a number of different prohibited items that could be used to harm us. Just because you and I are American Cancer survivors we shoudnt be exempt from the same screening everyone else is subject to. And in concern to the comment about the Tsa being replaced by a Competent and well trained organization, I would like to inform you that At my Airport alone The Tsa Screening workforce finds every week, dozens of guns knives clubs, disabling chemicals and other items that could be used to harm air travel, as well as arrest and charges dozens of people on traveling with fradulent documents. if thats an imcompentant work force then, I would like you to tell me what you would change, because not only are these results due to the technology and patdowns but they are a result of a Competant and engaged workforce and one of which you should personally be thankful. I want to take the Time to thank The Hard working TSA Workforce. Thank you for keeping us Safe

January 14, 2011 6:54 PM"

You are nothing more than a liar and TSA hack.

The items found each week are listed on the first page of the TSA website. If "your" airport does what you say then it must be the only airport TSA reports its findings on.

Try again.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know what type of testing the TSA does on the liquids allowed over the 3 oz limit (liquid medication, breast milk, etc.)?

Unless I'm missing something, anyone can get a legit script bottle, pour out the medication, and replace with whatever nasty liquid they like.

There is less of a guarantee of what is actually in that medication bottle with the unsealed and removable cap, than a sealed snow globe!


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if I can carry on
my ice skates? I am going skating with my grandchildren in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

So I think one resource is forgotten a lot. Frquent Flyer miles & awards are getting so easy to collect & track and many of us can usually get a free flight in no time if they just monitor their miles.

Check out the first travel search engine that also tracks all your miles and tells you how many miles you will be getting with every individual flight.