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Public Affairs Forum

Exploring national issues from an economic perspective

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta hosts a series of Public Affairs Forums featuring noted speakers who offer insightful economic perspectives on emerging public policy issues that affect the U.S. and regional economies. Academic, business, and civic leaders from Atlanta and surrounding areas are invited to engage in conversation and hear the speaker discuss the issues. Forum attendance is by invitation only.

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October 17
Advancing Entrepreneurship in America: Building Blocks for Success
Amy Wilkinson, Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School, Center for Business and Government, and Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

July 25
Surviving the New Economics of Health Care: Can Reviving the Doctor of the Past Meet the Challenges of the Present?
David Meltzer, MD, PhD, Chief of the Hospital Medicine Section and Director of the Center for Health and Social Sciences, University of Chicago
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April 18
Beyond GDP: Should the United States Measure Well-Being?
Carol Graham, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
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