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About the Fed
Business Continuity

Banking Supervision

The Banking Supervision Department at the Dallas Fed has supervisory authority over statechartered banks in Texas, Northern Louisiana and Southern New Mexico that have elected to become members of the Federal Reserve. The department also supervises bank holding companies and the operations of any foreign bank conducting business in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District.

In an emergency situation, Banking Supervision staff assists with communications among constituency groups (financial institutions it regulates, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and other banking regulators) and Reserve Bank operations.

To communicate effectively during an emergency, Banking Supervision staff may solicit contact information from senior officials at institutions.

For questions on banking supervision matters during an emergency, contact one of the following.

Banking Supervision Contacts

Additional Information and Financial Institution Guidance

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Seal
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas 75201 | 214.922.6000 or 800.333.4460
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