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Research Centers

Americas Center®
The Americas Center's mission involves better supervising constituencies, strengthening the Federal Reserve System's and Sixth Federal Reserve District's voice and influence in hemispheric policymaking, and adding value to evolving regional payment processing.

Center for Financial Innovation and Stability (CenFIS)
The aim of CenFIS is to advance knowledge of financial innovation and stability and the connection between the two, especially in regard to Federal Reserve policymaking. The center supports and disseminates research on those topics—both original work on economic issues and research on the effects of government policies. The center's monthly online newsletter, Notes from the Vault, focuses on timely issues in financial markets.

Center for Human Capital Studies
The center was launched in 2010 to enhance the understanding of human capital development and labor market issues. Because education and health are critical drivers of economic vitality, and because Southerners have lower average levels of education and are in poorer health than residents in other regions, education and healthcare are particularly relevant issues for the Sixth Federal Reserve District.

Center for Quantitative Economic Research (CQER)
The mission of the CQER is to advance empirical research in economics and promote forecasting models usable in studying policy. The Atlanta Fed has long been noted for expertise in sophisticated models used to help forecast economic activity. The CQER serves to focus that expertise on informing economic and monetary policy.

Center for Real Estate Analytics
The center brings together subject experts and numerous data sources to provide useful information to our constituents—consumers, banks, academia, organizations, and government—on myriad subjects related to real estate, finance, and the economy. It provides information and research to highlight and define real estate activity within the Southeast and the national landscape.

Regional Economic Information Network (REIN)®
The Regional Economic Information Network (REIN) coordinates the inflow of economic intelligence about the region's economy into the Atlanta Fed's monetary policymaking process. Economists and analysts in Atlanta and regional executives in the Atlanta Fed branches integrate regional and national data to form a coherent picture of current and prospective economic conditions. One feature of REIN is an online repository of monthly reports of Southeastern business surveys, data, and analysis. Another feature is the Local Economic Analysis and Research Network (LEARN) of university researchers, which links Atlanta Fed researchers to a broader knowledge base of economic experts.