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LSC Funding

  Budget Category

FY 2010
(PL 111-117)

FY 2011
(PL 112-10)
FY 2012
(PL 112-55)

  Basic Field Grants

$394,400,000 $378,641,200 $322,400,000

  Technology Initiative Grants

$3,400,000 $3,393,200 $3,400,000

  Loan Repayment Assistance

$1,000,000 $998,000 $1,000,000

  Management and Grants

$17,000,000 $16,966,000 $17,000,000

  Office of Inspector General

$4,200,000 $4,191,600 $4,200,000


$420,000,000 $404,190,000 $348,000,000

Current Status:  On November 17, the House and Senate passed the Conference Report (House Report 112-284) to accompany H.R. 2122, an appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2012 that included $348 million for the Legal Services Corporation. The House vote was 298 to 121, and the Senate vote was 70 to 30. President Obama signed the bill into law on November 18.

The appropriations bill, popularly known as the “minibus,” combined the Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-Science and Transportation-HUD spending bills. LSC is funded through the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee.

Prior to enactment, LSC operated on funds provided by a Continuing Resolution (PL 112-36) that cut all accounts by 1.5 percent and expired on November 18. LSC was funded at $398 million under the interim bill.