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E-mail Subscription Service

Texas Business Outlook Surveys

Subscribers to the Texas Business Outlook Surveys automatically receive e-mail announcements when the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey and the Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey are released. The e-mails will include direct links to the latest report.

Subscribe to the Texas Business Outlook Surveys E-mail Subscription Service

  • Enter your e-mail address and click "Subscribe."
  • You should receive an e-mail confirmation of your subscription. Follow the instructions in the message. Your request will not be completed until you respond.

Unsubscribe from the Texas Business Outlook Surveys E-mail Subscription Service

  • Enter your e-mail address and click "Unsubscribe."
  • You should receive an e-mail notification of your removal from the list.

Change Your E-mail Address on the Texas Business Outlook Surveys E-mail Subscription Service

  • Enter your old e-mail address and your new e-mail address and click "Submit."
  • You should receive an e-mail notification about your updated information on the subscription list.




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