Sunday, April 25, 2010

The TSA Blog Has Moved To A New Address

The TSA blog is now located at You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here.

For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to

***Update 4/26/2010 11:30 AM***

(We are experiencing some technical difficulties with our archived comments...Please stand by)

Google discontinued FTP support for Blogger, so we had to change things a little. We are aware that comments from May 2008 to present are missing. We think this is due to the migration process and are working to get the comments back. Thanks for your patience. ~ Blogger Bob


Anonymous said...

First of all I think this is much more intuitive than the previous location so good decision on the move but are comments eventually going to be moved over or are all the comments gone with the blog move?

Anonymous said...

Will comments be migrated over? They were an important (at least sometimes) part of the TSA blog...

kdt said...

Whassamatta Bob, get tired of seeing all of those nasty comments from the citizens whose rights you're abridging? Have we lost all of the old posts as well as the associated comments? If so, why?

Anonymous said...

Suspect that the comments are gone forever - too irritating to Bob's managers.

Blogger Bob said...

Google discontinued FTP support for Blogger, so we had to change things a little.

I wasn't under the impression the comments would vanish.

It looks like all comments prior to May 2008 are still there, but the comments from May 2008 to present are missing.

I have contacted Neil (IT Guy) to see what's going on.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Isaac Newton said...

Bob, the 11th commandment is "thou shalt make backups." Where are your archives of those comments?

Sorry this just looks like a convenient excuse to reset the discussion....

Cathleen said...

The comment were supposed to come along as part of the migration process. A ticket has been submitted to blogger to regain the comments. You can follow the ticket at:

GSOLTSO said...

And here I thought Gremlins was just a cute little movie! Hopefully they didn't feed the blog after midnight or drop it in some water...

TSA Blog Team

Rick Klau said...

Hi all - I'm the Product Manager for Blogger at Google who's managing the FTP transition, and I can confirm that no comments are lost. This is a byproduct of some back-end synchronization that needs to be done - comments will reappear in a couple hours at most.

Keep up the great work on the TSA blog, Bob (& team). Thanks for using Blogger!

Anonymous said...

Wrong URL on front page graphic.

Blogger Bob said...

Rick Klau said... comments will reappear in a couple hours at most.
April 26, 2010 12:58 PM


Rick, Great news! Thanks for letting us know!


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Blogger Bob said...

All of the comments have reappeared. Thanks for your patience.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

"All of the comments have reappeared. Thanks for your patience."

So when will you start answering them, Bob?

FriendlySkies said...

Anonymous said...

"All of the comments have reappeared. Thanks for your patience."

So when will you start answering them, Bob?



Andy said...

You guys, seriously. Grow up. Stop giving Blogger Bob a hard time. He works very hard on this blog, in addition to other duties. I understand you don't like what the TSA is designed for, and what they do, but he is doing his job. Dare I say, he is doing a great job blogging compared to others - very clear, to the point, and he actually interacts with us. Snarky comments are honestly unnecessary and add nothing to the discussion at hand.

Again, I understand you hate the TSA, and I don't blame you a bit (I hate some of their policies, too), but please stop making Bob the scrapegoat. He's doing a great job.



Ayn R. Key said...

No Andy, he doesn't.

If he worked hard on this blog, he'd spend a lot of time answering the many unanswered questions, some of them dating back to the very founding of this blog.

If he were doing a great job, we wouldn't be hounding him to answer questions over and over.

Unless you mean great simply as a magnitude and not a direction. That's mathematician speak since I'm an engineer. What it means is that one can do a profoundly good job or a profoundly bad job, and in either case it is profound. Do you mean "great" absent of whether he's doing it right or wrong?

He does a great job of ignoring questions, and changing the subject whenever the heat gets to be too much for him and his agency. Yes, he does a great job of that, but is that the job we want him to do? I want him to do a great job addressing our questions and complaints.

No, Andy, Bob deserves the heat he gets for the "great" job he does here.

Anonymous said...

"Stop giving Blogger Bob a hard time."

Giving Bob a "hard time" is the only way we get anything resembling answers. It took a year before Bob admitted TSA has never released body scanner images at the same size and resolution the operators of the machines see. It took months for Bob to admit, albeit obliquely, that the US is the only nation whose airport security includes a mandatory shoe carnival. Bob, left to his own devices, would have ignored these and many other perfectly reasonable questions.

Anonymous said...

A follow up to a previous post that was not answered I am assuming because of the blog move.

Advanced Imaging Technology - Yes, It's Worth It

Blogger GSOLTSO said...

Anon sez - "Still waiting for an answer on this question:

Do the TSA AIT scanners show nipples or any detail of a female passenger's labia or a man's penis??"

There is some representation of the areas mentioned, but detail is a very vague question. You can see the images on this very blog on earlier posts and there are even some videos out there that can show some of the "detail" you can see with the AIT. More specifically, what level of detail are you asking about? The resolution does not go down to the hair follicle level, but there is an accurate representation of the body as it is.

TSA Blog Team

April 19, 2010 3:49 PM

If you admit the images do show passengers penis and labia then why do they not appear on the sample images? Can the sample images provided even qualify as accurate samples?

This shows how the TSA is deliberately misleading the American public with regards to how detailed AIT images are. And please don't post a reply with the canned PIA response we seen a million times. Just post some accurate sample images so passengers can make an informed decision.... I honestly don't think it will deter the ppl who already prefer it.

Anonymous said...

Does the TSA have any current plans to allow passengers who opt for AIT to see their own scanned image?

Sandra said...

Bob, are backscatter and castscan machines registered with the bureaus that track radiation generators in each state where they are used?

Are TSA screeners who operate those machines trained to x-ray human beings?

Is each machine inspected on a regular basis to insure safety by a medical physicist?

If not, why not?

Blogger Bob said...

FYI - You are now able to subscribe to comments via Atom. If you go to the bottom of the comments for each post, you will see:

"Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom]"


Blogger Bob

Anonymous said...

Bob, will you be subscribing to comments so you can actually address them instead of ignoring them for years or months?

GSOLTSO said...

Anon sez - "Does the TSA have any current plans to allow passengers who opt for AIT to see their own scanned image?"

Not at this time. Based on the privacy regulations in place (and the fact that the more images out there for study, the better chance someone could learn how to circumvent the AIT), I would not look for this to be an option in the future.

TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

Can body screener see tampons in a womans body?

Anonymous said...

TSA is a complete and utter failure!

For all of its screening procedures, shoe carnivals, BDOs, ID checking, gate groping and other harassment, it was unable to detect and stop the Time Square car bomber:

"Faisal Shahzad, 30, was arrested at 11:45 p.m. ET Monday night by Customs and Border Protection agents after he boarded an Emirates airlines flight to Dubai at New York's JFK airport, officials told NBC News.

U.S. government officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Shahzad made his flight reservation on the way to the airport and paid for his ticket in cash.

. . .

But officials told NBC News the suspect had boarded Flight EK202. Customs agents contacted air-traffic controllers who ordered the pilots to return to the gate after departing."

Kudos to the FBI, NYPD, and CBP for their quick identification and apprehension of Shahzad.

And shame, shame, shame on TSA! You are finally and clearly revealed as the troupe of shabby amateur actors playing at security theater that you are.

Anonymous said...

Bob, the graphic containing the URL to this site is still wrong. When will it get changed? This isn't rocket science.

Peter Steele said...

I think it is a wonderful Blog.
Thanks for your great Post.
I will come back.

london escorts said...

Why thanks I will visit the new link.

Anonymous said...

my hat is off to the tsa screeners.You can do a body search or xray on me anyday. I do not want to ride with a terrorist on a airplane Mary Emmert