Regulatory Information and Reports

Regulatory Information

  • Federal Reserve Regulations pdf
    This summary from the Board of Governors provides a short description of Federal Reserve regulations A through EE.
  • Guide to Federal Reserve Regulations pdf
    This guide at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides a detailed explanation of Federal Reserve Regulations A through EE.
  • Legal Interpretations pdf
    These opinion letters of Board of Governors staff address topics such as bank holding companies, foreign banks/international banking, the Federal Reserve Act, margin requirements, and privacy.
  • Banking offsite
    This link provides information concerning proposed Federal Reserve regulation changes including relevant background information, comment periods, and how to submit a comment.

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Regulatory Reports

  • Reporting Forms and Instructions pdf
    The Federal Reserve uses reporting forms to collect data from bank holding companies, depository institutions, other financial and nonfinancial entities, and consumers. Use of the forms is required in some cases, voluntary in others. Some data are collected periodically, others only occasionally.
  • Internet Submission Guidelines pdf
    This Internet reporting signup package explains the benefits and requirements of submitting report data electronically via the Federal Reserve’s Internet Electronic Submission (IESUB) application, as well as the terms and conditions of its use. Call 800-896-9480, Option 2, with any questions or for additional information.
  • Financial Data / Performance Reports pdf
    A link to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's site, with access to several publications including annual reports, performance reports, financial reports, thrift financial reports, statistical releases, and reports related to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and the Community Reinvestment Act.

First District Contacts

Please call 800-896-9480 and follow the prompts to reach an analyst regarding the specific report of interest to you.  If you know the particular analyst assigned to your institution, enter “0” after the greeting to either dial their four-digit extension or select them from an employee listing.  If you do not know the analyst assigned to your institution, select the options noted below and you will be directed to an analyst who will be able to assist you.

Report Number Title FRBB Contact
FR Y-6 Annual Report of Bank Holding Companies 800-896-9480, Option 3
FR Y-7 Annual Report of Foreign Banking Organizations 800-896-9480, Option 3
FR Y-7N/NS Quarterly and Annual: Financial Statements of U.S. Nonbank Subsidiaries Held By Foreign Banking Organizations 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-7A Q Quarterly: Capital and Asset Report for Foreign Banking Organizations 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-8 Quarterly: The Bank Holding Company Report of Insured Depository Institutions' Section 23A Transactions with Affiliates 800-896-9480, Option 3
FR Y-9C FR Y-9C Quarterly: Consolidated Financial Statements for Bank Holding Companies 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-9LP Quarterly: Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Large Bank Holding Companies 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-9SP Quarterly: Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-10 Report of Changes to Organizational Structure 800-896-9480, Option 3
FR Y-11/S Quarterly and Annual: Parent Company Only Financial Statements for Small Bank Holding Companies 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR Y-12 Quarterly for Y9C filers, Semi-Annual for Y9SP filers: Consolidated Bank Holding Company Report of Equity Investments in Nonfinancial Companies 800-896-9480, Option 1
FFIEC030 Quarterly: Foreign Branch Report of Condition 800-896-9480, Option 1
(Call Report)
Call Report Quarterly Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income 800-896-9480, Option 1
FFIEC101 Quarterly: Risk-Based Capital Reporting for Institutions Subject to the Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2028A/S/CW Quarterly: Survey of Terms of Bank Lending and Prime Rate Supplement 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2248 Monthly: Domestic Finance Company Report of Assets and Liabilities 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2314/S Quarterly and Annual Report of Condition for Foreign Subsidiaries of US Banking Organizations 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2502Q Quarterly Report of Assets and Liabilities of Large Foreign Offices of U.S. Banks 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2572 Semi-Annual:  Survey of Terms of Credit Card Plans 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2644 Weekly Report of Selected Assets 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2835/A Quarterly Report of Interest Rates on Selected Consumer Installment Loans and Credit Cards 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2886B Quarterly Report of Consolidated Report of Condition and Income for Edge and Agreement Corporations 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2900 Weekly Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits, and Vault Cash 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2900Q Quarterly Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits, and Vault Cash 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2910A Annual Report of Transaction Accounts, Other Deposits, and Vault Cash 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2915 Quarterly Report of Foreign Currency Deposits 800-896-9480, Option 1
FR2930 Allocation of Low Reserve Tranche and Reservable Liabilities Exemption 800-896-9480, Option 1