Banking Information

banking information

image of cash Working in conjunction with other federal and state authorities, the Boston Fed works to ensure that financial institutions safely manage their operations and provide fair and equitable services to consumers. Activities include processing bank and bank holding company applications, conducting off-site surveillance of First District companies, conducting commercial bank examinations and bank holding company inspections to evaluate the safety and soundness of banking organization's operations, provides quantitative research and analysis in support of supervisory policy initiatives, and maintaining comprehensive information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest.


Bank Director's Desktop offsite
Online training and other resources to help bank directors better understand the issues and challenges associated with serving on a bank's board

E-Apps offsite
Internet-based system for financial institutions to submit regulatory filings

Fed Balance Sheet Data offsite
Federal Reserve balance sheet data are now available through interactive Data Download Program

Frequently Asked Questions on FHA Lending pdf
Business considerations regarding the decision to become an FHA lender

Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet offsite
A detailed explanation of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, discussion of Federal Reserve risk-management practices, and information on the types and amounts of collateral being pledged at various lending facilities

Information Regarding Recent Federal Reserve Actions offsite
Information about recent financial developments, including press releases, Federal Register notices, FAQs, and more

Partnership for Progress offsite
The Federal Reserve System's outreach and technical assistance program for minority-owned and de novo institutions.

Federal Information and Regulation at the Board of Governors offsite