Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can I Take My Fireworks on a Plane?

It’s almost the 4th of July! Certain things come to mind on the 4th. American flags, green lawns, BBQ, the smell of lighter fluid burning on charcoal, cold beverages, hot dogs, hamburgers, pies, and fireworks.

Fireworks... symbolic of our fight for independence from Great Britain, they are the one constant major staple in every town across America on the 4th of July. Some states allow fireworks, others don’t. Some enforce the ban, others are lenient. There is one constant though...

Fireworks are never allowed on a plane.

You can’t check them in your baggage and you can’t put them in a carry-on. Every year though, people all over the country try to fly with fireworks.

For all of you history buffs out there, here is a timeline of Independence Day milestones over the years:

1777 – Thirteen shots were fired, toasts were made and parades marched in Philadelphia.

1938 – Congress makes Independence Day a paid holiday for federal employees.

1978 –Young Blogger Bob burns his thumb while lighting a bottle rocket.

2009 –A traveler’s holiday is ruined because they packed fireworks in their luggage and end up missing the only flight to their destination.

Have a great holiday and stay away from the kid on your block that likes to point roman candles at people and pets. Don’t be the guy at 15 seconds into this ATF video, and beware of the sparkler or you could end up like this little girl.

Q: Can I take my fireworks on a plane?

A: No.

Blogger Bob

TSA Blog Team


Anonymous said...

Yikes! That sparkler thing . . . .

Trollkiller said...

What about snap-n-pops? (Only asking to discourage the youngins)

Everybody have a safe and happy 4th. Remember what the date is all about.

And don't forget to watch the Nascar race.

Anonymous said...

Bob, how come you have time for this, but refuse to address TSA's failure to make available brochures regarding your strip-search machines?

Andy said...

Puppy Post

Anonymous said...

Yeah, way to systematically ruin every holiday we have, one by one. Thankfully these people aren't out patrolling the streets....yet.

Anonymous said...

"Thankfully these people aren't out patrolling the streets....yet."

Actually, they are. NYC just shelled out $25K to a guy who sued because he was stopped and searched 21 times on the subway for having brown skin.

The backlash is just getting started, and long past time.

DCA TSO eM said...

Happy 4th of July/ Independence day to everyone who celebrates it.

uk visa lawyer said...

'Every year though, people all over the country try to fly with fireworks.'
Staggering; you wouldn't think anybody would think it's a good idea to take explosives on a plane!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, way to systematically ruin every holiday we have, one by one. Thankfully these people aren't out patrolling the streets....yet."

I hope you do know that BEFORE TSA was around you couldn't bring fireworks on an airplane, right? With that being true, how do you associate this with TSA ruining every holiday?

GSOLTSO said...

Happy Independence Day gang!

TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

""Thankfully these people aren't out patrolling the streets....yet."

Actually, they are. NYC just shelled out $25K to a guy who sued because he was stopped and searched 21 times on the subway for having brown skin.

The backlash is just getting started, and long past time."

This has nothing to do with TSA, it was the police that searched him, so what exactly are you talking about?

What does this have to do with TSA?

Miller said...

Anonymous said:

This has nothing to do with TSA, it was the police that searched him, so what exactly are you talking about?

What does this have to do with TSA?

July 3, 2009 7:57 PM

TSA is doing platform searches at subways in NYC.

Dave Nelson said...

In the interests of full disclosure, this prohibition has been around since the Wright Brothers. So, don't patronize us.

Patrick (BOS TSO) said...

Anonymous said...
Yeah, way to systematically ruin every holiday we have, one by one.

Actually, this one doesn't lie on us, it lies on the FAA and the Department of Transportation.

It's been a FAA/DOT regulation way before TSA was ever even created.

Trollkiller said...
What about snap-n-pops?

According to this FAA Dangerous Goods Advisory Bulletin (DGAB-98-01A) even snappers and poppers can't go.


Happy 4th everyone, and happy 233rd birthday, America!

Thank god my cold (yes, a cold in July...) ended just in time to enjoy it.

TSORon said...

Dave Nelson said...
"In the interests of full disclosure, this prohibition has been around since the Wright Brothers. So, don't patronize us."

Yes Dave, it has, and there are still people out there who try to take their fireworks with them on aircraft. Go figure. Some people just dont think ahead.

Anonymous said...

"TSA is doing platform searches at subways in NYC."

TSA is NOT doing platform searches. There were media reports that the NYPD was looking into using TSA to allow them to move officers out of the subway and back to the street.

The lawsuit Anon referred to was against the NYPD.

DCA TSO em said...

TSA is doing platform searches at subways in NYC.

Well TSA does have a variety of different operations such as VIPR, Playbook & other non-checkpoint/ Bagagage events.

I know the VIPR team along w/ many of our Airport police do different sweeps in & out of the airport.

And if they are doing platform searches I'd much sooner want a false alarm than the real thing to happen. I mean our trains that connect trhough our the airport & into other states are rarely checked, so who knows what anyone could have done.

Bob said...

Oh Dave Nelson, I am such a dull and simple lad and you are all knowing. Shame on me for patronizing you while addressing others. How dare I? I forgot that all of my blog posts were supposed to address you.


TSA Blog Team

Orange County SEO said...

I'm not sure why anyone would try to travel with fireworks. Maybe people get confused because unloaded firearms can be checked when properly secured. Perhaps people think that if they check it, then it is secured, and it's allowed, but that simply isn't the case.

Anonymous said...

Puppies! Got to ignore all the important stories from the last week, especially comic books!

Anonymous said...

I hope you do know that BEFORE TSA was around you couldn't bring fireworks on an airplane, right? With that being true, how do you associate this with TSA ruining every holiday?

Oh, that's because the majority of those who comment on this blog think everything is TSA's fault!

RB said...

The Fourth is behind us now. I hope an "Older Blogger Bob" managed to not burn a finger, nor anyone else for that matter.

I live out of town so fireworks are permitted and I have no idea how much money the neighbors spent entertaining me the evening of the 4th. Sounded like a war zone.

For those who thought (are tried) to transport fireworks via commercial air I have no sympathy.

Most everyone knows that Fireworks are dangerous to some degree and even more so in quantity. I wouldn't want to be on an airplane with these items as checked baggage or cargo.

So thanks to any TSO who intercepted a persons fireworks.

I give you a thumbs up on this one!

Croatia said...

Thank you for the ATF video !

My kids just have to see this !

Dave Nelson said...

"Bob" whined:

Bob said...
Oh Dave Nelson, I am such a dull and simple lad and you are all knowing. Shame on me for patronizing you while addressing others. How dare I? I forgot that all of my blog posts were supposed to address you.


TSA Blog Team

July 5, 2009 12:41 PM

I believed I used first person plural -- look it up.

taylor c said...

Dave Nelson said:

I believed I used first person plural -- look it up.

Dave, speak for yourself and only for yourself. Do not assume you speak for "us" or that the majority of us want you to. You deserved what Bob said to you; regardless of what you may think you are not in charge of the world.

Anonymous said...

Though this is very much off topic, I would like to bring up an incident involving a TSO who was arrested recently. The TSO attempted to travel from New Jersey (not sure which airport) to Houston WITHOUT going through security.

As a TSO I am glad this person was arrested, they will certainly lose their job, and face large fines, and possibly a small amount in jail (maybe, not sure on the last one).

For those of you who think as TSA employees we don't have to be screened when we fly, think again. When we fly we go through all the things you do - shoes off, no liquids over the 3-1-1 rule, subject to the WTMD, HHMD, etc.

Despite what some people mistakenly post on this blog, we really do get screened. And every TSO I know is actually happy about it. At work today when we talked about this stupid employee, we were all glad they were arrested, and hope they lose their job. Just so you know.

And I do hope you note that it was a TSO who brought this up on the blog first (maybe a comment or two hasnt been post yet - dunno).

Dave Nelson said...

Taylor C so eloquently said:

Anonymous taylor c said...

Dave Nelson said:

I believed I used first person plural -- look it up.

Dave, speak for yourself and only for yourself. Do not assume you speak for "us" or that the majority of us want you to. You deserved what Bob said to you; regardless of what you may think you are not in charge of the world.

July 6, 2009 3:29 PM

Please forgive me. I momentarily forgot that you are in charge of the world.

Robert Johnson said...

Quote from Taylor C: "Dave, speak for yourself and only for yourself. Do not assume you speak for "us" or that the majority of us want you to. You deserved what Bob said to you; regardless of what you may think you are not in charge of the world."

Likewise Taylor, please don't think you speak for that "majority" - if you can actually prove that there's a majority. Or even me for that matter.

Did you not see the irony of speaking for others when you accused Dave of it?


Trollkiller said...

taylor c said...

Dave Nelson said:

I believed I used first person plural -- look it up.

Dave, speak for yourself and only for yourself. Do not assume you speak for "us" or that the majority of us want you to. You deserved what Bob said to you; regardless of what you may think you are not in charge of the world.

Yeah, that is my job.

Ryan said...

I can't believe anyone would try and bring fireworks (i.e. explosives) on a plane. Pure stroke of genius.

Anonymous said...

And while you're doing the puppy post thing here, you're ignoring the reports that TSO's are engaging in retaliatory secondaries for discussing your strip search machines with other travelers. First Amendment? What First Amendment?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said

"As a TSO I am glad this person was arrested, they will certainly lose their job, and face large fines, and possibly a small amount in jail (maybe, not sure on the last one)."

Well, maybe *you* think he'll lose his job, but us peons on the outside aren't so confident of that since the TSA refuses to actually tell anyone.

Morgan said...

Yeah what kind of a stupid question is that, of course you cant take fireworks on a plane.. btw i know its a bit late but happy independance day to anyone who celebrates it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said

"As a TSO I am glad this person was arrested, they will certainly lose their job, and face large fines, and possibly a small amount in jail (maybe, not sure on the last one)."

Well, maybe *you* think he'll lose his job, but us peons on the outside aren't so confident of that since the TSA refuses to actually tell anyone."

No, this person will lose their job. That is certain, even if you don't hear about it.

Anonymous said...

Holiday is over, almost everyone traveling, is well aware of the rule

Anonymous said...

Andy said:
Puppy Post

Sorry, I'm kinda new to these blogs. What's a puppy post?

Anonymous said...

It just happened at MCO the other day; we got the standard "I didn’t know it wasn't ok" response from him.

Trollkiller said...

Anonymous said...

Andy said:
Puppy Post

Sorry, I'm kinda new to these blogs. What's a puppy post?

A puppy post is one that Blogger Bob places when things either get too heated for his bosses or a holiday post.

The name stems from this post.

TSO-Joe said...

"And while you're doing the puppy post thing here, you're ignoring the reports that TSO's are engaging in retaliatory secondaries for discussing your strip search machines with other travelers. First Amendment? What First Amendment?"

That would explain why when I was wanding a traveler with metal hip replacements and I asked if he had ebbn through one of these "strip search " x-rays and he said he hasn't but rather/would like to, when my fellow TSO threw me into the "pen" and said that I was being chosen for a secondary screening.


Charles said...

Wow there are people that don't realize you can't take fireworks on a page with your luggage. Isn't this obvious?

Anonymous said...

TSO-Joe said...

""And while you're doing the puppy post thing here, you're ignoring the reports that TSO's are engaging in retaliatory secondaries for discussing your strip search machines with other travelers. First Amendment? What First Amendment?"

That would explain why when I was wanding a traveler with metal hip replacements and I asked if he had ebbn through one of these "strip search " x-rays and he said he hasn't but rather/would like to, when my fellow TSO threw me into the "pen" and said that I was being chosen for a secondary screening.



I have made it a point now to ask everyone I have to wand and pat-down who has a medical implant about the "strip-search" machine. Even though I tell them it can see everything about them in very specific detail as if they were standing there naked, I have yet had one person say they would not want to use it. Most responses were to the effect of "why would I care", or "its better than this, and quicker too".

Over the last few months many passengers have come up and asked me while I was at the TDC position if our airport has this machine. Sadly, I have had to tell them no.
It would be nice to offer this service to those who want it.

And I have noticed from this blog, to some large extent it seems the ones most upset by the use of this equipment are the ones who will not have to use it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"And while you're doing the puppy post thing here..."

This year at my airport no one has been caught with fireworks. Last year a young man attempted to bring fireworks on the plane.

At another airport one person attempted to bring 25 pounds of fireworks on the plane.

Besides how this can damage and potentially bring down a plane, and hurt or kill those on board, the legal/criminal cost is nothing to laugh at.

Each year many people attempt to bring fireworks on the plane with them, either in their carry on or checked in baggage.

How in the world can this be a puppy post?

Yeah, yeah, I know there are things you would rather this blog be talking about. But that doesn't change the fact that around the 4th of July this is a serious issue, even if you don't think it is.

RB said...

I have made it a point now to ask everyone I have to wand and pat-down who has a medical implant about the "strip-search" machine. Even though I tell them it can see everything about them in very specific detail as if they were standing there naked, I have yet had one person say they would not want to use it. Most responses were to the effect of "why would I care", or "its better than this, and quicker too".

Over the last few months many passengers have come up and asked me while I was at the TDC position if our airport has this machine. Sadly, I have had to tell them no.
It would be nice to offer this service to those who want it.

And I have noticed from this blog, to some large extent it seems the ones most upset by the use of this equipment are the ones who will not have to use it.

July 14, 2009 2:19 PM

Hold on, just one minute.

Nico and Blogger Bob have both told readers of this blog that the MMW Strip Search Machine images are safe for little children to view.

You say, "Even though I tell them it can see everything about them in very specific detail as if they were standing there naked,..."

Certainly doesn't sound like something a young child should be viewing.

So who is telling the truth?

Nico and Bob or the TSO working the checkpoint?

Or the bigger question, who is not telling the truth?

HappyToHelp said...

To blog staff, readers, and commenters:

Happy... very late... fourth of July.

-Tim "H2H"

TSA Blog Team

SEO Company said...

Its worse than snakes on planes

Anonymous said...

RB said...

"I have made it a point now to ask everyone I have to wand and pat-down who has a medical implant about the "strip-search" machine. Even though I tell them it can see everything about them in very specific detail as if they were standing there naked, I have yet had one person say they would not want to use it. Most responses were to the effect of "why would I care", or "its better than this, and quicker too".

Over the last few months many passengers have come up and asked me while I was at the TDC position if our airport has this machine. Sadly, I have had to tell them no.
It would be nice to offer this service to those who want it.

And I have noticed from this blog, to some large extent it seems the ones most upset by the use of this equipment are the ones who will not have to use it.

July 14, 2009 2:19 PM

Hold on, just one minute.

Nico and Blogger Bob have both told readers of this blog that the MMW Strip Search Machine images are safe for little children to view.

You say, "Even though I tell them it can see everything about them in very specific detail as if they were standing there naked,..."

Certainly doesn't sound like something a young child should be viewing.

So who is telling the truth?

Nico and Bob or the TSO working the checkpoint?

Or the bigger question, who is not telling the truth?"


To answer you last question first. We are both telling the truth.

RB, once again you have failed to read what someone said before you post.

If you actually read what I said I said my airport does NOT have one of these machines. So how would I know what the actual image looks like? Besides what has been post on this web-site, I havent seen an actual image.

I like to plan for the worst. I think its a good philosophy. Maybe you don't agree.

So yes, I tell people its like they are standing there naked, even if it isn't true.

Is that what the image is really like. I dunno. But its what I say when I ask them.

And if I give them what many might consider the worst, and they answer as they do, and the image is as Blogger Bob has said, then so much the better.

Get it?

ps. I have a membership at my local YMCA for most of my life, since I was a little kid I went with my father. Old style locker room. Big shower room, no private stalls. Kids and men shower there together. And we do not shower with our clothes on, get it? You or others may cringe from this, but, so what. Are you now going to claim that such a gym is unsafe for children? Are you going to say that the adults who go there only do so cause they are perverts? Besides the fact that men and children change in front of each other in front of their lockers too.

Notice, I am not saying this makes the MMW Machine suitable for everyone. I am simply pointing out that in our society there are times and places where adults and children of the same gender are unclothed around each other.

Or should I now expect this blog to light up with post about the horrible YMCA?? I sort of fear what is to come from this if it is actually posted.

Shareef Defrawi said...

I think this one would qualify as a no-brainer. But then again, some people never cease to amaze.

Nepal said...

'Every year though, people all over the country try to fly with fireworks.'
Staggering; you wouldn't think anybody would think it's a good idea to take explosives on a plane!

5530 said...

Do you think it would be more scary, or more cool flying through fireworks on the 4th of july on a plane?
just curious.
i think it would be more cool than scary..
how about you??

Anonymous said...

hmmm, interesting

James Parker said...

crazy, crazy, craziness! As lovely and spectacular as fireworks are this is sheer mental.

aleska said...

How come you have time for this, but refuse to address TSA's failure to make available brochures regarding your strip-search machines?

Julia said...

Since this is a problem every year, I'm curious to know how the TSA is planning on addressing the issue this coming 4th of July 2010. How can we get this information to travelers before they make it to the airport? (thus saving frustration and missed flights) It seems like common sense to me, too, but if people are still trying every year, then information needs to get out there. What do you think, Bob?

Lawsuit Loan said...

I was searching for some different information but ran across this one and just couldn't resist commenting. Fireworks on a plane...seriously? I can't believe there are actually people out there who have to ask that question!

Philosophy of life said...

I don't think that firearms and fireworks are allowed anywhere in planes. It is very risky and now a days it shouldn't be allowed even in other modes of transportation.

Bob said...


You have to be kidding me. You must have better things to do. It's been some time since your last visit I see. Please stop back and said hello to all your fans.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July Independence day. people all over the country try to fly with fireworks.

Dave said...

I have a question..whats gonna happened if you are caught with fireworks carrying on a plane,..I mean after you already came to your destination. Will you get a fine or will it be just taken off of you?..or can you even be sued for it? as its an explosive stuff?
thx for an answer

Best Carry On Luggage said...

Even though the words "common sense" obviously mean different things to different people but you would think that any rational thinking adult should know that explosives would not be allowed on an airplane. I think people generally know right from wrong but some choose to make bad decisions.

Vento said...

Dear "Best Carry On Luggage",

Common sense ought not to mean different things to different people. That's why they call it COMMON sense. In other words, it's logic that we should all hold in common.

I do agree with everybody else that a question regarding bringing items containing explosives is quite asinine.