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Continuous Learning (CL)
The AT&L Workforce must operate as a continuous learning community, striving to improve their professional knowledge and performance. Accomplishing continuous learning as well as meeting Acquisition Career Field Certification requirements is critical to the AT&L mission. AT&L Workforce members must participate in continuous learning activities to stay proficient in functional disciplines, policy initiatives, and leadership and management skills. Continuous learning also includes career broadening assignments as well as completing initial or additional certification training. For CL options please visit:

Even if the acquisition position requires only a Level II certification, AT&L Workforce members are encouraged to seek Level III certification in preparation for advancement. Additionally, one way workforce members can be proficient in their career field is by earning continuous learning points (CLPs) for any new competencies added to the certification standards after Level III certification is obtained.

Once Career Field certification is attained, workforce members should discuss broadening activities with their supervisor. These activities may include, but are not limited to, certification in other career fields, leadership training, and rotational and developmental assignments. Individuals who have not yet met the degree or 12 or 24 business hours required for Acquisition Corps membership should make this a priority for their continuous learning activities.

Continuous Learning Requirement
AT&L members must complete at least 80 hours of continuous learning activities bi-annually with a goal of participating in at least 40 hours annually. 

The Supervisor’s Role
Supervisors play a key role in continuous learning. They will ensure, within the organizational workload and funding constraints, that individuals are provided time for continuous learning activities. This includes time to complete computer and online courses. They must also document AT&L Workforce member’s records for completion of continuous learning requirements.

Failure to Complete Continuous Learning (CL) Requirements
If members do not obtain the required number of CL hours, their certification lapses.  If their certification lapses, they will be required to take all the training required for certification at each level up to their required level of certification.  For example, if they are required to be certified to Level II, they must take all the Level I and Level II courses.  Further, for those holding a Contracting Officer (KO) warrant, if their certification lapses, their contracting officer’s warrant may be revoked and they may be reassigned to a position not requiring a contracting officer’s warrant.  If an 1102 member does not hold a warrant and he/she fails to obtain the required CL hours, he/she may be reassigned to a position not involving contract management. Similarly, those in other career fields may be reassigned to positions not involving acquisition. is the official Web site of the TRICARE Management Activity, a component of the Military Health System 7700 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 5101, Falls Church, VA 22042-5101

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