About the Fed

about the fed

image of federal reserve bank of boston As part of the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston promotes sound growth and financial stability in New England and the nation. The Bank contributes to local communities, the region, and the nation through its high-quality research, regulatory oversight, and financial services, and through its commitment to leadership and innovation.

The Boston Fed, the First District of the Federal Reserve System, serves the New England region - Connecticut [except Fairfield County], Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.


2011 Annual Report2011 Annual Report
Hear from our President, Eric S. Rosengren and our First Vice President, Kenneth C. Montgomery, and see three stories of connecting:
+ An Empathy Initiative
+ Beyond Monetary Policy
+ Cash During Catastrophe
fact or misconceptionFour Common Misconceptions About the Federal Reserve
Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren's remarks to the Boston Economic Club
The Fed iPad app"The Fed" — App for the iPad offsite
Access to a wide range of information from the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors and the 12 regional Reserve Banks
what is the fedWhat is the Fed? pdf
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke explains the Federal Reserve System in this video from the Board of Governors.

Doing Business with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Information for prospective suppliers