Thursday, October 22, 2009

Response to “My Daughter the Terror Suspect”

I came across a post yesterday about a cute little four year old girl who was believed to be on the No Fly List because every time she flies with her father, he has to check in at the ticket counter and can’t print tickets from home or from a kiosk. The author also described that even though his daughter had a nuclear meltdown at Target, she was by no means a terrorist.

I can relate to nuclear meltdowns at Target since my daughter had one there last year. I carried her out of the store like a sack of potatoes and she was screaming all the way. I really expected somebody would call the police, but they didn’t.

It may seem like semantics here, but first off, I wanted to let you know that your daughter is not on the No Fly List. It sounds as if her name is a match or similar match to an actual individual on the Selectee Watch List. You can’t obtain a boarding pass if you’re on the No Fly List. If you’re on the Selectee Watch List, you can fly after you’ve received additional screening.

Many have been misidentified as a match or possible match for the Selectee Watch List and the only thing they could do is work with the Redress Office to correct the problem.

But who is that I see? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, It’s Secure Flight! Airlines are beginning to ask for name, date of birth, and gender as it appears on the government ID you plan to use when traveling. This is a part of the Secure Flight program. The program will be in full effect for domestic airlines by the first quarter of 2010 and the rest of the airlines will be on board by the end of 2010. It will reduce mismatched names by 99.9%.

So, this will not be a problem in the future.

In the short term, individuals who have been misidentified as a match or possible match for a Watch List can work through the DHS Redress process to resolve the issue.

Secure Flight Related Posts on the TSA Blog


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