Research Publications

Economic Letter

Provides timely commentary on the important trends and policy issues shaping our rapidly globalizing, increasingly interconnected economy.

  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2009
  • 2008
  • 2007
  • 2006

Volume 7, Number 12
October 2012

High Unemployment Points to Below-Target (But Still Stable) Inflation
Tyler Atkinson and Evan F. Koenig

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Volume 7, Number 11
October 2012

Bringing Banking to the Masses, One Phone at a Time
Janet Koech

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Volume 7, Number 10
September 2012

Cost of Decisionmaking Influences Individual Selections
Anton Cheremukhin and Antonella Tutino

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Volume 7, Number 9
September 2012

One-Size-Fits-All Monetary Policy: Europe and the U.S.
Mark A. Wynne and Janet Koech

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Volume 7, Number 8
August 2012

China's Slowdown May Be Worse Than Official Data Suggest
Janet Koech and Jian Wang

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Volume 7, Number 7
August 2012

Market Expectations and Corn Prices: Looking into Future to Explain Present
Michael Plante and Jackson Thies

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Volume 7, Number 6
July 2012

Real-Time Historical Dataset Enhances Accuracy of Economic Analyses
Adriana Z. Fernandez, Evan F. Koenig and Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy

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Volume 7, Number 5
May 2012

Commodity Futures Investing: Method to the Madness
Michael Plante and Jackson Thies

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Volume 7, Number 4
May 2012

Default and Lost Opportunities: A Message from Argentina for Euro-Zone Countries
Carlos E.J.M. Zarazaga

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Volume 7, Number 3
February 2012

Economic Rebounds in U.S. and Euro Zone: Deceivingly Similar, Strikingly Different
Anthony Landry and Carlos E.J.M. Zarazaga

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Volume 7, Number 2
February 2012

Global Stock Market Linkages Reduce Potential for Diversification
Karen K. Lewis

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Volume 7, Number 1
January 2012

Increased Real House Price Volatility Signals Break from Great Moderation
Adrienne Mack and Enrique Martínez-García

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Volume 6, Number 14
December 2011

Relating Commodity Prices to Underlying Inflation: The Role of Expectations
J. Scott Davis

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Volume 6, Number 13
November 2011

Financiers of the World, Disunite
Jiaqi Chen and Jeffery W. Gunther

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Volume 6, Number 12
November 2011

How the U.S. Tax System Stacks Up Against Other G-7 Economies
Anthony Landry

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Volume 6, Number 11
October 2011

Did Speculation Drive Oil Prices? Market Fundamentals Suggest Otherwise
Michael D. Plante and Mine K. Yücel

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Volume 6, Number 10
October 2011

Did Speculation Drive Oil Prices? Futures Market Points to Fundamentals
Michael D. Plante and Mine K. Yücel

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Volume 6, Number 9
September 2011

The Sluggish Recovery from the Great Recession: Why There Is No 'V' Rebound This Time
Mark A. Wynne

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Volume 6, Number 8
August 2011

When Will the U.S. Housing Market Stabilize?
John V. Duca, David Luttrell and Anthony Murphy

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Volume 6, Number 7
July 2011

Distance and the Impact of 'Gravity' Help Explain Patterns of International Trade
Ananth Ramanarayanan

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Volume 6, Number 6
June 2011

Will China Ever Become as Rich as the U.S.?
Mark A. Wynne

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Volume 6, Number 5
May 2011

Upstream Capital Flows: Why Emerging Markets Send Savings to Advanced Economies
Simona E. Cociuba

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Volume 6, Number 4
May 2011

Inflation Measurement Gives Us Food for Thought
Jim Dolmas

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Volume 6, Number 3
March 2011

'Rational Inattention' Guides Overloaded Brains, Helps Economists Understand Market Behavior
Antonella Tutino

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Volume 6, Number 2
March 2011

Federal Health Care Law Promises Coverage for All, But at a Price
Jason Saving

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Volume 6, Number 1
January 2011

With Reforms in China, Time May Correct U.S. Current Account Imbalance
Jian Wang

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Volume 5, Number 15
December 2010

Expanding Variety of Goods Underscores Battle for Competitive Advantage
Shalah M. Mostashari



Volume 5, Number 14
December 2010

The Fallacy of a Pain-Free Path to a Healthy Housing Market
Danielle DiMartino Booth and David Luttrell



Volume 5, Number 13
December 2010

When Tariff Cuts Don't Boost Import Variety
Shalah M. Mostashari



Volume 5, Number 12
December 2010

Gauging the Odds of a Double-Dip Recession Amid Signals and Slowdowns
Harvey Rosenblum and Tyler Atkinson



Volume 5, Number 11
November 2010

The Globalization of Ideas
Anthony Landry



Volume 5, Number 10
October 2010

Financial Crisis Revives Interest in Special Drawing Rights
Simona E. Cociuba



Volume 5, Number 9
September 2010

Sovereign Debt: A Matter of Willingness, Not Ability, to Pay
Ananth Ramanarayanan



Volume 5, Number 8
August 2010

Can the Nation Stimulate Its Way to Prosperity?
Jason Saving



Volume 5, Number 7
July 2010

Recovering from the Housing and Financial Crisis
John V. Duca and David Luttrell



Volume 5, Number 6
June 2010

Cycle-Resistant Credit Systems: Learning from Hong Kong’s Experience
Ying Guan, Jeffery W. Gunther and Sophia Tsai



Volume 5, Number 5
June 2010

Manning the Gates: Migration Policy in the Great Recession
Mike Nicholson and Pia Orrenius



Volume 5, Number 4
May 2010

The Term Auction Facility’s Effectiveness in the Financial Crisis of 2007–09
Tao Wu



Volume 5, Number 3
April 2010

Regulatory and Monetary Policies Meet ‘Too Big to Fail’
Harvey Rosenblum, Jessica J. Renier and Richard Alm



Volume 5, Number 2
February 2010

Durable Goods and the Collapse of Global Trade
Jian Wang



Volume 5, Number 1
January 2010

A Historical Look at the Labor Market During Recessions
Enrique Martínez-García and Janet Koech


Volume 4, Number 10
December 2009

Labor Market Globalization in the Recession and Beyond
W. Michael Cox, Richard Alm and Justyna Dymerska



Volume 4, Number 9
November 2009

What Drives Diesel Fuel Prices?
Jackson Thies and Stephen P. A. Brown



Volume 4, Number 8
November 2009

Trade, Globalization and the Financial Crisis
Mark A. Wynne and Erasmus K. Kersting



Volume 4, Number 7
September 2009

Fed Policy in the Financial Crisis: Arresting the Adverse Feedback Loop
Danielle DiMartino Booth and Jessica J. Renier



Volume 4, Number 6
August 2009

TALF: Jump-Starting the Securitization Markets
Kenneth J. Robinson



Volume 4, Number 5
July 2009

Has Greater Globalization Made Forecasting Inflation More Difficult?
Mark A. Wynne and Patrick Roy



Volume 4, Number 4
June 2009

Taming the Credit Cycle by Limiting High-Risk Lending
Jeffery W. Gunther



Volume 4, Number 3
April 2009

Seeking Stability: What’s Next for Banking Regulation?
Simona E. Cociuba



Volume 4, Number 2
February/March 2009

Fed Confronts Financial Crisis by Expanding Its Role as Lender of Last Resort
John V. Duca, Danielle DiMartino and Jessica J. Renier



Volume 4, Number 1
January 2009

Ties that Bind: Bilateral Trade's Role in Synchronizing Business Cycles
Ananth Ramanarayanan



Volume 3, Number 12
December 2008

Financial Crisis Casts Shadow Over Commercial Real Estate
Roland Meeks



Volume 3, Number 11
November 2008

Globalization and the Changing Nature of the U.S. Economy’s Influence in the World
Adriana Z. Fernandez and Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy



Volume 3, Number 10
October 2008

Fed Intervention: Managing Moral Hazard in Financial Crises
Harvey Rosenblum, Danielle DiMartino, Jessica J. Renier and Richard Alm



Volume 3, Number 9
September 2008

The Big Mac: A Global-to-Local Look at Pricing
Anthony Landry



Volume 3, Number 8
August 2008

China and India: Two Paths to Economic Power
W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm



Volume 3, Number 7
July 2008

Reaching Mexico's Unbanked
Edward C. Skelton



Volume 3, Number 6
June 2008

Why Are Exchange Rates So Difficult to Predict?
Jian Wang



Volume 3, Number 5
May 2008

Crude Awakening: Behind the Surge in Oil Prices
Stephen P. A. Brown, Raghav Virmani and Richard Alm



Volume 3, Number 4
April 2008

Financial Market Tremors: Causes and Responses
Richard W. Fisher



Volume 3, Number 3
March 2008

Intellectual Property Protection in a Globalizing Era
Edwin Lai



Volume 3, Number 2
February 2008

Accounting For the Bond-Yield Conundrum
Tao Wu



Volume 3, Number 1
January 2008

Inequality and Growth: Challenges to the Old Orthodoxy
Erwan Quintin and Jason L. Saving



Volume 2, Number 12
December 2007

From Complacency to Crisis: Financial Risk Taking in the Early 21st Century
Danielle DiMartino, John V. Duca and Harvey Rosenblum



Volume 2, Number 11
November 2007

The Rise and Fall of Subprime Mortgages
Danielle DiMartino and John V. Duca



Volume 2, Number 10
October 2007

What's Driving Gasoline Prices?
Stephen P. A. Brown and Raghav Virmani



Volume 2, Number 9
September 2007

The 'Great Moderation' in Output and Employment Volatility: An Update
Evan F. Koenig and Nicole Ball



Volume 2, Number 8
August 2007

Hedge Fund Investors More Rational Than Rash
Jeffery W. Gunther and Anna Zhang



Volume 2, Number 7
July 2007

Is Latin America Saying Adios to Market-Friendly Reforms?
William C. Gruben and Richard Alm

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Volume 2, Number 6
June 2007

Measuring the Taylor Rule's Performance
Adriana Z. Fernandez and Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy



Volume 2, Number 5
May 2007

Women at Work: A Progress Report
W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm



Volume 2, Number 4
April 2007

Fiscal Fitness: The U.S. Budget Deficit’s Uncertain Prospects
Jason L. Saving



Volume 2, Number 3
March 2007

Obstacles to Measuring Global Output Gaps
Mark A. Wynne and Genevieve R. Solomon



Volume 2, Number 2
February 2007

After the Fall: Globalizing the Remnants of the Communist Bloc
Julia K. Carter



Volume 2, Number 1
January 2007

Does Foreign Direct Investment Help Emerging Economies?
Anil Kumar



Volume 1, Number 12
December 2007

Through a Glass, Darkly: How Data Revisions Complicate Monetary Policy
Evan F. Koenig



Volume 1, Number 11
November 2007

Making Sense of the U.S. Housing Slowdown
John V. Duca



Volume 1, Number October
Laying the Foundation for a Mortgage Industry in Mexico 2007

Edward C. Skelton

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Volume 1, Number 9
September 2007

Globalization’s Effect on Interest Rates and the Yield Curve
Tao Wu



Volume 1, Number 8
August 2007

The Looming Challenge of the Alternative Minimum Tax
Alan D. Viard



Volume 1, Number 7
July 2007

How Labor Market Policies Shape Immigrants’ Opportunities
Pia M. Orrenius and Genevieve R. Solomon



Volume 1, Number 6
June 2007

Mexico’s Financial Vulnerability: hen and Now
Erwan Quintin and José Joaquín López

PDF | Spanish


Volume 1, Number 5
May 2007

Integration and Globalization: The European Bellwether
Jason L. Saving



Volume 1, Number 4
April 2007

Running on Empty? How Economic Freedom Affects Oil Supplies
Stephen P. A. Brown and Richard Alm



Volume 1, Number 3
March 2007

Apparel Exports and Education: How Developing Nations Encourage Women’s Schooling
William C. Gruben and Darryl McLeod

PDF | Spanish


Volume 1, Number 2
February 2007

Beyond the Outsourcing Angst: Making America More Productive
Thomas F. Siems



Volume 1, Number 1
January 2007

Miracle to Malaise: What’s Next for Japan?
W. Michael Cox and Jahyeong Koo



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