
Low- and Moderate-Income Survey

The Kansas City Fed's quarterly survey measures the economic conditions of low- and moderate-income (LMI) populations and the organizations that serve them.

LMI individuals have incomes below 80 percent of the area median income, which is defined as the metropolitan median income for urban residents and state median income for rural residents.

Survey results are used to construct five indicators of economic conditions in LMI communities and two indicators of the condition of organizations that serve them.

The goal is to provide service providers, policymakers and others a gauge to assess changes in the economic conditions of the LMI population over time.

The Tenth Federal Reserve District includes western Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado, and northern New Mexico.

Survey Results

2012 Low- and Moderate-Income Survey release dates

Reference period Release dates
Fourth Quarter 2011 Friday, Jan. 27
First Quarter 2012 Friday, Apr. 27
Second Quarter 2012 Friday, Jul. 27
Third Quarter 2012 Friday, Oct. 26

Participate in the Kansas City Fed's LMI Survey

Sign up to take our LMI survey.