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New York Fed to Post Agenda and Minutes of Upcoming IACFM Meeting.
Friday, December 16, 2011

NEW YORK - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as part of its ongoing efforts to increase transparency, is today releasing the agenda for the Investor Advisory Committee on Financial Markets (IACFM) meeting scheduled for December 19, 2011. Minutes of the meeting will be posted on the committee’s website at a later time.

The IACFM is one of many external committees to the New York Fed, which provides it with a range of views on relevant issues. The Bank meets regularly with a variety of market participants, economists, representatives from the small business and agriculture sectors, thrift institutions and community banks, as well as leaders from community development organizations committed to assisting the low- and moderate- income areas in its District.

The IACFM meeting agenda is now available: Investor Advisory Committee on Financial Markets

Andrea Priest
(212) 720-6139
(646) 720-6139