Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Secure Flight Update

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On August 15th, the second phase of Secure Flight will roll out. What does that mean?

It just means that in addition to making sure the name on your government ID matches your reservation, domestic airlines will also start asking for your birth date and gender. I should also point out that Secure Flight will be phased in over the next few months, so you may or may not even be asked for this information the next time you travel. The program will not be fully in place until 2010.

The Secure Flight program is a "behind the scenes" security feature that is intended to:

  • Identify known and suspected terrorists;
  • Match individuals against government terrorist watch lists keeping travel safe.
  • Facilitate passenger air travel; and
  • Protect individuals' privacy.
The biggest perk to passengers is that the program will greatly reduce the number of people who are misidentified as being on the watch list just because somebody else shares their name.

Follow the links below for a plethora of information on Secure Flight

(From the questions we’ve read, it seems that passengers are concerned they’re going to get to the checkpoint and be told they can’t fly since the name on their boarding pass is not an exact match to the name on their government ID. No worries! Secure Flight does not affect the way you are screened. The name you give the airline while booking your travel is used to perform watch list matching before your boarding pass is even issued, so small differences on IDs and boarding passes should not impact travel.)


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TSA Blog Team