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The most competitively qualified Special Agent candidates will be offered the opportunity to proceed to Phase II Testing. Before taking the Phase II tests, please review the FBI's Test Preparation Procedures.

Phase II Testing consists of the following two tests:

A passing score has been established that applies uniformly to all applicants taking the Phase II Testing. There is one passing score that is based on the combined results of the Structured Interview and the Written Exercise. The interview is weighted three times as much as the written exercise. All candidates will receive a letter stating whether they passed or failed Phase II Testing. Actual test scores are not disseminated. Candidates who do not pass may be eligible to be retested.

Structured Interview
The Structured Interview consists of 13 standard questions and follows a standard format. The interview is administered by a panel of three Special Agents and takes approximately one hour. The three Special Agent evaluators have been trained thoroughly on how to rate candidates' performance using standardized scoring criteria. The Special Agent evaluators know nothing about the candidates other than their names. As a further quality control measure, all interviews are audio taped.

More details about the standard format for the Structured Interview

The Structured Interview measures the following critical skills and abilities:

  • Ability to communicate verbally
  • Ability to organize, plan and prioritize
  • Ability to relate effectively with others
  • Ability to evaluate information and make judgments/decisions
  • Initiative and motivation
  • Ability to adapt to changing situations
  • Honesty and Integrity

Tips for the Structured Interview

  • Be yourself.
  • The evaluators will be taking notes during the interview to assist them in documenting the results. Do not let this distract you.
  • Provide detailed information when answering the interview questions. Do not be modest in your responses. To provide the best examples of your skills and abilities, draw from all of your life's experiences (not just the most recent ones). Experiences can be from work, school, family, or social situations.
  • Remember that the interview panel has no applicant information about you. They have not seen your application. They only know your name.
  • Do not make assumptions about what the evaluators are seeking. The interview instructions are straightforward. There are no "trick" questions.

Written Exercise
During the Written Exercise portion of the testing, candidates are required to write a report based on materials provided by the test administrator. At the start of the exercise, candidates are given a set of background materials to use for this exercise. Candidates have one hour and thirty minutes to complete the Written Exercise. Candidates are reminded to write or print legibly (responses cannot be evaluated if they cannot be read).

The Written Exercise measures the following critical skills and abilities:

  • Ability to communicate in writing
  • Ability to attend to detail
  • Ability to evaluate information and make judgments/decisions

Tips for the Written Exercise

  • Read the Written Exercise instructions carefully. Make sure you understand what the exercise requires. Do not go beyond the material which is provided. That is, do not make up facts.
  • You may write on the Written Exercise materials.
  • You should ask the administrator any questions you have regarding the instructions for the test.
  • Please be detailed and thorough in the written report required in this exercise.

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