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More than 40 New Air Marshals Take to the Skies

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  • Click Here to listen to TSA Deputy Administrator Gale Rossides's speech.
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February 5, 2008

Photo from the Air Marshal's graduation

"I look forward to seeing each of you out there one day on the flight line. Be safe, stay alert and safe travels." With those words, Federal Air Marshal Thompson, the class coordinator, welcomed more than 40 new federal air marshals into the ranks of the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS).

"I like having that feeling of accomplishment, every time the plane lands safe that will be a big thing for me."
FAMS Class 801 graduate
Los Angeles Field Office

Eighteen weeks earlier, FAM candidates of Class 801 came together at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, N.M. They were a diverse group – almost 20 percent female, 10 percent prior transportation security officers and 50 percent military veterans. Some had recently earned college degrees while others were experienced federal, state or local law enforcement officers. Yet, all were dedicating their lives to detect, deter and defeat terrorists and criminal acts targeting aviation and other transportation systems.

"After 9/11 I thought I can’t imagine being one of those families … Being a federal air marshal is my opportunity to help."
FAMS graduate
Detroit Field Office

During seven and a half weeks of training in Artesia they gained knowledge and skills required of every federal law enforcement officer, including federal law, arrest procedures, and officer safety and survival. Outside the classroom, they mastered basic marksmanship and law enforcement defensive measures. Every member of Class 801 completed the course and was primed for the second phase of their training at the FAMS Training Center in Atlantic City, N.J.

"My wife worked with the American Red Cross in Alexandria, Va., on 9/11 … She has been very supportive of my career with FAMS."
FAMS graduate
New York Field Office

FAMS Training Program II – an intensive seven and a half weeks of aviation security training focused on FAM mission tactics, advanced defensive measures and advanced firearms techniques.

"We spend much of our instructional time driving these principles into our students," said FAMS Training Center Special Agent in Charge Joseph D'Angelillio."Studies of law enforcement officers involved in high stress incidents show that they immediately went back to their training to resolve the situation."

Each FAM candidate in Class 801 spent numerous hours in aircraft mockups and onboard aircraft the center maintains for training purposes.

"I joined TSA as a screener after college, [and] when the internal TSA announcement came out I applied to become a FAM."
FAMS graduate
Los Angeles Field Office
Photo of TSA Deputy Administrator Gale Rossides speaking at the Air Marshal's graduation

At a moving graduation ceremony, keynote speaker and TSA Deputy Administrator Gale Rossides reminded the class of TSA's core values of Integrity, Innovation and Team Spirit, saying in part:"We are a people who conduct ourselves in an honest, trustworthy and ethical manner at all times ... We are a people who are courageous and willing to take on new challenges. ... We are a people who have a passion for the challenge, success, and being on a winning team."

She also challenged the graduates to carry the passion and commitment they felt that day throughout their careers with TSA.

"I felt so helpless on 9/11. Instead of going to law school I became a local law enforcement officer to work my way up to becoming a federal air marshal."
FAMS graduate
Boston Field Office

FAMS Deputy Director Robert Byers then administered the oath of office to the dedicated men and women of Class 801, TSA's newest federal air marshals, who raised their right hands as family, friends and loved ones looked on.

One by one the new FAMs stepped forward to be recognized and receive their FAMS credentials. Several graduates took the opportunity to invite family members to assist Deputy Administrator Rossides and Deputy Director Byers with the presentation of credentials.

"Going through the mission training scenarios it all came together. I have confidence in myself I know I can do this."
FAMS graduate
Detroit Field Office

Within weeks the new FAMs will report to assigned field offices where they will continue to learn from veteran FAMs and supervisors. TSA’s Office of Law Enforcement/Federal Air Marshal Service is proud to welcome Class 801 into the ranks of the FAMS and wishes them all a fulfilling and prosperous career.