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College and Graduate School
Includes educational materials, current research and programs for students and teachers at the college level and beyond.

The Federal Reserve in the 21st Century: A Symposium for College Professors
This symposium, held in March 2012, on monetary policy and financial stability recently brought together over 225 college professors from around the region and the world. The annual two day event gave professors who teach economics, finance or business the opportunity to hear presentations from top Federal Reserve Bank of New York economists and senior staff and to ask them questions.


College Fed Challenge
The Challenge is a team competition for undergraduate college students inspired by the working of the Federal Open Market Committee. It is intended to encourage students to learn more about the U.S. macro economy, the Federal Reserve System and the implementation of monetary policy. It is also aimed at spurring interest in economics and finance as subjects for advanced study and as the basis for a career.

Fed Feed e-Newsletter
Sign up for Fed Feed, a periodic e-mail message to university and college professors with news, educational resources, professional development opportunities and other links of interest.

Send an e-mail to fedfeed@ny.frb.org with "Subscribe college" in the subject line.

Visit the New York Fed: Museum and Tour
Visitors learn about the Federal Reserve System's central banking functions and enter the New York Fed's vault to see and learn about the world's largest accumulation of gold.