Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama bin Laden Dead, Threat Still Very Much Alive

There's no doubt about it, the world is a better place without Osama bin Laden, and his death is a major success for the United States as well as the rest of the world. While his death is a huge blow to Al-Qaeda's terrorism network, the threat of terrorism is still very much alive.

Many of you have asked: What steps has TSA taken in light of this development? Some think we should ramp up security even more for possible retaliations and others think we should relax our procedures and do away with body scanners and the liquid restrictions. I can reassure you that we're constantly looking at current intelligence to evaluate and adapt our procedures to keep the flying public safe. Passengers may continue to notice a variety of security measures at U.S. airports to include the use of physical bag checks, random gate screening, explosives detection technology, canine teams and behavior detection officers. We ask that you remain vigilant when you travel and report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
"I commend the President and offer my gratitude to the men and women who defend and protect our nation at home and abroad, whether they wear a military or law enforcement uniform or serve as one of thousands of unsung heroes in the intelligence and homeland security community. It is true that we are stronger and safer than we were on 9/11 - not only because Osama bin Laden is dead, but because of the unflagging dedication and hard work of so many people throughout the world committed to freedom and security. ~ DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano"
Blogger Bob 
TSA Blog Team

If you’d like to comment on an unrelated topic you can do so in our Off Topic Comments post. You can also view our blog post archives or search our blog to find a related topic to comment in. If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact a Customer Support Manager at the airport you traveled, or will be traveling through by using Talk to TSA.


Anonymous said...

yeah, thank heaven for the CIA and the Navy SEALs! job well done by USA intelligence and military.

if someone just walked into JFK and said "hi, i'm osama bin laden", TSA would still have treated him the same as they do me.

SSSS for some reason said...

"...Passengers may continue to notice a variety of security measures at U.S. airports to include the use ... random gate screening..."

Isn't the Gate Area what you call the 'Sterile' Area? Why would you need, or even want, to screen someone who has already been screened to your standards to get into the Gate Area. Doesn't this create a situation where you are showing distrust in the abilities of your Agents by having to randomly screen people again?

Speaking as a passenger I know it creates a level of distrust in your staff that you can't seem to get it right the first time. And that level of distrust goes even further when your Agents give me grief for now having things in my pockets that alarm with the wand. I took them out of my pocket to go through your original screening and having completed that part of the process I returned them to my pockets where they belong.

Sandra said...

Interesting that Ms. Janet was not in the situation room at the WH as the take-out of OBL went down.

Does that mean the President doesn't have any confidence in her?

screen shot made

Anonymous said...

Just remember, Bin Laden was too a degree a product of our own foreign policies. We armed him to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, and then left him to his own devices in the aftermath. All in all, it has been a very expensive mess to clean up.

Saul said...

If the goal of the TSA is to continually keep the American public in a state of fear, you're doing a great job.

And, can you explain the rationale behind "random gate screening"? Aren't you basically saying that there is a chance that the checkpoint screening was not effective enough?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob,

Please stop these insane attempts to frighten us into allowing the TSA to violate our rights & our bodies. The TSA is, unfortunately, a failed experiment in both actual security & emotional security.

We don't believe or trust you. Individual agents, the ones we have to deal with every day, run the gamut from efficient & polite to incompetent & criminal.

The most glaring problem, besides the rules agents are required to enforce, is the lack of training. Agents aren't taught how to deal w/ the public, people with special needs, and what we citizens can do, such as videotape at checkpoints (within certain limits).

The TSA needs to foster a culture of training where their agents get the training & seek out information, rather than ignore information *from the TSA website*.

Ranger11 said...

Correction: Usama bin Ladin.

Anonymous said...

Unlike shoes, shampoo, mastectomy scars, breast prostheses, and ostomy bags, bin Laden was an actual threat, and thus no concern of TSA.

Anonymous said...

"Just remember, Bin Laden was too a degree a product of our own foreign policies. We armed him to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, and then left him to his own devices in the aftermath. All in all, it has been a very expensive mess to clean up."

I don't normally respond to these things but there is a factual error in one of the responses. Bin Laden was a very wealthy college educated Saudi. He chose to go to Afghanistan.

We did indeed support Pakistani intelligence that in turn selected which groups in Afghanistan to arm and support. Elements in the Pakistani military had a different agenda and used these groups and fund to build cells for revolution. Usama was a prime candidate for for this as he was extremely Religious and uncompromising.

This would have matter little except that we screwed up the end game of that War. To say "we" armed him "we" left him to his own devices ignores the complexities in dealing with geopolitics and all the players with different agendas.

Could we have done better? absolutely! Is it our "fault"? This is a systemic collapse that had many factors. It understand system collapse perhaps reading Peter Senge's "Fifth Discipline" would be instructive.

Anonymous said...

"Bin Laden was to a degree a product of our own foreign policies."

It all starts way before Bin Laden. Our alliance with Bin Laden comes late in our cycle of middle-eastern involvement.

In Iran in 1953 the US assassinated a religious moderate leader and put a murderous secular dictator on the throne. Finally the Iranian citizens overturned our puppet, the Shah. We then turned to another monster in the region, Saddam Hussein as an ally against Iran.

Saddam's power grew. To reign Saddam in we told him we would not interfere if he 'reclaimed' Iraq. Then we launched a war to hobble him.

Most American's prefer to be ignorant of the true, bloody role of US involvement in the middle east.

Anonymous said...

"screwed up the end game of that War."

"screwed up the end game"??? There is a long chain of US screw ups over there.

We back terrorists like the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak.

The US allying with the House of Saud, the Saudis? They are in bed with some of the worst radical Islamics, the Wahhabis.

Anonymous said...

The great success that was acheived this week by the CIA and US military are the result of professionals who have honed their skills and training over several years. Thank You and God Bless You for keeping American safe!

If only the TSA required some small amount of professional behavior and personal dignity when interacting with law-abiding taxpaying Americans...

Anonymous said...

I hate it when you guys don't answer the questions you pretend to address on this website. What an enormous waste of taxpayer $$.

Anonymous said...

The treat of violating our right of privacy and our 4th amendment rights of due process are being violated by the TSA more than Bin Laden ever did.

Anonymous said...

Please explain the steps that are being taken at Newark Airport to close deal with the recent security breaches. Where five passengers walked past security checkpoints without being stopped by TSO's. Remember terrorists only have to get lucky once.

Anonymous said...

bleat, bleat, bleat -- sheep need to be scared and the very forming of the TSA shows how much of an impact OBL the terrible (or UBL the awful) has had on the US. Every day, the TSA makes terrorists around the world proud.
Even with no specific threat, the TSA has raised its security level, filling our airports with more guns and police all champing at the bit to stomp on all of those needless civil liberties that get in the way with making us safe from ourselves. Emmanuel Goldstein is dead, long live Emmanuel Goldstein.

Anonymous said...

If the current "threat is very much alive", what on earth is the TSA doing having children work at security checkpoints???

I don't want an 8 year old child looking at my ID with a magic flashlight or peering into my bags.

There is a place for "take your children to work days", but a critical security checkpoint should definitely not be one of them.

The FAA recently suspended two controllers after they tried similar shenanigans.

Come on, guys. Are you serious or not??? How do you maintain personal passenger information and operational security with children?

I'd really love to see an actual response to this post, Bob.

TJ said...

Anonymous said...

"if someone just walked into JFK and said "hi, i'm osama bin laden", TSA would still have treated him the same as they do me."

They would have probably given him a quicker and less invasive screening, to avoid the perception of racial or religious profiling.

TJ said...

SSSS for some reason said...

"Isn't the Gate Area what you call the 'Sterile' Area? Why would you need, or even want, to screen someone who has already been screened to your standards to get into the Gate Area."

The gate screening is a measure to detect the bomb that was undetected underneath the water bottle which was detected and confiscated at the checkpoint.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to hear more about the Truster Traveler Program idea and I'm really interested in it.

If it means no scanners and no patdowns for my kids, AND I'm being given an actual option as opposed to having all of my rights and choices taken away -- well, it makes me want to hear more.

Anonymous said...

Keep us afraid so you can keep your jobs? Not working.

Jeff said...

I am more concerned with the terrorist organization that randomly forces Americans to be strip searched, randomly (unless they are women) forces Americans to be touched on their genitals, and now apparently randomly suspends the 4th amendments at train stations and other public transportation places.

There seems to be no stopping this organization.

George Vreeland Hill said...

Osama bin Laden was a coward.
He was responsible for killing thousands of people and then hid.
Cowards do that.
They hide.
It was a matter of time before they got him.
The world is a better place with him dead.
If there is a hell, then bin Laden is there.
May he rot forever.

George Vreeland Hill

Anonymous said...

"I don't want an 8 year old child looking at my ID with a magic flashlight or peering into my bags."

Children manning checkpoints. Actions speak louder than words. Airport security is a hoax.

Anonymous said...

"Threat Still Very Much Alive"
That is the key phrase. Oooooooh...I am scared!!
But, I am not stupid.
Within hours of the "death" of Osama bin Laden, the reports on the TeeVee about "security" screenings at train stations, malls and PTA meetings began. JUST AS PREDICTED.
The people became wise to the fraud in the TSA so the TSA had to come up with something to thwart this.

Here is the truth:
We are perfectly safe, except for the terrorists at the airports.

So...Osama is DEAD! [for over nine years} Now leave us alone.

Blogger Bob said...

SSSS for some reason said... Isn't the Gate Area what you call the 'Sterile' Area? Why would you need, or even want, to screen someone who has already been screened to your standards to get into the Gate Area. Doesn't this create a situation where you are showing distrust in the abilities of your Agents by having to randomly screen people again? Speaking as a passenger I know it creates a level of distrust in your staff that you can't seem to get it right the first time. And that level of distrust goes even further when your Agents give me grief for now having things in my pockets that alarm with the wand. I took them out of my pocket to go through your original screening and having completed that part of the process I returned them to my pockets belong. May 4, 2011 8:29 AM

I covered gate screening back in 2009 and most people have the same thoughts as you. However, the gate screening is simply an additional layer of security that allows us to screen anybody (including airport employees).


Sandra said...Interesting that Ms. Janet was not in the situation room at the WH as the take-out of OBL went down. Does that mean the President doesn't have any confidence in her? screen shot made May 4, 2011 9: AM

It seems to me you’re pretty good at assumptions.

Saul said... If the goal of the TSA is to continually keep the American public in a state of fear, you're doing a great job.


That’s not our goal at all. Many have been wondering if the death of OBL will result in relaxed security measures. I think I answered that question with this post.

Ranger11 said... Correction: Usama bin Ladin. May 4, 2011 10:43 AM

Depends on where you read it. According to Wikipedia, there is no universally accepted standard for transliterating Arabic words and Arabic names into English. Heck, the French media spell it “Oussama Ben Laden.”


Anonymous said... If the current "threat is very much alive", what on earth is the TSA doing having children work at security checkpoints??? I don't want an 8 year old child looking at my ID with a magic flashlight or peering into my bags. There is a place for "take your children to work days", but a critical security checkpoint should definitely not be one of them. The FAA recently suspended two controllers after they tried similar shenanigans. Come on, guys. Are you serious or not??? How do you maintain personal passenger information and operational security with children? I'd really love to see an actual response to this post, Bob. May 5, 2011 11:22 AM


Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

While what you read about or witnessed may seem odd, the children were not making any security decisions.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said ...

>> While what you read about or witnessed
>> may seem odd, the children were not
>> making any security decisions.

So I guess the kids really *were* acting just like how their parents do their job at the TSA.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

GREAT IDEA! Take your children to a vital "security" area.
Sure, have nine-year-olds running around distracting their parents from concentrating on situations where live bombs are packed in suitcases and underpants.
And certainly the blabbering of the child, or the asking of questions may cause a distraction and prevent the "security" guy from seeing that stick of TNT in a passenger's shoe.
Or maybe they allow their children to assist in the groping of buxom females.
Yes, the FEAR continues.
Why would there be a "need" to re-search passengers after going through the "effective" TSA screening in the first place?
Simple answer: Incompetence, and SECURITY THEATRE.
Just remember this...if there is a "suspicious package" inside the "sterile" area. You can be assured it was PLANTED there by someone who is able to circumvent the "security" checkpoint.

Yer paperth pleeth.

Anonymous said...

The kids were probably better behaved than all the whiny people who come through the airport.

A Ticket Agent

Saul said...

>> However, the gate screening is simply
>> an additional layer of security that
>> allows us to screen anybody
>> (including airport employees).

I'll ask it again. Are you saying that airport employees and passengers might not have been adequately screened at the checkpoint, so therefore it is necessary to screen them again as they are about to board?

I have read reports of TSOs checking passengers' boarding passes and IDs as they are boarding. These documents have already been verified at the checkpoint. Why should they be checked again as the gate?

I have also read reports of TSOs swabbing passengers' drinks at the gate. Is it possible that the bottled water or coffee purchased inside the alleged sterile area is really explosive? If not, then why perform such checks?

Please do not respond with the weak "layer of security" answer. It only makes it seem as though you are evading a true reply.

Thank you.

Blogger Bob said...

Our officers are quite capable of dealing with the many distractions that occur at airport checkpoints, so I'm sure they were fine.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

Anonymous said...

I have seen a few passengers at my counter and the checkpoint displaying far more distracting behaviors than any child I have ever seen.

A Ticket Agent

Anonymous said...

BB: "Our officers are quite capable of dealing with the many distractions that occur at airport checkpoints, so I'm sure they were fine."

Unless you wear a "TSA Wants to See Me Naked" shirt at BWI, which sends them in a tizzy and gives you a retaliatory secondary from the word go.

It's sad to see Osama is still winning even after he's dead. We don't need that First Amendment at all ...

SSSS for some reason said...

I feel for you guys, I really do.

If something happens the public will be all over you for letting it happen.

And while nothing is happening, we are all over you for what you are doing while nothing is happening.

It is almost, but not quite, the proverbial Catch 22. You've got your back against a wall because you can't really win either way.

Having said that, however, I stand by belief that your agency needs to be shutdown. The odds of a terrorist, alone or in a group, bringing down one or more planes in another September 11 type event is very, very low. And that is in spite of what you are *trying* to do to keep us safe.

The odds are against you, and public opinion will eventually turn against you too.

Keep trying because it is all you can do.

Keep trying and keep your resume up to date. The Roller-Coaster Ride your on will eventually come back to the station and you'll be directed down the ramp to the exit.

Anonymous said...

Bob, the latest TSA press release -- -- touts the benefits of passengers removing their shoes.

Even if the passenger had left his shoes on, wouldn't the knife have alarmed the metal detector as he walked through it? If so, then please explain to me again why we need to remove our shoes?

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

TJ said...
Anonymous said...

"if someone just walked into JFK and said "hi, i'm osama bin laden", TSA would still have treated him the same as they do me."

"They would have probably given him a quicker and less invasive screening, to avoid the perception of racial or religious profiling."

It just so happens that a man did just that the other day. He claimed to be Bin Laden and to have a bomb. TSA screwed that one up too, by waiting 40 mins to call police on the guy. Typical.

You can read about it here:

Anonymous said...

Saul Asked:

"I'll ask it again. Are you saying that airport employees and passengers might not have been adequately screened at the checkpoint, so therefore it is necessary to screen them again as they are about to board?"

***the real answer***
This is done to keep the populace in perpetual fear. Without which I, and others, do not have our meaningless jobs. We need to desensitize the people because eventually, we want to control all movement of the people.

Saul acked:

"I have read reports of TSOs checking passengers' boarding passes and IDs as they are boarding. These documents have already been verified at the checkpoint. Why should they be checked again as the gate?"

***the real answer***
This is done to keep the populace in perpetual fear. Without which I, and others, do not have our meaningless jobs. We need to desensitize the people because eventually, we want to control all movement of the people.

Saul asked:
I have also read reports of TSOs swabbing passengers' drinks at the gate. Is it possible that the bottled water or coffee purchased inside the alleged sterile area is really explosive? If not, then why perform such checks

***the real answer***
This is done to keep the populace in perpetual fear. Without which I, and others, do not have our meaningless jobs. We need to desensitize the people because eventually, we want to control all movement of the people.

Thanks Bob, it was a pleasure filling in for you!

Anonymous said...

I think gate screening is a good thing ,to be a possible deterrent of some of the possible criminal element already working in the airport environment.
Think of it like this.
If an airport employee can smuggle large amounts of drugs and guns on a plane for some extra tax free cash, surely, they can take a bribe , and smuggle a bomb on the plane too.
In these tough economic times bribes are common place.
Terrorist organizations already have sleeper cells implanted in various companies , waiting for that signal to wake up. Its better to be safe now , than sorry later.
Do you all understand now ?

Anonymous said...

No terrorist ever did as much damage as a tyrant. That includes Osama. It's true that he is responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people; however:

Millions of innocent people have been killed by tyrants. Entire nations have been deprived of their God-given rights. Both world wars and smaller wars have been fought by tyrants; killing millions more from free nations, as well as their own citizens.

Now millions of innocent people are deprived of their God-given rights and violated every day by the TSA. They use any excuse they can to expand their power and destroy our rights.

Tyranny is the greater threat here. How about you start protecting us by dismantling the TSA? After all the Constitution was put in place to protect us, the American people, FROM the Government. Side-stepping it in order to provide "security" is counter-productive.

Anonymous said...

"If so, then please explain to me again why we need to remove our shoes?"

We don't NEED to. The paranoid hysterics at TSA have invented a solution to a nonexistent problem. That's why Bob refuses to say how many countries require all passengers to remove footwear. Right, Bob?

Anonymous said...

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

That sums it up for me!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, isn't that sweet. The TSA is trying to keep us scared so they can keep getting our money and more power for themselves.

RB said...

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

While what you read about or witnessed may seem odd, the children were not making any security decisions.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

May 6, 2011 12:23 PM

The simple facts are that children have no place at an airport checkpoint.

Children have no right to see a persons ID or to observe the physical assault TSA forces on the public.

Take them to the training room or out on the runway but not the checkpoint.

Anonymous said...

"U.S. forces recovered a wealth of computer files, hard drives, thumb drives and electronic equipment from Osama bin Laden's Pakistan compound after his killing this past weekend, but security experts say that if the files were correctly encrypted, it will be nearly impossible for intelligence experts to ever see what is stored on them."

Okay, so how is it the White House says they know Osama's Bin Photoshopped was going to attack trains?

The phony war on terror again. Oh, Osama planned many attacks toward trains, planes, malls and automobiles. How did 'intelligence' know this?
That is a mystery or is it more specifically...


We know Osama 's been dead for years and know of the photoshopped images displayed.

The people have been conditioned to accept all the contrived fears and terror attacks and now the TSA movie company made SourceCode. This is a flik designed in perfect timing to get the people to accept the criminal groping at train stations.
Of course the movee is implausible but why should that matter?

America still has many dummies but fewer today than yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I have asked many times how are medical/cosmetic implants beneath the skin resolved if they trigger a body scan alarm?
Why will you NOT answer this reasonable question?

Anonymous said...

Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen... If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.

US v Olmstead,

With that said, does this mean we the People can adhere to the same conduct the TSA does?
Does this mean the men can grab and fondle women with impugnity?
Does this mean we can stop people on the street and demand they open their suitcases?
Does this mean we can steal laptops, digital cameras and any other thing we desire without punishment?

Bcteagirl said...

If the TSA has such a dangerous job, why on earth *would* they want to bring their children? Does the bomb squad bring their 8 year olds to watch them dismantle bombs? Of course not!

Easy answer: Because they know there is *no* real threat at the TSA checkpoints. So easily evaded by just getting a job at the airport. If there is so low a level of threat that they bring their own children to watch them confiscate water, then the TSA is utterly futile.

Anonymous said...

The government is the potent omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it teaches the whole people by its example.
Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.
To declare that the end justifies the means -- to declare that the government may commit crimes -- would bring terrible retribution.

Anonymous said...

anon said:
"Even if the passenger had left his shoes on, wouldn't the knife have alarmed the metal detector as he walked through it? If so, then please explain to me again why we need to remove our shoes?"

yes it does find large amounts of metal, but it doesnt detect non-metallic items like explosives

Anonymous said...

this whole blog is a catch 22, damned if you do, damned if you dont. its so nice of the tsa to let itself be beatup by people on seperate sides of the issue for not doing something right on either side. please go to other govt sponsered websites and see what is allowed to be on there.

Anonymous said...

"Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

While what you read about or witnessed may seem odd, the children were not making any security decisions."

I don't have kids - heck, I'm not even all that fond of 'em - but I certainly wouldn't be bringing them to a workplace where they might be exposed to serious injury or death just by standing around.

Either there is no threat, in which case TSA should be disbanded, or there is a threat and any TSA staff bringing their kid to work with them should be charged with child endangerment.

Anonymous said...

bob selectively letting posts through again. its okay i have a screen capture and will be sending in yet another complaint to the OIG and congress about TSA and its violations of the public trust and laws of this country

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said...

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

While what you read about or witnessed may seem odd, the children were not making any security decisions.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


Bob, we know that the kids weren't making decisions.

Several comments:

Am I now required to share my name, address, destination, and other private personal information with the CHILD of a TSO in order to fly?

What legal authority do you have to force me to share this information with non-sworn, non-TSA employees?

What happens to that child when one of those terrorists you keep warning us about shows up at the TDC stand with his phony ID and his weapon of choice?

If something evil did happen at a checkpoint, would that TSO be following their SOP and training, or distracted with the safety of their child?

Is this real security or real theater?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Blogger Bob said...

Our officers are quite capable of dealing with the many distractions that occur at airport checkpoints, so I'm sure they were fine.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team
Bob if TSO's are capable of dealing with distractions. Please explain why the TSA head at Newark Airport recently resigned due to 5 breaches at check points in a 7 day period. Which included passengers walking past the metal detectors without being stopped by TSO's.

Chris Boyce said...

Anonymous on May 6, 2011 at 6:56 PM said:

"this whole blog is a catch 22, damned if you do, damned if you dont. its so nice of the tsa to let itself be beatup by people on seperate sides of the issue for not doing something right on either side. please go to other govt sponsered websites and see what is allowed to be on there."

There is a simple reason for this. There is only one other government agency hated more than the TSA -- the IRS (multiple credible news sources have reported this.) The TSA, its leaders, and staff need to be held accountable -- period -- and we will not stop until this is done.

Here are some links to just a sample of websites for government agencies that add value to our every-day life and are responsive and transparent to the public they serve:

Anonymous said...

I'm still more afraid of the TSA than I am of terrorists. I still havent' flown since last October and I used to be a frequent flier. My favorite airline keeps sending me emails that they miss my patronage.

Bob, did you know there have been no hijacking or terror fatalities world wide since 9/11? Did the TSA know that since 9/11 there have been over 10K people killed in air traffic crashes due to pilot, weather, or mechanical failure? Fascinating. Where's the real danger of dying on your flight? I'm thinking, call me crazy, it's NOT TERRORISTS!

So, I'm not afraid to fly... not afraid of terrorits, not afraid of mechanical failure even though it appears that a lot of people have died in recent years due to it, I'm afraid of the TSA! This is why I haven't flown in 7 months, which is the longest I've gone without flying in TWENTY FIVE years! Wow.


rheck said...

I believe the TSA system is headed in the right direction, but will tweak and change things as time progresses. Yes, I worry about too much bureacracy getting in the way of common sense, as we have seen in the past. That fine line of security vs. personal rights/liberties can get mighty blurry.
As seen in Charlotte, the perimeters of airports have been a too neglected area, and remain very vulnerable. Again, bureacracy and not seeing the forest for the trees can be to blame....

the other RB said...

Bob said

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons.

While what you read about or witnessed may seem odd, the children were not making any security decisions.


Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

May 6, 2011 12:23 PM


did the federal prisons have the sons and daughters of the guard on the cell blocks?

ATF agents and ICE agents have their kids along on raids?

Marshall Service bring their kids out to serve warrants?

If the kiddos could be at the airport check points acting like airport security screeners, then don't try to tell us how dangerous the job is.

Anonymous said...

Our officers are quite capable of dealing with the many distractions that occur at airport checkpoints, so I'm sure they were fine.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


That's quite an assertion to be making, Bob, considering there is no way you are personally familiar with every TSO.

Do you have any evidence to support this at all, or shall we just pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?

Anonymous said...

Tyranny has always used the infirm and dregs of society to execute their most blatant acts of the same. Congrats TSA agents you are selling out you own people. How about you OPT OUT!

Anonymous said...

I am much more afraid of being sexually assaulted by TSOs than I am of a terrorist attack. I am much more afraid of a car accident than an airplane terror attack. I am actually more afraid of being struck by lightening.


Probabilities. All are more common.

Stop trying to spread fear.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob opined:
"Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons."

Thanks, Bob. Most of us are familiar with the concept. The point is that it's inappropriate. On the other hand, I doubt many noticed a difference between the highly trained TSO workforce and the kids.

If you find that it's inappropriate, contact your Representative and Senators to complain. Complaining to Bob is pointless - he's paid to repeat the company line.

Anonymous said...

What in the name of Orson Welles and Justin Bieber is a "Behavior Detection Officer"?????

Anonymous said...

Taking the kids to the airport to learn a skill like barking at passengers isn't so bad. Especially when the Boy Scouts are learning to kill people.

SSSS for some reason said...

Anonymous said...
I think gate screening is a good thing ,to be a possible deterrent of some of the possible criminal element already working in the airport airport employee can smuggle ... a bomb on the plane too....Do you all understand now ?

OK, interesting idea. Lets randomly screen passengers in case there is a 'bad apple' somewhere in the employ of the airport. If you actually wanted to deter the possible offenders who are so hard up for money that they would take a bribe to plant a bomb killing potentially hundreds of people, would it not be better to screen the workers at their entry points to the airport instead of 'random' people at the gate?

Think about the situation for just a moment... How many airport employees have you seen in the gate area? And how many of them have you seen interact with the passengers?

Then, how many airport employees do you see running around on the ground loading, unloading, fueling, and supplying the aircraft? They all have access to the aircraft, but only a couple of them have access to the passengers. If they were of a mind to do something bad, how is the nice TSA lady giving me the once-over at the gate going to make a difference?

Do YOU understand now?

TJ said...

Anonymous said...

"It just so happens that a man did just that the other day. He claimed to be Bin Laden and to have a bomb. TSA screwed that one up too, by waiting 40 mins to call police on the guy. Typical."

That's only because the TSO sent him to wait in the "bin Laden and has a bomb" additional screening line and that's just how long he was standing around.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Blogger Bob said...

Our officers are quite capable of dealing with the many distractions that occur at airport checkpoints, so I'm sure they were fine.

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team

There still appear to be quite a few easily distracted by a small hand held phone / camera. So you'll have to forgive me for not being too confident in their abilities to not be distracted by a child who is prone to ask questions, who does things (even inadvertantly) that need correcting, who decides they are "bored", etc.

As well, as others have mentioned, is this not a potential child endangerment issue? It's one thing to pass through an area where WEI are being searched for; but, quite another to stand around in that search area. Risks go up substantially for those who stay there. Or are the risks not there that make it safe for the child to be there?

I know... TSA is such a deterent that no one even tries any more, so the checkpoints are safe. And, if TSA were to not have the checkpoints, all the deterred WEI being kept out would immediately flood back in, right?

Mike E. said...

Has the TSA ever caught anyone who was actively trying to circumvent their screenings? If so, can anyone provide links to the information about these incidents?

Just curious. Thanks.

I don't think I've ever heard a story about the TSA stopping anyone who was just accidentally in violation of security. Forgot they had some item, moved too fast through the screening area, grabbed a bag too fast, whatever. It seems like all the TSA does is catch people who meant no harm to anyone and probably didn't even realize their "mistake" until they got home.

Anonymous said...

Mike E. said:
"Has the TSA ever caught anyone who was actively trying to circumvent their screenings? If so, can anyone provide links to the information about these incidents?"
it happens all the time but the news only reports negative things. how about the guy in orlando yrs back that had jetfuel? or the amount of guns found at tsa areas each week? im sure that they all "forgot" that they were in their bags...

Ayn R. Key said...

I finally understand the point of this blog entry.

The TSA is mourning the death of its godfather.

Anonymous said...

Trying to persuade the TSA about holes in their security methods is pointless, unless it's something obvious to make a big public stink. They don't actually care about security.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bob said:
"Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day has been going on for 19 years now and according to the foundation’s web page, it is designed to allow parents, guardians, and mentors to share their work lives with our nation's daughters and sons."

Were all the children required to go through a full security screening like the airline passengers before being allowed in? If not, why not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymouse said;
Millions of innocent people have been killed by tyrants. Entire nations have been deprived of their God-given rights.

Where and in what Bible or religious book does GOD any GOD give you rights.

Not in any I have read, rights were given to americans by the our fore ftahers and not to discredit them in any way but those rights delat with those times and it is about time we amend many that being said not event those rights have been violated by those of us who work for TSA. Maybe you should do some reading this summer instead of flying, then you will be better equipped to make truthful statements ion this blog, until then....

Bob Jumpers said...

Definitely agree with just what you stated. Your explanation was undoubtedly the least complicated to understand. I generally get irritated when individuals comment on matters that they plainly don’t know about. You were able to strike the nail on the head and explained everything without complication. Maybe, individuals could get a sign. Will more than likely be back to obtain even more. Cheers!!!

Terence Thomas said...

As far as ramping up security: I honestly don't believe that even more measures need to be taken to prevent terrorists attacks similar to 9-11. If there were any type of retaliation, it wouldn't be the same as something we've already seen.