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Administrator Pam Hyde to Participate in #Stopbullying LIVE Townhall Meeting

26 October 2011 2 Comments

As part of National Bullying Prevention Month, SAMHSA Administrator, Pam Hyde will be participating in What’s Trending #Stopbullying LIVE Townhall meeting on Thursday, October 27th, 6-7 p.m. EST. The Townhall will be a livestream conversation about cyberbullying and what can be done to educate and help communities around the issue.

Administrator Hyde will be participating in the conversation along with representatives from The Trevor Project, The Kind Campaign, Do Something, GLSEN, and MTV’s A Thin Line Campaign, as well as notable celebrities and personalities that will appear in studio and over Skype.

For more information and to watch the event live visit the What’s Trending web site.

There’s an opportunity to participate in the conversation now:

  • Upload a photo or video of yourself holding a sign asking people to #stopbullying
  • Share stories and ask questions over video on VYou.com
  •  Submit questions to What’s Trending via Twitter and Facebook using “#stopbullying,” that can be added to the conversation during the live event

Visit www.stopbullying.gov for bullying prevention resources.


  • Gerald Katchmer said:

    In 2008, I was employed as a Family Specialist covering adolescents with behavioral probleems due to mental health disorders as FLORIDA ENACTED THEIR BULLYING LAW.
    Florida’s bullying law is concise, comprehensive and taken seriously.
    One bit of advice that I gave vmy students was to report any harrassment, bullying and unwanted comments. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART WAS TO DOCUMENT (make a list of the day, time and person the student reported the problem to). BULLYING ALSO COVERS TEACHERS AND DISTRICT PERSONEL.

  • Youth bullying speaker said:

    I was so excited for this event and fully support the anti-bullying movement. I even posted my own submission video for the livecast they did. Incredible work!

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