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Securities Lending
The Bank provides a secondary and temporary source of securities to the financing market through a Securities Lending program to promote smooth clearing of Treasury and Agency securities. The program offers securities for loan from the System Open Market Account (SOMA) portfolio in accordance with program terms and conditions. Securities loans are awarded to primary dealers based on competitive bidding in an auction held each business day at noon eastern standard time.
Securities Lending Transaction Volume
Par value of securities lent per trading day (in millions)
Historical data are available from April 29, 1999.
Securities Lending Operations
View the details of the most recent securities lending operations, updated every trading day.
News and Announcements
Federal Reserve publishes quarterly data for discount window lending and open market transactions offsite
September 28, 2012
Statement Regarding SOMA Securities Lending Program on Thursday, April 5, 2012
March 29, 2012