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Open Market Operations
The Bank implements monetary policy primarily by conducting temporary and permanent open market operations. By buying and selling government securities, the Bank affects the aggregate level of balances available in the banking system, and thus impacts the federal funds rate.   More ››
Federal Funds
Federal Funds: Effective Rate vs. Target Rate

Note: The New York Fed discontinued publication of weekly averages of the federal funds rate as of June 30, 2004. The weekly average will continue to be available on Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.15 OFFSITE

Featured Updates
Open Market Operations: Transaction Data
Detailed data on open market, securities lending and foreign currency transactions-including, for each transaction, the date, amount, counterparty, price or interest rate paid or received, and the type and value of collateral or assets transferred. This information is provided in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and complements operational and holdings data also available on this website.

Federal Reserve single-tranche term repurchase agreements March to December 2008 offsite

Fast Facts: Single-Tranche Term Repurchase Agreements »

FAQs: Agency MBS CUSIP Aggregation »

Longer-term Treasury securities purchases FAQs
updated »
News and Announcements
Minutes of September 12-13 Federal Open Market Committee meeting offsite
October 4, 2012

Federal Reserve publishes quarterly data for discount window lending and open market transactions offsite
September 28, 2012

Statement regarding transactions in agency mortgage-backed securities and Treasury securities
September 13, 2012

Federal Open Market Committee statement offsite
September 13, 2012

New York Fed releases tentative outright Treasury operation schedule
August 31, 2012

Statement Regarding Repurchase Agreements
August 2, 2012
Domestic Open Market Operations During 2011 pdf
The annual report of the implementation of open market operations used to control the federal funds rate.
Released April 2012; 46 pages / 505 kb

New study sheds light on the liquidity of TIPS
The latest article from the New York Fed’s Economic Policy Review series, "The Microstructure of the TIPS Market," provides new evidence on the liquidity of Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) and how it differs from that of nominal Treasury securities.
December 23, 2011