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The Federal Reserve Bank of New York implements monetary policy on behalf of the Federal Reserve System, as mandated by the Federal Open Market Committee. To accomplish this, the Bank conducts temporary and permanent open market operations. Securities purchased through these operations are managed in a portfolio known as the System Open Market Account and are lent on a daily basis through the securities lending program. The Bank also implements foreign exchange policy on behalf of the System and the U.S. Treasury.
Open Market Operations: Transaction Data
Detailed data on open market, securities lending and foreign currency transactions—including, for each transaction, the date, amount, counterparty, price or interest rate paid or received, and the type and value of collateral or assets transferred. This information is provided in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and complements operational and holdings data also available on this website.

OTC Derivatives Supervisors Group
Chaired by the New York Fed, the OTC Derivatives Supervisors Group (ODSG) coordinates with other supervisors and firms committed to delivering structural improvements to the OTC derivatives market in the interest of financial stability. The ODSG works directly with market participants via the ISDA Industry Governance Committee to plan, monitor and coordinate industry progress against collective commitments made by firms.

Credit and Liquidity Programs and the Balance Sheet offsite
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System provides detailed information about the policy tools employed to address the financial crisis.

Timelines of Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis
Illustrating how events have unfolded, each entry contains a link to the original government announcement or a recent news source for additional information.
Minutes of September 12-13 Federal Open Market Committee meeting offsite
October 4, 2012

Federal Reserve publishes quarterly data for discount window lending and open market transactions offsite
September 28, 2012

Statement regarding transactions in agency mortgage-backed securities and Treasury securities
September 13, 2012

Federal Open Market Committee statement offsite
September 13, 2012