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The Federal Reserve Bank of New York offers a comprehensive benefits package. Our health, financial and lifestyle benefits are competitive with those of top employers across the country.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides employees and their families with medical, dental, prescription drug, vision and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

Medical Plans
A wide range of coverage options for your hospital, medical, and related expenses is available. The Bank offers three Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans and one HMO plan.

Prescription Drug Plan
Coverage is provided for prescription drugs, with retail pharmacy and mail-order options, at no additional premium when you join one of the Bank’s medical plans.

Vision Care
Coverage is available for eye exams and eyewear or contact lenses.

Dental Plans
Coverage is available for preventive, basic and major restorative services under two PPO plans and one DHMO plan.

Flexible Spending Accounts
A pre-tax account is available to pay for your health-related expenses not covered by our plans, as well as a similar account to cover expenses associated with such needs as daycare, eldercare, summer day camp, nursery school, and certain after-school programs.

Health & Wellness Center
Our Liberty Street, New York, and East Rutherford, New Jersey, offices have an onsite medical staff and offer an array of health services, including health and wellness education, counseling and disease prevention, disease-related screenings, maternity leave counseling and processing, emergency medical care for illness or injury, and treatment for minor medical conditions.

Onsite Fitness Center
All employees are eligible for membership in our fully equipped fitness center and wellness training classes at the Liberty Street, New York, and East Rutherford, New Jersey, offices.  Employees assigned to 3 World Financial Center are eligible to join the American Express Fitness Center located in the building.