GLOBE Student Science Symposium at the 16th Annual Meeting

Goal: Highlight GLOBE student research at the 2012 GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting

Who: GLOBE Student teams recently completing research investigations.
What: The GLOBE Student Science Symposium is a celebration of student research. Each GLOBE Partner (Country Coordinator and U.S. Partner) may nominate one school or project for participations. Teams of up to three students will share their research project with the GLOBE community during the Annual Partner Meeting (16-20 July) either virtually or in-person. In future years, we hope this opportunity will inspire all GLOBE partners to conduct your own annual science fair competition in advance of the Student Science Symposium call for nominations.
When: Nominations from Partners are due no later than 15 May 2012. (nomination information below)
The Student Science Symposium will take place 16 and 17 July 2012 during the poster sessions of the GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting.
Presentations: Student research project presentations will take place during the GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting (16-20 July) either virtually or in-person. In-person projects will be shared during the Partner Meeting poster session on 16 or 17 July. All travel for in-person presentations must be provided by the Partner or school. The GLOBE Program Office is not able to support travel costs or expenses associated with attending the meeting. Student teams unable to attend in person will participate through a virtual poster session during the Annual Meeting via a pre-recorded presentation on display during the poster session. Students need not be available to present virtually during the sessions.
Nomination Criteria: Nominations may be submitted immediately and no later than 15 May 2012.
Send nominations directly to the GLOBE Science and Education Division via
One nomination per Partner will be accepted. In the cases where more than one nomination is received from a Partner, the first submission will be the one accepted.
In your nomination, please include:
  • GLOBE School Name
  • Presentation Title
  • Presentation Abstract (short, 25 word description)
  • A copy of the presentation
  • Student name(s)
  • Teacher name(s)
  • Also indicate if you anticipate your nominated student team will be presenting in person or virtually.
Additional nomination guidelines:
  1. Each Partner (Country Coordinator and U.S. Partner) may nominate one student project.
  2. Student Projects must include GLOBE-focused student research and include GLOBE data.
  3. A narrated PowerPoint presentation outlining the student project shall be submitted.
  4. Presentations shall include a title slide identifying students, teacher, school, and country.
  5. Presentations shall include all key components of a scientific research project using the scientific method following the Intel Science and Engineering Fair rules found here:
  6. Non-English narrations must provide subtitles or explanatory text in the presentation.
  7. Climate-focused projects and projects using GLOBE data are highly encouraged.


Questions should be directed to