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Inflation Targeting Resources from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

President Bullard's Remarks on Inflation Targeting

"Inflation targeting in the U.S. will be flexible, matching a desire to keep inflation low and stable in the long run with the challenge of providing some business cycle stabilization in the shorter term."

Source: "Inflation Targeting in the USA"
Speech, February 6, 2012. Delivered at the Union League Club of Chicago, Breakfast@65West, Chicago, Ill.

More on President Bullard's remarks

Articles and Commentary on Inflation Targeting

Conferences and Proceedings on Inflation Targeting

"Reflections on Monetary Policy 25 Years After October 1979"
A Conference in Honor of the 25th Anniversary of October 1979 Change in Operating Procedures. Proceedings published in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, March/April 2005 (Part 2).

More conferences and proceedings

St. Louis Fed Working Papers on Inflation Targeting

"Euro Membership as a U.K. Monetary Policy Option: Results from a Structural Model"
by Riccardo DiCecio and Edward Nelson, Working Paper 2009-012A, March 2009. Published: Chapter 11 in Europe and the Euro, Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi, eds., University of Chicago Press, 2010.

More working papers