
Bank earnings rising again

Ninth District Bank Facts

Published July 1, 1992  |  July 1992 issue

Each year the Banking Supervision Department of the Minneapolis Fed prepares a report on the conditions of Ninth District banks. The following summary, from a report by Melvin Burstein, senior vice president and general counsel, details the banks' 1991 performance.

The overall earnings of Ninth District banks improved in 1991, after dipping slightly in 1990. An earnings decline at large district banks restrained last year's gain. Nevertheless, the overall condition of Ninth District banks continued to improve from the low reached in 1986.

Ninth District bank facts

  • There are 1,160 commercial banks in the Ninth Federal Reserve District ranging in size from $3 million to $13 billion in assets. The number has declined in each of the last 12 years, falling by 266 or 19 percent.
  • The distribution of banks by states is Minnesota 602, North Dakota 149, South Dakota 123, Montana 145, northwestern Wisconsin 110 and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 34.
  • The Minneapolis/St. Paul MSA (metropolitan statistical area) has the largest concentration of banks and banking assets in the district. It includes 134 banks with combined assets totaling $34.1 billion, or 39 percent of the district's banking assets.
  • Forty-one percent of the banks in the Ninth District are under $25 million in assets, while just over 2 percent are over $300 million in assets. Forty-four percent of the district's assets are in banks with over $300 million in assets.
  • Bank asset distribution by state is Minnesota 62 percent, Montana 9 percent, North Dakota 9 percent, South Dakota 11 percent, northwestern Wisconsin 7 percent and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 3 percent.
