National Consumer Protection Week 2004
"Your Personal Information: Who Has It & How Safe Is It?"

Tuesday, February 24, 2004
8:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston hosted the 14th Annual National Consumer Protection Week Conference, a symposium for consumer professionals, on Tuesday, February 24, 2004. This conference was open to consumer advocates; social workers; elder service providers; community group representatives; state, city, town and government officials, and other professionals who serve as consumer information resources. Presentations are available as portable document format (PDF) files. Adobe's free Acrobat Reader software is required to view and print PDFs.

The Agenda

8:15 AM

Registration and Coffee

8:55 AM

Marilyn E. Weekes, Assistant Vice President & CAO, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

9:00 AM

Opening Remarks:
Cathy Minehan, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

9:10 AM Program Overview:
Carol Lewis, Compliance Specialist & Bank Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
9:15 AM

Panel One: Regulatory Update

Carol Lewis, Compliance Specialist & Bank Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Jack Christin, Assistant Attorney General, Massachusetts Attorney General's Office

Paul Malloy, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston presentation pdf

10:00 AM Break
10:10 AM

Panel Two: Personal Financial Information: Regulatory Safeguards and Potential Pitfalls

Kerry Smith, Policy Fellow, Massachusetts Consumers' Coalition

Joan Bateman, Field Review Examiner, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Henry Liu, Vice President & Compliance Officer, Eastern Bank presentation pdf

Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Associate Director, Electronic Privacy Information Center

11:10 PM

Demonstration: Credit Card Wallet
Todd O. Burger, President & CEO, Chameleon Network Inc.
presentation pdf

11:40 PM Break
11:45 PM

Panel Three: New Technology: Pros & Cons of RFID Tracking

Edgar Dworsky, Founder, Consumer World

Mark Roberti, Founder & Editor, RFID Journal presentation pdf

Katherine Albrecht, Founder & Director, Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN)

1:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Luncheon
MA State Senator Jarrett Barrios
"A View from the State House: Where is Consumer Protection Going in 2004?"
2:00 PM Adjournment

Collaborative Partners

  • Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
  • Massachusetts Consumers' Coalition
  • Consumer World