
Oklahoma Loan Modification Scam Alert Community Summit

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Oklahoma City Branch, invites community leaders to this luncheon on identifying and preventing foreclosure scams. Participants will gain knowledge of foreclosure and loan modification scams, learn of available tools and resources, and network with service providers and community leaders engaged in this effort. This event is sponsored in partnership with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, NeighborWorks America, the Oklahoma Homebuyer Education Association and Oklahoma Assets.

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Contact Information
Steven Shepelwich
Senior Community Development Advisor

Who should attend?
This event is for leaders of civic and community organizations, financial institutions, housing assistance organizations and government entities.

Event details
Date:Friday, April 8th from 11:30 to 2:00
Address:Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame
111 E. First Street (Upper Level)
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103
RSVP: RSVP to Emerson Hall at Emhall@fdic.org by Thursday, March 31. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.
