
Payments Exchange: Albuquerque

The Payments Exchange is an additional opportunity for you to engage with Federal Reserve executives and your peers on another critical mission area for the Fed -- the future of the US payments system. The Bank's chief operating officer and senior staff will describe the technology and demand drivers of change in payments that financial institutions should consider in their own technology and product strategies. In addition, you will hear about our newest services designed to support payments risk management, assist you in meeting the global commerce needs of your customers and more. Finally, the Payments Exchange will provide you the opportunity to exchange your views and ideas with Federal Reserve executives as we continue to develop and refine our plans for ensuring a safe, efficient and accessible payments system in the years to come.

Albuquerque, N.M.

Contact Information

About the Payments Exchange

Speakers will share the latest in services to manage risk, report on activity, communicate with key customers and clear payments globally. Participants can share their views with the industry leaders, and identify ways the Federal Reserve can help meet their payment needs.


  • Barb Pacheco, Senior Vice President, Financial Services Division
  • Korie Miller, Vice President, District Financial Services


Event details
Date: November 7, 2012
Time: 3:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Location:  Hotel Albuquerque
800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, NM

Registration information
Registration is free and required. To register complete our online registration form. Registration on the day of the event opens at 3 p.m. Participants are invited to stay for the Economic Forum that follows the Payments Exchange.

For more information, contact Korie Miller.
