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Our economists produce publications and working papers of interest to policymakers, academics, business and banking professionals, and the general public.
Economic Policy Review
A policy journal focusing on economic and financial market topics
Current Issues in Economics and Finance
Concise studies of topical economic and financial issues
Second District Highlights
A regional supplement to Current Issues covering developments in the Federal Reserve's Second District
Staff Reports
Technical working papers
Most Recent Research Postings
What’s New in Research Publications
Most Downloaded Publications
Top Downloads
Publications most in demand from the New York Fed and SSRN websites
All Downloads from the New York Fed Website
Cumulative download counts for all Research Group publications
Research Update
A quarterly newsletter describing our current research
Publications and Other Research
An annual catalogue of our publications and papers
The Research Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
A guide for economists interested in joining the Bank's Research and Statistics Group
Outside Publications and Presentations
Outside Journals
A listing of staff publications in outside journals and scholarly volumes
Papers Presented
Presentations by staff economists
Press Citations of Research Publications
Research in the News
Archive of Research articles, 1963-94
Quarterly Review
An economics and finance journal published from 1976 to 1994—the predecessor to the Economic Policy Review
Monthly Review
An economics and finance journal published from 1963 to 1976—the predecessor to the Quarterly Review