Wednesday, June 27, 2012

July 4th Travel Reminder

Ah… the 4th of July is almost here. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be at home on my deck grilling brats, metts, and other assorted meats, but I’m sure some of you will be traveling. If that’s the case, here are a couple of pointers for you.
  1. Be sure to check out our summer travel tips for information on traveling through TSA checkpoints.
  2. This is your annual reminder to be sure to leave your fireworks at home and not take them on the plane. Be sure your children understand this as well... It’s an FAA violation that will get your travel plans off to a bad start.
Below are pictures of fireworks that have been found at TSA checkpoints.

Have a great holiday weekend and stay safe and be sure to check out’s Fourth of July page for all sorts of safety tips and cool information about Independence Day. Don’t let this be you. 

If you have a travel related issue or question that needs an immediate answer, you can contact us by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

and god help you if you expect some dignity for your deceased grandparent's ramains

Anonymous said...


kcunning said...

Any chance of you guys talking about the Orlando incident, where a person's ashes were spilled?

Anonymous said...

No thanks, my family will be driving for our summer vacation so we can avoid the TSA.

Flying just isn't worth it anymore. Between abuse from the TSA and abuse from the airlines, it's just too unpleasant. I remember when flying was fun. Too bad we lost that.

Anonymous said...

LONG ARTICLE! Anything longer than a sentence on spilled ashes of a loved one?

Anonymous said...

And let me add my reminder: Keep away from the intrusive, mutagenic, and, mostly, ineffective full body scanners.

Calladus said...

"I want them to help me understand where they get off treating people like this."

TSA spills Grandfather's ashes, then laughs

Anonymous said...

Bob, are you going to address the criminal act one of your TSO's committed in Florida when she desecrated human remains and then laughed about it as the poor man was scrambling around on the floor trying to pick them up?

Anonymous said...

The TSA and the Declaration of Independence.

Two entities which could not be more opposed to one another.

Rocco Privetera said...

Remember to pack your ashes properly!

Gavin said...

I would like you to comment on this story, please:

Wintermute said...

Anonymous said...
"Bob, are you going to address the criminal act one of your TSO's committed in Florida when she desecrated human remains and then laughed about it as the poor man was scrambling around on the floor trying to pick them up?"

He addressed this in another post. He says that the review showed inconsistencies between what showed up on the tape and the passenger's account of what happened. Which is a diplomatic way of calling the passenger a liar. Bob: if that's not the case, you're gonna have to expand on your other comment a little.

Also, I've noticed that comments are being approved out of order, which makes it difficult to engage in any kind of dialog. For instance, "and god help you if you expect some dignity for your deceased grandparent's ramains" was posted before "Ashes. Video. Now." but was approved after. It's not a problem when only one comment was approved previously, but when it's 50+ comments, it's easy to miss something when you're scanning for the last one you've previously read.

[screenshot taken]

Anonymous said...

Any problem taking a tripod. Plan to put it in my carry-on and it will stick out a bit.

Anonymous said...

Ashes...Ashes...they all get spilled by TSA....

Anonymous said...

Wintermute said...
He addressed this in another post. He says that the review showed inconsistencies between what showed up on the tape and the passenger's account of what happened. Which is a diplomatic way of calling the passenger a liar.

Actually, Bob never referred to 'the tape' at all. He simply said "Containers with remains (ashes) are never opened. Initial review concludes circumstances described are inconsistent with what happened.", thus basing his opinion that it didn't happen on what Official Policy says.

Of course, we all know how well TSA employees actually follow policy....

Anonymous said...

I miss America.

Anonymous said...

people complain about the tsa maybe it is not to pleasant to have someone patting you down or touching you like that but when your plane gets to where it is going without a problem that is a good thing not all tsa agents are idiots but people need to stop and think about some of the stuff they go thru too

Randy said...

@Wintermute, Where did Bob address this? All I've seen from him for the past couple of months are the Friday Illegal Items postings.

Do I need to read all of his *comments* to these articles too?


Anonymous said...

Ok, what's a mett?

More importantly is the TSA agent that dumped the persons remains going to be charged for under Florida law for abuse of the deceased?

TSA has an obligation to take all possible legal action against this screener.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

America...Land of the free and home of the brave, except at TSA checkpoints where law-abiding Americans must surrender their freedom and dignity at the behest of a government employee. We need to elect leaders who believe America must do better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"people complain about the tsa maybe it is not to pleasant to have someone patting you down or touching you like that but when your plane gets to where it is going without a problem that is a good thing not all tsa agents are idiots but people need to stop and think about some of the stuff they go thru too"

You are making an assumption that the plane arriving safely is a result of the actions of the TSA.

Bad assumption. The TSA can not, and never will, be able to keep you safe. It's a big show that doesn't actually work.

Anonymous said...

There is a CNN article about the ashes incident. The TSA is claiming there is no video available of the incident. How is that possible? That seems like a large security hole if there aren't cameras avaiable to record a screening incident at a checkpoint.

Something doesn't seem right here. If the guy with the ashes had assaulted the TSO, I bet there would have been plenty of video available. I think Bob needs to address the inconsistencies found in the investigation. This blog seems to dismiss any events that negatively affect the TSA. FOr example, Jon Corbett carrying a metal object through the body scanners was dismissed as a "crude attempt", but was never denied. Now Jon has posted video showing him passing through the checkpoint with the object and it was captured with the TSA's cameras.

Anonymous said...

Confrontation With TSA Agent Leaves Grandpa's Ashes On Floor
June 25, 2012

> John Gross, a resident of Indianapolis' south side, was leaving
> Florida with the remains of his grandfather -- Mario Mark
> Marcaletti, a Sicilian immigrant who worked for the Penn Central
> Railroad (RAIL-RELATED!) in central Indiana -- in a tightly sealed
> jar marked "Human Remains."
> Gross said he didn't think he'd have a problem, until he ran into a
> TSA agent at the Orlando airport.
> "They opened up my bag, and I told them, 'Please, be careful. These
> are my grandpa's ashes...she picked up the jar. She opened it up.
> "...So she opened it up. She used her finger and was sifting through
> it. And then she accidentally spilled it."
> Gross says about a quarter to a third of the contents spilled on the
> floor, leaving him frantically trying to gather up as much as he
> could while anxious passengers waited behind him.
> "She didn't apologize. She started laughing. I was on my hands and
> knees picking up bone fragments. I couldn't pick up all, everything
> that was lost. I mean, there was a long line behind me."
> TSA rules say a crematory container in carry-on baggage must pass
> through the X-ray machine at the security checkpoint.
> But the agency's own website says human remains are to be opened
> under “no circumstances.”

RB said...


Provide all of TSA's investigation papers so TSA can demonstrate that events are not what is being stated elsewhere.

TSA did investigate, right?

No documents, not truth!

Anonymous said...

'....Anonymous said...
Bob, are you going to address the criminal act one of your TSO's committed in Florida when she desecrated human remains and then laughed about it as the poor man was scrambling around on the floor trying to pick them up?...."

They don't seem to address any of the criminal acts at this site unless they can spin it.

kimm said...

"...Anonymous said...
and god help you if you expect some dignity for your deceased grandparent's ramains..."

God help you if you expect ANY dignity from TSA, living or dead.

Anonymous said...

Thanks TSA, you will ruin the airlines eventually. My family is driving 800 miles for the 4th.
I won't let my kids near an airport.
The terrorists wear BLUE UNIFORMS!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The TSA is claiming there is no video available of the incident. How is that possible? That seems like a large security hole if there aren't cameras avaiable to record a screening incident at a checkpoint.


That's what the TSA says when they know the video proves them wrong.


The TSA is so incompetent they don't even have video surveillance of their checkpoints.

- Either way, the TSA sucks.

Anonymous said...

And now, the TSA has screwed up AGAIN.

After being told by Congress just a few weeks ago not to search celebrities , they pull Captain Kirk himself- actor William Shatner- out of line for a search, and cause him to lose control of his pants, thus mooning those in line.

Because Captain Kirk is a terrorist, don'tcha know.

@SkyWayManAz said...

TSA has proved weekly before the William Shatner incident they are incapable of following their Prime Directive

Anonymous said...

Read the article. Shatner himself says that he was wearing extra baggy pants for a long flight to Africa with no belt and thus when he stood, the pants dropped.
Nowhere does he say it was the TSAs fault.
Having seen The Shat recently, i can tell you, he's not exactly at his fighting weight and I'm sure the baggy pants didn't help any.

Wintermute said...

Anonymous said...

Actually, Bob never referred to 'the tape' at all. He simply said "Containers with remains (ashes) are never opened. Initial review concludes circumstances described are inconsistent with what happened.", thus basing his opinion that it didn't happen on what Official Policy says.

You are correct. I assumed, perhaps, that the "initial review" would have been of video. Now, I hear that they are claiming there is no video. So what, exactly, did you review, Bob? I'd assume, perhaps incorrectly, that you would question witnesses if there is no video. So what witnesses did you question? Just your own employees, or members of the travelling public that witnessed the incident as well? Bring some transparency to the incident if you want any hope of being believed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Read the article. Shatner himself says that he was wearing extra baggy pants

"Loose" is not "baggy".

for a long flight to Africa with no belt and thus when he stood

Forced to stand by the TSA.

, the pants dropped.
Nowhere does he say it was the TSAs fault.

Except where they took his belt, made him stand for a long time being searched.

Oh, and the way they violated their own promises about not searching the elderly and celebrities.

And, of course, the issue of violating the 4th Amendment by searching you without a warrant.

Other than that, the TSA didn't do a thing.

Anonymous said...

Wintermute said...
Now, I hear that they are claiming there is no video. So what, exactly, did you review, Bob?

He reviewed TSA policy. The policy says it didn't happen, so it must not have happened.

Anonymous said...

"people complain about the tsa maybe it is not to pleasant to have someone patting you down or touching you like that but when your plane gets to where it is going without a problem that is a good thing not all tsa agents are idiots but people need to stop and think about some of the stuff they go thru too"

People are so stupid about this. I am a veteran who holds a Top Secret clearance otained as a result of extensive background investigation.

ANY time spent screening me for anything other than what might have been placed in my luggage without my knowledge is wasted. You can say that it's only fair that I'm screened or that the TSA "can't be sure" that I am who I say I am. Both are meaningless; if the TSA can't tell who I am and make an informed assessment of the threat I represent, what makes you think it can assess the "random" person in line?

Anonymous said...

Because Captain Kirk is a terrorist, don'tcha know.

June 28, 2012 9:10 PM
The Klingons think he is.
Hence Rura Penthe

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone here had a great holiday, and spent at least a little time reflecting on the significance of Independence Day.

The TSA have not merely forgotten what July 4 stands for, but are intent on eradicating what Americans fought for and won when they freed themselves from British tyranny.