Ali K. Ozdagli

photo of Ali K Ozdagli
Research Department
T: 617-973-3558
F: 617-973-4218
Ali Ozdagli's research page offsite
Primary fields of research:
Macroeconomics, financial economics, labor/human capital

Ali Ozdagli is an economist in the research deparment of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Before joining the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston he worked as a research and teaching assistant at Humboldt University of Berlin, where he earned his M.A. degree in economics and management science, and at the University of Chicago, where he earned his Ph.D. degree in economics. His research focuses on macroeconomics, investment in physical and human capital, and the pricing of financial assets.

  • Education
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  • Fellowships &
  • Public


Ph.D. (Economics), University of Chicago, 2009

M.A. (Economics), Humboldt University of Berlin, 2004

B.S. (Industrial Engineering), Bogazici University, 2002


Work Experience

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Economist, 2009–


Refereed journal articles

"Financial Leverage, Corporate Investment, Stock Returns." Review of Financial Studies. forthcoming

Working papers and other unpublished papers

"On the Distribution of College Dropouts: Household Wealth and Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Risk," with Nicholas Trachter. FRB Boston Working Papers Series, paper no. 11-8, (2011).

"Self-Employment in the Global Economy," with Federico J. Diez. FRB Boston Working Papers Series, paper no. 11-5, (2011).

"The Distress Premium Puzzle." FRB Boston Working Papers Series, paper no. 10-13 (2010).

"Financial Leverage, Corporate Investment, and Stock Returns." FRB Boston Working Papers Series, paper no. 09-13 (2009)

"Financial Leverage, Corporate Investment and Stock Returns." Ph.D. thesis, University of Chicago, 2009.

"College Enrollment, Dropouts, and Option Value of Education," with Nicholas Trachter, 2008.

"Implications of Investment Adjustment Cost for Investment Behavior." 2007.



"The Distress Premium Puzzle." Western Finance Association Meeting, June 19 - 22, 2011.

"What Drives Dropouts in College? An Exploration of Uninsurable Risk." Midwest Macro Meetings, May 20 - 22, 2011.

"The Distress Premium Puzzle." Midwest Finance Association Meeting, March 2 - 5, 2011.

"Financial Leverage, Corporate Investment and Stock Returns." American Economic Association Annual Meeting, 2010; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 2008; University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, 2008; University of Chicago Department of Economics, various workshops, 2006–2008.

"College Enrollment, Dropouts, and Option Value of Education." Society of Economic Dynamics Annual Meeting, 2008; University of Chicago Department of Economics, various workshops, 2006–2008.

"Implications of Investment Adjustment Cost for Investment Behavior." University of Chicago Department of Economics, various workshops, 2006–2008.

Fellowships & Awards

George J. Stigler Dissertation Fellowship, 2008–2009

Institute for Humane Studies Fellowship, 2008–2009

Provost's Summer Research Fellowship, 2008

Lee Prize for Best Capital Theory/Money and Banking Field Exam, 2006

University of Chicago Unendowed Fellowship, 2004–2008

Economic Society Award, Humboldt University, 2004

Public Service

Referee: Journal of Monetary Economics

Referee: Econometrica, Review of Economic Dynamics