NEPPC- About Us

The New England Public Policy Center (NEPPC) was established by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in January 2005. The Boston Fed has provided support to the public policy community of New England for many years; NEPPC institutionalizes and expands on this tradition.

  • Overview

  • Staff
  • Visiting
  • Advisory
  • Employment and
    Internship Opportunities


Promote better public policy in New England by conducting and disseminating objective, high-quality research and analysis of strategically identified regional economic and policy issues. When appropriate, work with regional and Bank partners to advance identified policy options.

Strategic Objectives

  • Produce objective, high-quality research of an original or descriptive nature that addresses regional policy issues of importance to the Center's key audience, consistent with the Bank’s mission as it applies to the region.
  • Effectively engage and inform external constituents.
  • Use Bank and Center resources strategically.
  • Advise the Bank President.


Yolanda Kodrzycki (Director)
Darcy Rollins Saas (Deputy Director)
Alicia Sasser Modestino (Senior Economist)
Bo Zhao (Senior Economist)
Jennifer Weiner (Senior Policy Analyst)

Robert Clifford (Policy Analyst)
Angela Cools
(Research Assistant)
Julia Dennett (Research Associate)
Jingyi Huang (Research Associate)
Nina Johnson (Adminstrative Assistant)



Yolanda Kodrzycki
Yolanda is Vice President and Director of the New England Public Policy Center. In this role, she is responsible for establishing the Center’s research and outreach agenda, serving as its public spokesperson, and providing strategic and administrative direction to staff. Prior to assuming this position, Yolanda was a senior economist and policy advisor in the Boston Fed's Research Department. She specializes in regional, labor market, and public sector economics. Her research has examined diverse topics, including economic development strategies for older industrial cities, the long-term implications of job loss, the migration patterns of college graduates, causes of regional differences in educational attainment, privatization of government functions, and corporate tax policy at the national and state levels. She is a senior contributor to "Toward a More Prosperous Springfield," a multi-year commitment by the Boston Fed to support the economic revitalization of Springfield, Massachusetts. Yolanda serves as an advisor to numerous organizations with an interest in the New England and national economies. During 1991-92, she took a leave of absence from the Federal Reserve to consult for the U.S. Treasury advisory program in Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to joining the Boston Fed in 1986, she taught economics at Amherst College. A graduate of Radcliffe College (Harvard University), Yolanda received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her favorite place in New England is her farm in Sandwich, New Hampshire. Email Yolanda

Yolanda's full cv

Deputy Director

Darcy Rollins Saas
Darcy started with the New England Public Policy Center as a Policy Analyst in 2005. She was promoted to Deputy Director in 2007; in this position, she is responsible for working with the Director of the Center and its staff to develop and to implement its strategy and mission, including development of a research agenda and outreach strategy. Darcy has written on subjects ranging from regional housing policy to the costs and benefits of film tax credits in New England. She previously worked at the Maine Development Foundation, where she was an analyst for the state's annual economic indicators report and managed a community economic development program. Darcy holds a masters in public policy from Tufts University and a BA in political science from Colgate University. Darcy's favorite place in New England is Portland, Maine. Email Darcy.


Alicia Sasser Modestino
As a Senior Economist, Alicia leads research projects on regional economic and policy issues for the Center. She specializes in the fields of labor, public finance, and health economics. Her current research focuses on the labor market, migration, housing, and health care reform. Her work has appeared in journals such as Regional Science and Urban Economics, Journal of Human Resources, and Health Affairs and has been presented at the annual meetings of the American Economic Association. She holds a B.A. in mathematics and economics from Boston University as well as master's and Ph.D. degrees in economics from Harvard University where she also served as a doctoral fellow in the Inequality and Social Policy Program at the Kennedy School of Government. Prior to joining the Center, Alicia worked as an economist in the private sector and taught economics at Mount Holyoke College.  Her favorite place in New England is sailing around the islands in Boston harbor. Email Alicia.

Alicia's full cv

Bo Zhao
As a Senior Economist, Bo leads research projects on regional economic and policy issues for the Center. He specializes in urban, regional, and public economics, with research interests in state and local public finance, housing markets, and fair housing and lending. His work has been published in several academic journals such as the Journal of Urban Economics, National Tax Journal, and Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. He also made presentations at various academic meetings, including annual conferences of the National Tax Association and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Bo was selected by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation as one of 20 young scholars nationwide to participate in the 2005 Entrepreneurship Research Boot Camp. He served on the Municipal Aid Subcommittee of the Municipal Finance Task Force between 2006 and 2007.  Bo earned a Ph.D. in economics and a master's degree in applied statistics from Syracuse University. His favorite place in New England is the Charles River between River Street and JFK Street in Cambridge. Email Bo.

Bo's full cv

Policy Analysts

Robert Clifford
As a Policy Analyst, Robert conducts analysis of regional economic and policy issues for the Center. His research interests include public finance, labor economics, and income inequality. Prior to becoming a policy analyst, Robert was a Research Associate with the Center. Originally from New Hampshire, Robert holds a Masters in economics from the University of New Hampshire and a BA in economics from Keene State College. Robert's favorite place in New England is the Lake of the Clouds Hut near the peak of Mount Washington. Email Robert.

Jennifer Weiner
As a Senior Policy Analyst, Jennifer prepares analyses of regional economic and policy issues for internal and external communications. Her research interests include health policy, public finance, and labor economics. Prior to joining the Center, Jennifer performed health economics and outcomes research for a Boston-based consulting firm and conducted policy analyses for the Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy. Originally from New Hampshire, she holds a masters in public affairs from Princeton University and a BA in economics from Bates College. Jennifer's favorite place in New England is the top of West Rattlesnake Mountain in Holderness, New Hampshire. Email Jennifer.

Research Assistants

Angela Cools
As a Research Assistant, Angela conducts data analysis and research on economic and policy issues for the Center. Her research interests include public policy, economic demography, and economics of religion. Originally from Michigan, Angela received her BA from Pomona College in Economics. Angela's favorite place in New England is the Boston Harbor. Email Angela.

Julia Dennett
As a Research Associate, Julia conducts data analysis and research on economic and policy issues for the Center. Her research interests include public finance, labor economics, and political economy. Originally from Colorado, Julia received her BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Economics. Prior to joining the Center, Julia worked as an assistant economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Julia’s favorite place in New England is Nauset Light Beach on Cape Cod. Email Julia.

Jingyi Huang
As a Research Assistant, Jingyi conducts data analysis and research on economic and policy issues for the Center. Her research interests include public finance, education policy and political economy. Originally from Chengdu, China, Jingyi received her BA from Mount Holyoke College in Mathematics/Economics and History. Jingyi's favorite place in New England is the Pioneer Valley. Email Jingyi.

Administrative Assistant

Nina Johnson
As the Center's Administrative Assistant, Nina supports the operations of the Center and its staff. Nina has extensive experience in the coordination, planning and support of daily operational and administrative functions. Prior to joining the Center, Nina worked in the health care industry and for the Massachusetts Senate and the Town of Saugus. Her favorite place in New England is Provincetown in the winter. Email Nina.

The Center periodically invites researchers to serve as visiting scholars. Visiting scholars work on research about a public policy issue of relevance to New England and that complements the work of the Center.

2013-2014 Visiting Scholar Program

The Center is currently seeking applications for its 2013-2014 Visiting Scholar program. While submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis, priority will be given to applications received by September 28, 2012.

For more information about application requirements and the program, click here.

  • Current
    Visiting Scholars
  • Former
    Visiting Scholars
  • Publications by
    Visiting Scholars

Lucie Schmidt
Lucie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Williams College and a Research Affiliate at the National Poverty Center. Her research has focused on social insurance programs in the United States and on the economics of marriage and fertility decisions, and her work has been published in the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, the Journal of Health Economics, Feminist Economics, and Demography, among others. While at the NEPPC, she is studying the determinants of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) caseloads, and examining how those determinants may have changed following the passage of welfare reform in 1996. She received an A.B. in Government from Smith College, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan. Email Lucie.

Reagan Baughman
Reagan Baughman is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of New Hampshire. While visiting the NEPPC, she worked on a project on the determinants of wages, occupational selection and turnover for nursing and home health aides. Dr. Baughman specializes in the fields of health, labor and public economics and also does research on health insurance coverage for low-income families. Her work has been published in the National Tax Journal, Papers and Proceedings of the American Economic Review, Demography and the Journal of Health Economics. She holds a B.A. in economics from Drew University and a Ph.D. in economics from Syracuse University. After graduate school, she completed a two-year fellowship with the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy program at the University of Michigan. Email Reagan.

Susan Dynarski
Susan M. Dynarski is an Associate Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Associate Professor of Education at the University of Michigan. She studies and teaches the economics of education and tax policy, and has a special interest in the interaction of inequality and higher education. She has been a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research since 1999. Dynarski has studied the impact of grants and loans on college attendance; the impact of state policy on college completion rates; and the distributional aspects of college savings incentives. She has testified on her research to the U.S. Senate and the President's Commission on Tax Reform. Her research has been published in academic and policy journals, as well as featured in the popular media. Dynarski earned an AB in social studies at Harvard College, an MPP at Harvard, and a PhD in economics at MIT. Email Susan.

Judy Geyer
Judy is a Graduate Student at Carnegie Mellon University. Her areas of scholarly interest include public economics, public policy, urban economics, and labor economics. While at the Center she will finish her dissertation on the mobility of low-income households. Geyer received a BSE in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania, an MSE in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MS in Economics from Carnegie Mellon University. She expects a PhD in Economics from Carnegie Mellon University in 2012. Email Judy.

Ross Gittell
Ross Gittell is the James R. Carter Professor at the University of New Hampshire's Whittemore School of Business and Economics.   Professor Gittell’s scholarly focus involves applying economic, organizational and management theory to regional, state, and community economic development issues.  His main areas of specialization and research include entrepreneurship, sustainable development and collaborative public and private sector efforts.  While at the NEPPC he will be studying the influence of changes in energy policy on New England regional economic growth and competitiveness.  He is particularly interested in researching the influence of recently enacted energy and environmental policies in fostering private sector innovation and the development of new energy technology in the region.  Gittell received a BA at the University of Chicago in Economics, an MBA from University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in Public Policy at Harvard University. He is Vice President, forecast manager and on the board of the New England Economic Partnership and also on the boards of the Exeter Trust Company, the Foundation for Healthy Communities and Exeter Hospital. 
Email Ross

Katherine Kiel
Katherine Kiel is an Associate Professor of Economics at the College of the Holy Cross. Her fields of interest are urban and environmental economics. Her current research focuses on the impact of various kinds of pollution and land use regulations on house prices. She has also published in the areas of real estate price indices, racial discrimination in the housing market, and on the demand for environmental quality in the United States, with her work appearing in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics and other peer-reviewed journals. Katherine received her Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego and her A.B. from Occidental College. She has been awarded research grants from the Environmental Protection Agency and serves on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance. Email Katherine.

Brian Knight
Brian Knight is an Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Brown University and is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.  He previously worked as an economist in the Division of Research and Statistics at the Federal Reserve Board. He received his PhD in 2000 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his B.S. in 1992 from Miami University. Research interests include political economy and local public finance. His research has been published in American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, and Journal of Public Economics. Email Brian.

Maria Luengo-Prado
María José Luengo-Prado is an Associate Professor of Economics at Northeastern University. Her research interests include Macroeconomics and Public Economics. Her research to date has focused on understanding households' consumption and savings decisions under uncertainty and the effect of these decisions on the broader economy. In particular, she has studied the dual role of housing (and other durable goods) as consumption and savings. For example, Dr. Luengo-Prado has examined the impact of lower down payments on consumption volatility, and the role of housing on explaining the wealth distribution.  Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the International Economic Review, the Jornal of Monetary Economics,  the Review of Economics and Statistics, and the Review of Economic Dynamics.  Dr. Luengo-Prado has also written on the use of vouchers to improve education and several aspects of the airline industry.  While visiting the NEPPC, Dr. Luengo-Prado will investigate the effect of home equity loans on consumption smoothing. Dr. Luengo-Prado holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University, an M.A. in Economics from the Katholique University of Leuven, Belgium,  and a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Salamanca, Spain. Email Maria.

Robert Mohr
Robert Mohr is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of New Hampshire. His research focuses on public finance, innovation, and environmental policy. His work on New England regional issues include a study of current use property taxation and a study on the use of public-private partnerships by small and rural municipalities in New Hampshire. Robert's scholarly publications include contributions to the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Ecological Economics, and Land Economics. At the University of New Hampshire, he teaches graduate courses in microeconomic theory and public finance and undergraduate courses in microeconomics, public policy and environmental economics. Robert holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His favorite season in New England is fall. Email Robert .

Jessica Reyes
Jessica Wolpaw Reyes is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Amherst College. She specializes in the fields of public finance, labor economics, and health economics. Her current work focuses on public health and social impacts of environmental pollution, gender gaps in medicine, factors influencing judicial decision-making, and other topics in applied microeconomics. While at the NEPPC, she will be studying the effects of childhood lead exposure on school outcomes in Massachusetts. Reyes received a BA in Mathematics and Chemistry from Amherst College, a Diploma in Mathematical Statistics from Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. She is a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and her research has been published in academic journals and featured in the popular media.
Email Jessica

Katherine Swartz
Katherine Swartz is Professor of Health Policy and Economics at the Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Swartz was a senior research associate at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C. for 10 years before joining the faculty at the School of Public Health. From September 2000 through June 2001, she was a visiting scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York. Her current research interests focus on the population without health insurance and efforts to increase access to health care coverage; reasons for and ways to control episodes of care that involve extremely high expenditures; and how to pay for expanded health insurance coverage. Since November 1995, Dr. Swartz has been the editor of Inquiry, a journal that focuses on health care organization, provision and financing. Dr. Swartz’s new book, Reinsuring Health: Why More Middle-Class People Are Uninsured and What Government Can Do, was published in June 2006. The book’s proposal for government-sponsored reinsurance for people with very high expenditures is being discussed in a number of states as a policy option for expanding insurance coverage. Dr. Swartz was the 1991 recipient of the David Kershaw Award from the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management for research done before the age of 40 that has had a significant impact on public policy. Email Katherine.

Ariel Dora Stern
Ariel Dora Stren is a doctoral candidate in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, here she studies health economics and health policy. Her current research focuses on roductivity in healthcare, the role of technology and information in consumer health care ecision-making and variations and disparities in physicians’ provision of health services. Ariel graduated with the distinction Presidential Scholar from Dartmouth College with an AB in economics and completed an MA in Economics at the Free University of Berlin and Hunter College. She has worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the German Institute for Economic Research, the German Development Bank (KfW) and is currently a National Bureau of Economic Research Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Aging and Health Economics and a fellow of the Harvard Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy. Email Ariel.

Bridget Terry-Long
Bridget Terry Long is an Associate Professor of Education and Economics at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Using the theory and methods of economics, Dr. Long studies the transition from secondary to higher education and beyond. Her work has focused on college access and choice, factors that influence college student outcomes, and the behavior of postsecondary institutions. Past projects have examined the effects of financial aid programs, the impact of postsecondary remediation, and the influence of class size and faculty characteristics on student persistence. Current projects include an aid simplification study, analysis of the growing gender gap in college enrollment, and research on community colleges.

Dr. Long received her Ph.D. and M.A. from the Harvard University Department of Economics and her A.B. from Princeton University. She is a Faculty Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). She received the National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship and has been awarded numerous research grants from organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Lumina Foundation for Education, and the Ford Foundation. In July 2005, the Chronicle of Higher Education featured her as one of the "New Voices" in higher education. Email Bridget.

Philip Trostel
Philip Trostel is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Maine, where he holds a joint appointment with the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and the Department of Economics. In addition, Dr. Trostel is a Faculty Affiliate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education. He earned a PhD in economics from Texas A&M University. He has previously worked at North Carolina State University, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, University of Warwick (England), Dartmouth College, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Trostel is an applied microeconomist specializing in public finance. Most of his research focuses on higher education policy, human capital, and fiscal policy. His research has been supported by grants awarded from the National Science Foundation, American Educational Research Association, Brookings Institution, and U.S. Economic Development Administration. He has published articles in the Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Monetary Economics, National Tax Journal, Economic Inquiry, Labour Economics, Review of Regional Studies, Education Economics, and other refereed journals. In addition, he has written dozens of newspaper opinion columns and policy reports intended for general audiences. He has also made numerous appearances before committees of the Maine Legislature and on Maine television and radio stations. Email Philip.

Richard Woodbury
Richard Woodbury is an economist, an administrator with the program on aging at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and a former Representative in the Maine State Legislature.  His academic work has focused on the implications of population aging, and on the design of public and private retirement policies.  In the Maine legislature, he chaired the tax committee, as well as the joint select committee on property tax reform.  He also served on the insurance and financial services committee, and the joint select committee on future Maine prosperity.  His research as a Visiting Scholar deals with the design of state pension plans in New England, and with the political economy of recent tax reform initiatives in Maine.  He is a graduate of Williams College and received a PhD in economics from Harvard University. Email Dick.

Jeffrey Zabel
Jeffrey Zabel is an Associate Professor of Economics at Tufts University, a Research Associate at the Center for Real Estate at MIT, and a Fellow at the NYU Institute for Education and Social Policy.  His current research is in the areas of K-12 education, welfare economics, urban and real estate economics, and environmental economics.  Recent research on New England public policy issues includes affordable housing in the greater Boston area, the 1993 Massachusetts Education Reform Act, and Proposition 2 ½. Email Jeff.

Junfu Zhang
Junfu Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Clark University. He specializes in applied microeconomics. His research interests include entrepreneurship and job creation, labor market effects of business decisions, regional development, and racial housing segregation. Zhang received a B.A. from Renmin University of China and a Ph.D. in economics from Johns Hopkins University. He was a dissertation fellow at the Brookings Institution during 2000-2001. Before joining Clark University in 2006, he worked as a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. Email Junfu.


The Supplemental Security Income Program and Welfare Reform
by Lucie Schmidt, Williams College
Public Policy Discussion Paper No. 12-X (June 2012)

Childhood Lead and Academic Performance in Massachusetts
by Jessica W. Reyes, Amherst College
NEPPC Working Paper No. 11-3 (August 2011)

Unaffordable Housing and Local Employment Growth
by Ritashree Chakrabarti, IHS Global Insight and Junfu Zhang, Clark University
NEPPC Working Paper No. 10-3 (June 2010)

Spatial Competition and Cross-border Shopping: Evidence from State Lotteries
by Brian Knight, Brown University and Nathan Schiff, University of British Columbia
NEPPC Working Paper No. 10-1 (January 2010)

The Struggle for Tax Reform in Maine, 2003-2009
by Richard Woodbury, former Maine State Representative and National Bureau of Economic Research
NEPPC Discussion Paper No. 09-2 (September 2009)

House Prices and Risk Sharing
by Dmytro Hryshko, University of Alberta, María José Luengo-Prado Northeastern University and NEPPC Visiting Scholar, Bent E. Sørensen , University of Houston and CEPR
NEPPC Working Paper No. 09-3 (August 2009)

The Role of the Housing Market in the Response to Employment Shocks
by Jeffrey Zabel, Tufts University
NEPPC Working Paper No. 09-2 (July 2009)

Public-Private Partnerships, Cooperative Agreements, and the Production of Public Services in Small and Rural Municipalities
by Robert D. Mohr, University of New Hampshire, Steven Deller, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and John Halstead, University of New Hampshire
NEPPC Working Paper No. 08-4 (June 2008)

The Lengthening of Childhood
by David Deming and Susan Dynarski, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University
NEPPC Working Paper No. 08-3 (June 2008)

The Labor Market for Direct Care Workers
by Reagan Baughman and Kristin Smith, University of New Hampshire
NEPPC Working Paper No. 07-4 (November 2007)

The Impact of Wetlands Rules on the Prices of Regulated and Proximate Houses: A Case Study
by Katherine A. Kiel, College of the Holy Cross
NEPPC Working Paper No. 07-3 (November 2007)

The Fiscal Impact of College Attainment
by Philip A. Trostel, University of Maine
NEPPC Working Paper No. 07-2 (November 2007)

Do Loans Increase College Access and Choice?
Examining the Introduction of Universal Student Loans

by Bridget Terry Long, Harvard Graduate School of Education and NBER
NEPPC Working Paper No. 07-1 (November 2007)


The New England Public Policy Center’s Advisory Board advises Center staff on how to disseminate its research strategically to policy makers and thought leaders in the New England region.

  • Michael Allen, Associate Commissioner for Tax Policy, Maine Revenue Services. Michael oversees the bureau’s tax models, and their application to forecasting tax receipts and estimating the impact of proposed legislation on state revenue. Prior to becoming director, Michael was a staff economist with the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Analysis. Michael has written papers on estimating Maine’s state and local tax burden, forecasting capital gains taxes, taxpayer compliance, and property tax relief programs. Michael has taught economics at Bentley College, Boston College and Thomas College. Michael has a Bachelors in economics from the University of Vermont and Ph.D. in economics from Boston College.
  • Christopher Bergstrom, Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. The Department of Economic and Community Development develops and implements strategies to attract and retain businesses and jobs, revitalize neighborhoods and communities, ensure quality housing and foster appropriate development in Connecticut's towns and cities. Prior to assuming the Deputy Commissioner position in that department, Kip was the Executive Director of the City of Stamford Connecticut‘s Urban Redevelopment Commission. He holds Master’s degrees in city and regional planning from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and Graduate School of Design.
  • Alan Calandro, Director, Office of Fiscal Analysis, Connecticut General Assembly. Alan leads the Connecticut legislature's nonpartisan budget office, the Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA). OFA analyzes and helps develop the state's budget and revenue packages and conducts fiscal analysis of legislation and legislative proposals. Alan has previous experience as a business manager and also serves on the executive board of the National Association of Legislative Fiscal Officers. Alan holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Connecticut and a master's degree in government from the College of William and Mary.
  • Russell Dannecker, Fiscal Policy Analyst, Rhode Island Poverty Institute Russell is a fiscal policy analyst at the Rhode Island Poverty Institute, which analyzes tax and budget policies on behalf of low-income populations. Prior to joining the Poverty Institute, Russell was a member of the Rhode Island Senate Fiscal Advisory Staff, which provides information on tax policy, expenditure issues, debt approvals, and capital projects to the members of the Senate. Russell served as one of the principals on both the Revenue Estimating and Medical Caseload Estimating Conferences and during his 28 years of public service, and worked on 30 different fiscal year budgets stretching from FY1979 to FY2009. He also served for 14 years on a Statwide Planning Council .
  • John Dorrer, Director of Labor Market and Workforce Research, Building Economic Opportunity Group, Jobs for the Future.  John leads Jobs for the Future’s emerging work in the development and application of labor market information and workforce research, including helping states use longitudinal data to align their education and training investments with the needs of dynamic regional economies. Previously, John served as Acting Commissioner and Director of the Center for Workforce Research and Information at the Maine Department of Labor.  He also served as Deputy Director of workforce programs at the National Center on Education and the Economy and has consulted to the U.S. Department of Labor - Employment and Training Administration on labor market information systems development, capacity building, and workforce strategies.  He was formerly Senior Vice President of Training & Development Corporation, a Maine-based nonprofit focused on workforce and regional development. John holds a Master’s in resource economics and a Bachelor’s in economics, both from the University of New Hampshire.
  • Benjamin Forman, Research Director, MassINC. MassInc. is a nonpartisan public policy think tank. Ben coordinates the development of the organization’s research agenda and oversees production of research reports. He has authored a number of publications across a range of public policy topics central to growth and development in the Commonwealth. Previously, Ben served as a researcher at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. Ben also has both public and private sector experience. He oversaw strategic planning for the District of Columbia Department of Parks and Recreation, and worked as a consultant at Nathan Associates, a global economic development consulting firm. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics from Trinity College and a Master’s degree in city planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Michael Goodman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Policy, UMass Dartmouth’s School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement (SEPPCE) Michael is Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Policy, School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. The School of Education, Public Policy and Civic Engagement serves to mobilize and re-organize university faculty and staff to confront the economic and social challenges facing the citizens and communities of our region and the Commonwealth. Prior to Michael’s current role within the University of Massachusetts system, Michael was Director of Economic & Public Policy Research at the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute for eight years. Michael received his M.A. and Ph.D. from Boston University.
  • Curt Grimm, Deputy Director, Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire The Carsey Institute conducts policy research on vulnerable children, youth, and families and on sustainable community development. As Deputy Director, Curt helps manage the Carsey Institute and its organizational development. He also provides research guidance and oversight for several sustainable development activities. Curt earned his B.A. in Anthropology and History from the University of New Hampshire and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the State University of New York at Binghamton.
  • Jason Guilietti, Director, University of Connecticut Alumni Relations. Jason is responsible for alumni relations for the School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, and the UConn Health Center.  Prior to joining the University of Connecticut, Jason was a research economist for the Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA). Jason is currently the President of the Board of Directors for the New England Economic Partnership and President of the Hartford Area Business Economists, a chapter of National Association of Business Economics. He holds an MPA from University of Connecticut and Bachelors in political science from the University of Connecticut.
  • Kil Huh, Research Director, Pew’s Center on the States. In this role, Kil oversees the state and local fiscal research agenda in the Pew Center on the States’ Research and Information unit, and he is leading the Center’s new project on states’ fiscal health. He oversees project teams of researchers, policy analysts, journalists and consultants to conceptualize, design and implement research and analysis across 50 states that inform state policy-focused efforts on a wide range of issues including. Kil has conducted research on state tax systems, public sector retirement benefits, economic development and housing finance. He holds a bachelor of science degree in urban regional studies from Cornell University, a master’s degree in urban planning from New York University and both a master’s degree in philosophy and a doctorate degree of philosophy in urban planning from Columbia University.
  • Thomas Kavet, Co-founder and President, Kavet, Rockler and Associates, LLC Tom is President of Kavet, Rockler and Associates, economic consultants offering professional services in the areas of: economics, public policy analysis, demographics, regional economic modeling, information systems and business economics. Since 1996 the firm’s principals have served as Consulting Economists to the Vermont State Legislature. Tom specializes in regional economics, public policy analysis, economic forecasting, marketing, information systems and strategic planning, primarily serving clients engaged in real estate, construction, building products manufacturing, state and federal government, and environmental information. Tom holds a B.A. in Economics from Columbia University, Columbia College.
  • Daphne Kenyon, Principal, D.A. Kenyon & Associates Daphne is the principal of D.A. Kenyon & Associates, a public finance consulting firm specializing in analysis of healthcare, education and tax policy issues. Daphne earned her B.A. in Economics from Michigan State University and both her M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan.
  • Stephen Klein, Chief Fiscal Officer, Vermont Legislative Joint Fiscal Office The Legislative Joint Fiscal Office provides non-partisan information and research services to all members of the Vermont General Assembly on revenue and budget and fiscal policy issues. In his capacity, Stephen supervises staff, works with legislative leadership in fiscal policy development and coordinates the fiscal research activities in off session periods. Stephen received his A.B. from the University of California, Berkeley, a M. A. in Urban Studies & Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his J.D. from Northeastern University School of Law.
  • Steven Poftak, Executive Director, Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Steven is the Executive Director of the The Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, which strives to improve the governance of Greater Boston by strengthening connections between the region’s scholars, students, and civic leaders.
  • Kelly Mahoney, Policy Director, Office of Rhode Island Governor Lincoln D. Chaffee.The Department provides all general services for the State of Rhode Island including: Central Management, Legal Services, Accounts and Control, Budgeting, Purchasing, Auditing, Human Resources, Personnel Appeal Board, Facilities Management, Capital Projects and Property Management, Information Technology, Library and Information Services, Planning, General Appropriations, Debt Service Payments, and Energy Resources.  Kelly is responsible for identifying opportunities to improve and coordinate functions within the Department, formulating policies that affect all departments of state government and advocating on behalf of the Department to the General Assembly.  She is also a member of Governor Chafee’s core team for implementing Performance Management and Budgeting within the Executive Branch.  Prior to joining the Department Kelly was the Deputy Director of Policy for the Rhode Island Senate.  Kelly earned her Bachelors in marine affairs from the University of Rhode Island and Masters in leadership from Northeastern University. 
  • Susan Mesner, Senior Economist, Vermont Department of Taxes  Susan oversees the department’s research and analytical work estimating fiscal impacts of tax-related proposals and federal tax changes; producing statistical and expenditure reports; and developing modeling capacity for tax reform initiatives. Susan testifies frequently to legislative committees and works closely with the Joint Fiscal Office and the departments of Finance & Management; Economic, Housing & Community Development; Education; and Public Service. Susan has served as former chair of the FTA Revenue Estimation & Tax Research section and is a delegate to the Streamlined Governing Board. She received her B.A. in Economics from the University of Vermont and M.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  • Steve Norton, Director, New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies The New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies is an independent, nonpartisan organization that pursues data-based research on public policy matters, develops options, informs policy makers and advises them about choices for action. Steve holds a Masters of Public Policy, Health Economics from Georgetown University and a Bachelors degree from Wesleyan University.
  • Marion Orr, Director, A. Alfred Taubman Center for Public Policy,  Brown University.The Taubman Center’s approach to public policy and public affairs reflects Brown’s tradition of interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching and commitment to applied learning and service. Marion’s research focuses on urban politics and urban public policy, race and ethnic politics, urban school reform, and community organizing.  He has published five books and many scholarly articles.  He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Providence Plan, a large non-profit whose mission is to improve the economic and social well-being of Providence, its residents, and its neighborhoods.
  • Grant Pennoyer, Director, Maine Office of Fiscal and Program Review Grant Pennoyer is the Director of the Legislature’s Office of Fiscal and Program Review, a non-partisan staff office providing fiscal research and analysis for the Legislature. Over the years in the Office, Grant has served in several capacities including Fiscal Note Coordinator, managing the process that determines the fiscal impact of legislation on state and local governments, and Coordinator of Revenue and Economic Research. Grant received his B.A. in economics from Tufts University and his MBA from the University of Washington.
  • Barbara Raths, Deputy Treasurer, State of Maine.  In this role, Barbara oversees cash and debt management and represents the State Treasurer on authority and retirement system boards. She received the 2007 Maine State Manager of the Year Award for her outstanding leadership in public finance.  She currently serves as a member of the Bates College Board of Trustees and has previously served as the President of the State Debt Management Network, the professional organization of the issuers and managers of state debt. Barbara received an M.B.A. from the University of Southern Maine, has a Bachelors from Bates College. 
  • Craig Sandler, CEO, State House News, Massachusetts. Craig Sandler is co-owner and general manager of the State House News Service, an independent wire service covering state government and politics in depth. Craig is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
  • John Simmons, Executive Director, Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council As the Executive Director of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council (RIPEC), John and is responsible for the development, administration and promotion of an applied research and public education program on a broad range of fiscal, public policy and public administration issues affecting state and local governments. Mr. Simmons has a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Hartford and a Bachelors degree from Central Connecticut State University.
  • Navjeet Singh, Vice President, Research and Evaluation, The Commonwealth Corporation. The Commonwealth Corporation’s mission is to build upward mobility pathways for Massachusetts youth and adults to prepare for high demand careers, in concert with state and regional partners. Navjeet leads a team that determines the effectiveness of education and workforce development programs and conducts research on workforce development and labor market trends in Massachusetts. Navjeet hold an M.S. in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic, an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and a B.S. from the Indian Institute of Technology. ↑ top


Throughout the year, the New England Public Policy Center offers a limited number of internships. We look for outstanding graduate and undergraduate students to assist us with research in the fields of applied economics and public policy. Typically, interns are assigned to projects which involve quantitative and qualitative analysis and are required to independently perform data collection, statistical and econometric analysis, literature reviews, and writing tasks.

Summer Internships

Summer internships are full-time, paid, and generally last ten to twelve weeks. When a position is available, applications are solicited through the research department.

Academic-Year Internships

The Center also periodically offers academic-year internships that are unpaid and require that the student receive academic credit. Students are asked to commit to at least 15-20 hours per week for an entire semester. Please contact the Center if you are interested in an academic internship.