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Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011   Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Restoring Good Credit a First Step to Personal Economic Recovery

In the wake of the Great Recession, more Americans are turning their focus to personal financial recovery. Whether they are recovering from a setback such as unemployment or reduced income, increasing their rainy-day funds, shoring up retirement savings, reducing high-cost debt balances, or all of the above, consumers know that good credit is key to financial stability and success. Read more »

Eleventh District Nonprofits Comment on Clients' Credit Education Needs
In a recent Community Outlook Survey by the Dallas Fed's Community Development Office, several nonprofit service providers observed that credit scores were a main factor affecting low- to moderate-income clients' access to credit. Read more »

News & Events

  • In December 2010, the Center for Public Policy Priorities and RAISE Texas launched OpportunityTexas to expand asset-building products and services for low- and moderate-income Texans. This effort to help Texans "learn, earn and save" will get a boost when the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner teams up with the organizations on a public awareness campaign to improve Texans' consumer credit scores and make Texans more financially capable. Detailsoff-site
  • The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Houston Branch, will offer train-the-trainer opportunities for four financial education curriculums on Feb. 8 and Feb. 16. All four curriculums are approved for Money Week Houston educators. Money Week Houston is scheduled for April 2–9. Detailsoff-site
  • The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is partnering with Fed Banks in Atlanta, Minneapolis and St. Louis to produce Exploring Innovation: A Conference on Community Development Finance. The event will be held May 9–11 at Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis. Learning tracks will include retail products and services, the green economy, investments and equity, and financing comprehensive community development. Detailsoff-site
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