National Economy and Monetary Policy

Research, reports, data, and other resources related to the national economy and monetary policy.


  • Recent Research
  • Economic Reports and Data
  • External Data Sources

Potential Effects of the Great Recession on the U.S. Labor Market
by William T. Dickens and Robert K. Triest
Working Paper No. 12-9

Inflation Dynamics When Inflation is Near Zero
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer, Giovanni P. Olivei, and Geoffrey M. B. Tootell
Working Paper No. 11-17

The Role of Expectations in U.S. Inflation Dynamics
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
Working Paper No. 11-11

Inflation Expectations and the Evolution of U.S. Inflation
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
Public Policy Brief No. 11-4

Oil and the Macroeconomy in a Changing World: A Conference Summary
by Christopher L. Foote and Jane S. Little
Public Policy Discussion Paper No. 11-3

The Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Treasury Purchase Program
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer and Giovanni P. Olivei
Public Policy Brief No. 11-2

Do Commodity Price Spikes Cause Long-Term Inflation?
by Geoffrey M.B. Tootell
Public Policy Brief No. 11-1

The Great Recession
Video presentation by Chris Foote

Financing Constraints and Unemployment: Evidence from the Great Recession
by Burcu Duygan-Bump, Alexey Levkov, and Judit Montoriol-Garriga
QAU Working Paper 10-6

Wage Setting Patterns and Monetary Policy: International Evidence
by Giovanni Olivei and Silvana Tenreyro
Working Paper 10-8

The Sensitivity of Long-Term Interest Rates to Economic News: Comment
by Michelle L. Barnes and N. Aaron Pancost
Working Paper 10-7

The Role of Expectations and Output in the Inflation Process: An Empirical Assessment
by Jeffrey C. Fuhrer and Giovanni P. Olivei
Public Policy Brief 10-2

more research papers>

National Data Summary
U.S. data including labor markets, wages and prices, consumers, businesses, international, and gross domestic product, updated almost daily.

The President's Report to the Board of Directors
The President's Report to the Board of Directors is a summary of current U.S. economic conditions. The report highlights data that have been released since the last monthly Board of Directors meeting and summarizes their effects on the overall state of the economy.

Monetary Policy Report to the Congress offsite
The Board of Governors' report to Congress pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act.

Beige Book offsite
Published eight times per year, the Beige Book summarizes anecdotal information on current economic conditions in each Federal Reserve District gathered through reports from Bank directors and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics offsite conducts a variety of national surveys to gather data on employment, unemployment, productivity, prices and earnings. The BLS is the comprehensive source of economic information on employment.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis offsite estimates a broad range of economic variables such as income, gross domestic product, retail sales and residential construction.

The U.S. Bureau of the Census offsite provides a wealth of social, demographic and economic information. Their "Current Economic Indicators" page is a convenient index of major statistics on people, businesses and the macroeconomy.

The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation offsite provides general information to consumers and banks and publishes aggregate banking statistics each quarter. Other data on FDIC-insured institutions is updated weekly.

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council offsite is an interagency body which prescribes uniform principles, standards and report forms for the federal examination of financial institutions. Selected data from FFIEC reports is available at their web site, as well as information on the Community Reinvestment offsite and Home Mortgage Disclosure offsite Acts.